RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of a science class I took a few years back. My two favorite bits I remember were "Global warming is real and there is no debate" and the absolute batshit rants she would go on about stuff that was clearly not real.

My favorite was "Human cloning is real, and they are doing it at neighboring university", like wouldn't that be world news if that was true? Like how are you a professor of science? It was mind boggling she was saying this shit to 18 year olds.

RipleywasRightLV426 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ehh even so, that evidence will be ignored by anyone in the west and he'll go right back to being tortured or just thrown in a ditch and shot. The fact that the war crime tranny reported that he "disappeared and hasn't been seen by anyone since being captured" doesn't bode well for him.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fallout 3 also had The Pitt which for me definitely eclipsed and expanded the Tenpenny Tower arc.

It was honesty brilliant how they deconstructed the "Downtrodden freedom fighter" by showing that the rebellion was filled with assholes, had no plan to cure the people, and honestly don't know how to run the city. Every play through now I crush the rebellion because Ashur has a point. The people lived hard now under his rule, but they're building a juggernaut industrial powerhouse and when he eventually gives the reins to the people, they'll be unstoppable. Plus he has the best chance of getting a cure out there.

RipleywasRightLV426 22 points ago +22 / -0

I mean was WW2 really any different? There was years of slow build up and war before that speech and the fiery entrance of the US.

Japan was going into China in '37 and most people didn't care. Even Lend Lease which is the most similar to the what we're doing with Ukraine was almost a whole year before Pearl.

RipleywasRightLV426 12 points ago +12 / -0

When I rewatch the Phase One movies I always have to remember that because they do feel very different in tone and story then the later movies.

This happens quite a bit actually not even just with movies but in the games industry as well. Bioware being the biggest example off the top of my head.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are right there, but I don't see them taking that path anytime soon especially if that's what they need to give up. Honestly they might as well go all in at this point.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

True, but you have to win first before you set peace terms.

And the way their "counteroffensive" is going, I do not see that happening unless NATO fully steps in.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would they need to surrender though? The counteroffensive by the ukies has completely stalled and even more damning is that while they have taken some outlying villages they still haven't even hit the first main defense lines.

They have nothing to gain from surrendering, and if Crimea is the lynchpin for peace they will never ever give it up.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean we've been down this road before though, the last time it got this bad the people were so fed up they put Hitler and charge and we had the most destructive war in human history (That we know of).

We're just going to do it again.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it depends on how long it lasts, because this both hurts advertisers and the audience they would try to reach. Even if tomorrow everything was back to normal, it would definitely give them pause that the platform would do this to them with no notice.

It's very similar in concept to the whole seizing Russian assets shitshow that's going on. Yes America is one of the biggest markets and the reserve currency but if they can unilaterally steal your assets because "you did the wrong thing" would you want to keep any assets there or do business with them as a foreign nation?

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

So no one knows right now what counts as a "view" under the new limits. People seem to be locked out when they look at one twitter thread that has replies over the limit. When I logged in today, I was only had able to view one thread (Which was Musk's) before it started "limiting" me.

I'm not alone in this, there's quite a bit of discussion today and similar among alot of people. Even refreshing a page for many people is enough to hit the limit and lock the site.

RipleywasRightLV426 10 points ago +10 / -0

Rumors around right now is that they didn't pay their bills. I guess their contract with Google Cloud expired today because of their refusal to pay so I wonder if it's because of that. "Rate limit" until they pay or find a new cloud provider.

In the meantime they are probably fielding many angry phone calls from their advertisers. I mean you can't even view ads when you hit the limit, it's almost comical.

RipleywasRightLV426 12 points ago +12 / -0

I mean gloating or not are they wrong? How can you run a social media company by making it unable to be used it for any social use?

Literally reading one tweet from Musk sends you over the limit and locks you out for the day. He says it's a temporary measure but how many people and advertisers will leave in the meantime? Its fundamentally unusable right now.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does the context matter if the site is unusable though? Like I get fighting against the rampant AI scraping but when the average user can only use the site for minutes before being locked, why would ever come back? Why would any advertiser engage with Twitter if no one is able to see any ads?

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that people have bemoaned "Twitter will die" since Musk took over but this legitimately might do it.

Like you can physically lock yourself out of the site in minutes, how can that function as any kind of social media? Hilariously you can't even read Musk's own tweet about the limits if you accidentally went over.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh absolutely, even in the latest "Russian warcrime of hitting a totally civilian pizzeria", the subsequent videos showed that everyone there were soldiers speaking in American accents and wearing American combat patches.

I mean more in the broader overt sense. There's been concerning official talk about the upcoming NATO summit that ground troops will be sent into the conflict zone.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have heard tidbits similar to that on the internet in different forums. Pretty much if you meet a girl who's on birth control from the beginning you meet her, the relationship may go south quick if she ever gets off of it if you're not compatible. It's very interesting because there's so many things that probably make up attraction that we don't know about and literally throwing a wrench into natural fertility probably doesn't help at all.

RipleywasRightLV426 14 points ago +15 / -1

We'll be lucky to make it 5 years with the way things are going. They're already talking about putting ground troops into Ukraine to fight Russia and it's only a matter of time til the Pacific region is on fire again as well.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

Absolutely, exercise has had the clearest effect and benefit on every single facet of my life and my depression.

My favorite Andrew Tate thing has said was that if you're truly depressed and suicidal, give it a chance and go for a six pack. You have nothing to lose by trying and by the time you probably have a six pack you will have changed the things in your life that are making you that depressed.

RipleywasRightLV426 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not just that but there's no real study I know about the emotional effects. My ex was on and off birth control and it was like she was two completely different people when she was on and off. Her interests, preferences for food, etc like it was like I was dating two different people and I had two keep both sets of that in my head.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +10 / -1

You do know that Casino Royale is based on a novel right, the first story with James Bond at that.

And most of the things you call out (like the romance arc) are damn near verbatim from the novel? I don't think there's an attempt to undermine the character because at that point Bond is more inexperienced and the whole him being more dominant force in relationships is the result of Vesper's death and him becoming numb to relationships.

Like it's not subverting decades of established tropes when it's supposed to be the first Bond story. Even the shaken or stirred line has it's origin here and the "do I look like I give a damn" makes sense with the events of the movie at that point.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah the way we're speed running the Weimer Republic and how absolutely based and conservative the generation after Gen Z seems to be we might get one.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

Probably would be. I remember people having a similar reaction about the female Shepard from Mass Effect 3 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey along the lines "The female character is canon and everyone agrees!!l

And when they released the stats they had, 80% of people always choose the male character.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

That definitely explains things. It's just weird to me that their foothold is a PSP release from 14 years ago. As someone who used to play a lot of import releases and japanese games for the Playstation Portable adding a female mc or other routes was bog standard for most of the releases of the time.

Which makes sense, they needed something to get people to buy re-releases or portable ports.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah my generation honestly worries me sometimes. It's like the girls I see my age who will post online that they're latest relationship didn't work out because they're zodiac signs or didn't match. Like you're nearing 30, I'm sure there is other reasons it didn't work out.

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