Retarded, smooth brain, tranny faggot goes on hissy fit, purging another retarded, smooth brain, tranny faggot from a website of groomers and fascists before 42% itself."
Retarddit is a den of failures, so watching them self destruct is the only useful thing to come out of that site.
Oh, I USED to be. Growing up with that shithole company and its shithole president. I was on the Nintendo side of the bit wars and loved everything up until the Wii, where that jap retard at the helm reveals how much of a twat he is. Instantly I went from being a dedicated Nintendo fan to hating Nintendo as much as EA and Epig. I still have all my consoles going back to the NES, including all the cart games. But fuck nintendont now and fuck shigiru even more.
Well nintendont has been total shit for the past decade, so that's hardly surprising by this point. Shigiru is the biggest failure in that company, the sooner he dies the better they will be and hopefully grow up and start making what gamers want.
Glad I play Onyx Path Exalted and the various World of Darkness instead of that shit D&D.