This is another example of the diversity chickens coming home to roost after over 50 years of schoolteachers telling their captives that if they can't see someone who looks like them in the movies or on TV they should feel offended.
It's so fucking cynical even I'm somewhat surprised.
While presenting this radical anti-American, anti-tradition, anti-Christian troupe of activist "dancers," Dementia Joe has the nerve to say that this insult is intended as a
message "to rediscover for ourselves the simple joys of the season, from familiar songs to favorite recipes; to open the hearts with simple acts of kindness, especially to those — those going through hard times; and to strengthen the bonds with family and friends, as well as with our faith and our community; to remember we're a great nation because we're a good people."
Have to go vomit now.
A more pressing question is why some people are trying to rehabilitate Hitler's public image.
Woah! Fucking gnarly!
Anyone blaming a doctor for his addiction is a lying sack of shit. I don't care if he tells you taking 4 20 mg oxycodones a day for a month will grow your dick two inches.
Thank God changing the Constitution requires more political unanimity than will ever be possible on this issue. That's why the USG is busting its ass trying to privatize censorship.
It's won't work, thanks to some intrepid reporters who are bringing these schemes to light.
Old Ian here looks like the model for the screeching Wojack.
I'll bet he sent a copy of this to some poor woman he's trying to fuck.
Global jihad is making progress.
By all means, feminists should not reproduce. Especially the more stupid ones like this.
More people need to stop posting stupid shit on Twatter, for the sake of humanity.
Every fucking time.
I hope this starts a trend.
Let Krampus put a turd in her Kwanzaa stocking then.
This ain't a fucking club. It's not a movement, either. Who gives a shit?
P.S. It's the one place online where well-written comments are met with pretty much reasonable replies and often really intelligent, articulate conversations about damn near anything.
I'm willing to have faith in Trump to see what he does as a lame duck, when there is no pressure to get re-elected. Once his ego is healed a bit we'll see what's what.
That's probably the only way we'd get any indication of his true colors, as Trump's VP. Just like we'll see what Trump is really made of if he survives into his next term.
Even that's no guarantee, but Ramaswamy's got a good rap.
Anne Meier-Göring,
Any relation to Hermann?
The possible motivations for women proposing marriage to serial-killers in prison for life sentences have always mystified me. What's in it for them? The ultimate reform project?
Who's that guy in the upper-right? It looks like a young Doug Stanhope.
What absolutely cynical arrogance. Fuck these creeps. You made em, you keep em. Or ship them out like the Vietnamese "boat people" of some decades ago so they can wander the seven seas indefinitely.
Everything, including physical reality, is socially constructed.
This is like solipsism, but with entities multiplied.
I mean, it's probably true that what we call material reality exists for us only when we perceive it--the Schroedinger's cat/quantum (electron?) paradox--one is everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.
OK for stoned contemplation, but not a rational basis for social relations. No wonder so many people think you can just choose a sex regardless of your gonads.
Don't forget the billions for munitions used in the Ukraine and Israel Wars.
"Roastie"? Hard to keep up with the latest slang. Urban dictionary says it refers to labia's resemblance to "roast beef curtains"?!?!?!?! WTF? Who eats their roast beef so rare?
I guess the cartoonist can't draw noses.
Is the blindness flag just a white sheet on a pole? Or is it all black, in competition with the Anarchists? An eyeball with a diagonal line through it?
Holy moly. At least he was fired with a "no comment."