Self-loathing is a jewish specialty, like overbearing mothers and neurosis.
No, it's a term from chemistry. I think it applies to molecular isomers. Never use it when discussing necromorphs, especially when arguing with or about them. .
Big Latino population in LA, many of whom are very conservative Catholics. Good for them for making a stink about these degenerates.
Shut up and bring me a beer and a sandwich, bitch. And no curry on it this time or I'll throw out your Ganesha statue..
An actual Stalin apologist. The absolute balls.
God pity the poor bastard that's married to this harpy. Her vocal inflection alone would make me want to strangle her after being in her presence for about a half-hour.
Troll successful!
What's this mean? Do the multiple quotation marks indicate some sort of coded message?
I really hope Trump is elected again, just to see what the anti-Trump nutcases will attempt the second time around. Hell, I'll volunteer for his campaign:
The only option that appears to be left to them is outright assassination.
Imagine if he goes up against RFK Jr. in the election!
That would be epic!
The bullshit non-science is being used as a pretext to create totalitarian states throughout the West that must fall in line with the EU/WEF program to control the world for the benefit of a cabal of oligarchs and their vassals.
This will make zero difference to the globalist agenda, but I suppose more people might become aware of what's being done to them according to some idiotic ideas about ecology. The true believers who have already chugged the Kool-Aid will not change their fevered minds because it is a religion, the environmental "movement" is a religious crusade, just like neo-Marxist wokeness.
Plenty of RINOs have their heads between the CoC's ass cheeks as well
Not sure why but this made me LMAO. The image, I guess.
I wonder if Bishop Barron will have anything to say about this.
It used to be just called "Forestry" or "Forest Management."
I majored in it back in 1978, but flunked out because I couldn't hack statistics or organic chemistry (very bad at math).
It's a "tool" for the lazy, the stupid, and the gullible. Best case scenario: this and other tools like it are used as training wheels and abandoned when someone gets his writing chops down.
Usage suggestions are the easiest to ignore. Only the stupid the lazy or the ideologically captured will pay any attention to Word's usage recommendations. Same with grammar handbooks and their usage guides.
We've been hip to the academy's attempts to brainwash people via language prescriptions for decades. Those who aren't coerced to adopt them with threats of bad grades or bureaucratic retaliation are free to, for example, use masculine pronouns generically, make pronouns agree in number with antecedents, use "fireman" for "firefighter" and all that other horseshit.
It's true that latinos can be nazis; anyone can agree with nazi ideological principles. Even some black men follow Der Fuhrer, probably for the same reasons white people support BLM: a vague resentment that finds expression in following half-understood ideologies.
However, the term "fascist" has become meaningless, has been meaningless for decades now. It means "anyone whose political orientation I don't like."
It will grow Trump's base. This kangaroo court had some success because the trial was held deep in the heart of enemy territory, Madhattan--a leftist snake pit..
Naked under the overalls.
What law? I haven't heard.
I would like to thank the person who coined "necromorph."
My god . . . the question marks at the end of the comment are revealing. It's testing the waters. It is fishing for affirmation but it instinctively understands it's not "cool and cyberpunk" but grotesque and pathetic.
You can almost hear the gasping and panting, almost smell the titty sweat, almost feel the ground trembling.
Is anyone else reminded of Ralph Kramden's dancing on "The Honeymooners"?
but I've watched multiple families break apart because the woman got crazier and crazier after pregnancy.
Can verify. My brother married a woman, they had a son, everything was fine; they had agreed to wait and plan for another child later. Then she stopped taking her birth control pill without brother's knowledge, got pregnant, had a second child, and went completely bananas--had an affair with a former lover, began constantly bitching about my brother's 'bad habits" they had both shared from the beginning, quit her job as a telephone operator and began pleading economic hardship, finally hosed him in a divorce in which she pleaded "abuse."
Thanks for the reference. "There is nothing new under the sun. All is vanity and vexation of spirit."
"Allowed" by whom you absolute fucking tool.
It's attitudes like this that are propelling us into a totalitarian nightmare as we watch, seemingly unable to do anything about it.
If this is a popular point of view we are fucked.
Here's an opinion: The commentator who believes some nameless authority should not "allow" certain opinions to be aired needs to be tied in a sack with a feral dog and tossed into the Pacific to float away on the Humboldt Current. (A tip of the hat to HST)