PurplePaladin5 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I agree that Daily Wire is more interested in grift and allows themselves to be controlled opposition at times, I think there's a bit of overreaction to the highlighted sentence, because there's actually a lot of truth to it, a lot of gamers are losers, or incels. A lot aren't, and the issue of DEI destroying gaming because it's white male dominated is very real and something that all on the Right should be fighting against.

PurplePaladin5 9 points ago +9 / -0

That's because these women hate for men to have anything to call their own. If they can't force feed us feminism and male bashing, they'll burn it down rather than let us have something masculine we like.

PurplePaladin5 9 points ago +9 / -0

"I can't stay married, but it can't be my fault because nothing can be my fault, so it's Marriage, that thing that's powered humanity for Millenia, that's the problem." The final sentence in the article sums up almost all the problems of modern feminism, no one can tell a woman something that would make her feel bad, so instead, women support poor, bad, and destructive behavior. Feel good in the moment rather than help people have long-term happiness.

PurplePaladin5 1 point ago +1 / -0

BTW, it's no picnic for women either. I have a woman in her late 20's who has no idea how she can find a real man who is devoted to Catholic/Christian values. Every guy she meets is basically a practicing atheist. The last guy that asked her out said he'd go to Church with her and consider faith while he did, to which I told her meant "I'll pretend to care while I use the time to work my way into your pants". He's a good guy but she wisely passed.

PurplePaladin5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, he started doing that immediately thereafter, but the sad part is girls get fake IDs. Heck my mom ( a very Christian woman) bragged about doing it when she was a teenager and was 100% fine with my sister doing the same. Pray is pretty much all you can do. My son just hit his one year anniversary with his wife, who is a great match for him. God chastises those he loves, and, I think, seriously bitch-slaps those He really loves if they step out of line.

PurplePaladin5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, I can't tell you how much that's appreciated. It's pretty obvious this is the Devil's world when I have three young professionals living with me who all got fired, while they were the best performers at their job based on the jobs performance measurements.

PurplePaladin5 11 points ago +11 / -0

Nope not scarred by that, but scarred by the the girl he met on an adult dating site who lied that she was 18 and was actually 14 yr. He went to jail and suffered for years simply because a girl lied about her age. There is all kinds of proof, to include the girls confession that he was entrapped, but the laws (written by the Devil) require men to be omniscient and know the truth regardless of what they're told.

PurplePaladin5 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps it's time to bring arranged marriages into our culture, and start training children from their tweens how to be good husbands and wives. It doesn't happen, everybody is supposed to just naturally know how to be in a good relationship, and just like most things, relationships can use training and experience.

PurplePaladin5 8 points ago +8 / -0

Even there you can have some crazy, fanatical women. The one girl my son dated, specifically, through the Church came at him with a knife over something trivial.

PurplePaladin5 5 points ago +6 / -1

Tell him what my father told me when I was 13, pray that the Lord lead you to a good wife and help you along the way. I definitely was guided and won the lottery with my wife. I gave the same advice to both my sons. I'd love to say they followed it to the letter, but they both got married more because they were afraid they'd never find the right woman. One definitely found his soulmate. She's far from perfect but they definitely go together. The other, the jury is still out, and we have had our moments of concern that she'll bail for purely selfish reasons.

PurplePaladin5 2 points ago +2 / -0

She pretty much gets it right regarding the male gaze. What she doesn't get, is there's nothing wrong with it. If she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to watch it. Feminists insist only things they like and approve of be allowed, i.e. men have to be women, or they're scum.

PurplePaladin5 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's because Feminism has destroyed masculinity, and women desperate for a real man now think sadistic assholes are real men, so that's what they want, sad.

PurplePaladin5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Been in that situation too many times not to recognize it for what it is. My wife grew up in an abusive family, her father physical, her mother mental/emotional. Her mother's #1 tactic was to stay calm and sound "reasonable" until she got the other person to blow, thereby giving her the "moral high ground". It'll work until you see the pattern.

PurplePaladin5 10 points ago +10 / -0

It was huge. Mostly due to the breakthrough in special effects technology, but it was basically a good story. IMO I went to Return of the Jedi opening night and thought the movie sucked even then. They tried to push Stone Age vs Modern Tech and I thought it was a big fail along with the Ewoks being a big fail.

PurplePaladin5 7 points ago +7 / -0

What utter BS. I wish that looked like the worst fight I've had with my wife of over 30 years, who remains my best friend and the love of my life. Fights happen in relationships, especially between strong-willed and successful people. Talk about trying to make something seem worse than it actually is. So Candace has never had a fight like that with her husband? That guy must be one helluva a Simp.

PurplePaladin5 5 points ago +6 / -1

So if your wife who is high on hormones is 8 months pregnant, she can do or not do, and say whatever she wants and you can't do anything about it because she's pregnant? With that logic the world should be run by women in their third trimester because...she's pregnant. Next step...she's PMSing so you need to just let her do what she wants.

by folx
PurplePaladin5 28 points ago +28 / -0

So odd, I guess all those studies showing Christians (Right leaning) are the happiest group in the world must be wrong because a poorly written comic says so.

PurplePaladin5 7 points ago +7 / -0

What utter BS! Well there's one more movie I won't watch just out of principle. It's a shame because it looks like a high quality movie.

PurplePaladin5 7 points ago +7 / -0

Let's face it folks, there have been some bad characters who have sat on The Chair of St Peter. It appears Francis is another one. Thankfully, bad Popes didn't change the faith. That's the Glory of the Church and the Holy Spirit saving His Church from fallible, and even bad, humans.

PurplePaladin5 8 points ago +8 / -0

The St Malachi list numbering Popes until Pope Benedict the XVI (Francis' predecessor) looks more and more authentic every day.

PurplePaladin5 6 points ago +6 / -0

Did you see something from the Church specifically on the MRNa forbidding it? I ask because I saw something to the opposite explaining why it was okay, even if the original cells came from an aborted fetus, which from what I read, they're not sure did. The original cells came from a Scandanavian fetus who died in the early 70's. All cells used are regrown from those original ones. I couldn't believe the Church was supporting the shot, but after reading their position, I could understand.

PurplePaladin5 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well I'm glad the US Council of Catholic Bishops Disagrees. I can get a religious exemption thanks to them as they believe it is not moral to be forced. They don't have a problem with the shot, just the mandate, as it takes away your freedom.

PurplePaladin5 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sadly after watching the first episode, my son and I had to conclude we couldn't support this abomination by watching it. I've read the entire series three times, and my son twice. This could have been so good and Amazon had to crap all over it. I hope it fails hugely.

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