Yeah, that's one thing I'll definitely have to ask around about before taking the plunge. That said, there really isn't anything I can think of off-hand that would have any reason for justifying a change or censorship- the only actual nudity is on adult characters. Unless someone decides to get REALLY degenerate and start saying stupid shit about Kaoru in the culture festival stage play (that he had to be feminized for, as his class of failures I believe is 100% boys) that doesn't belong there.
Hell, I'm considering getting a physical edition of a recent romantic comedy (that I very recently learned is getting an official English release) about two students that start engaging in S&M play for some pretty awkward reasons (The romance is REALLY FUCKING WHOLESOME). I've already read the whole thing scantalated, but with an official release, I truly have to consider supporting it.
Stop saying court. It reinforces the racist history of courts deciding black men were property!
For that matter, stop using the word judge, the people that actually made such rulings! Say magistrate instead? THAT'S WHAT THEY WERE YOU FUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!
Stop calling it copper! That's a slang for policemen, the sort of people that harassed all black people every day for centuries!
First comment was exactly what I was thinking- "Violence Interrupter" cannot possibly be a real job, especially when it comes to public streets.