Lettered faggots are not gay they are posers who invaded. Real gay and bisexuals hate anyone who doesn't practice invisibility. Acceptance is to become indistinguishable from anyone else. Flaunting it is hubris and must be punished.
The fact you even have to ask this question makes me wonder if you are even paying attention to the left wing cult's subversion of normalcy. This isnt even remotely surprising. Its practically their doctrine and its a doctrine they openly preach. Damn, man...
I just ignore the noise. If it's not an indie title, I automatically default to considering the game worthless trash. Indie games are willing to take risks and be innovative or genuine. Plus most don't pander to regressives.
Today I learned there is an entire community devoted to "shipping" of the non freight kind. I don't believe I learned anything of value from this. But at least it sounds like trannies are killing themselves again so, whatever, I guess.
Indies only. I WANT to see all big studios and publishers die a horrible death and destroy all IPs they own in the process. Force ingenuity, indie solution.