Get on old VHS player and a DVD player. You can buy 3 VHS for $1 at most thrift stores and DVDs for a buck or less. There are literally decades and millions of hours of entertainment on every topic and genre created over 100 years. They are physical recordings that cannot be altered over time and were made before globohomo flattened history and the world.
Save the past because it will survive into the future. The technological present will leave no history outside of dead Ipads and heavy wall-sized bricks wherever the internet dies.
Incest is the invisible centuries-long issue with the American black population that has never been addressed because it points out at how little community and what lack of a basic value system they have.
Generation after generation of the same pool of black people fucking each other in disparate geographical areas has led to entire towns and sections of cities where everyone is literally each other's cousins. Half-brothers and half-sisters have been unknowingly having kids together accidentally for generations because they don't know their own lineage. As a result, average American black genetics are swiss cheese and that's why so many of them have such terrible degenerate issues and poor constitutions.
You got a point there. TNG was inconsistent with what was considered "bad" in similar circumstances from episode to episode. I would attribute this to the fact ST was written by many different writers, sometimes even just spec scripts, so things like characterization and values tend to be a little shaky. But nobody was thinking too hard about minute continuity back then.
Pattern recognition is the leftist's worst enemy, which is why they ignore it and why all of their plans turn to shit.
Yes, keep funnelling useless welfare eaters and low class illegals that hate all of the richer people than them in cities, expand the welfare state, after all big cities can afford it! But wait, companies are leaving because the taxes are too high, and all of the middle class and rich people left. Now I just have a concrete jungle filled with a giant population of hostile, uneducated, poor people with no actual functioning community. The buildings are crumbling, the murder rate is through the roof, and the streets are a warzone.
Whelp, better move.onto the next city and try that exact same plan again!
Which is a very funny joke since the Major is a charicature old stuffy military Empire Brit so he would find it only polite to correct the incorrect terminology, as he sees fit. What makes it funny is that he is obviously being very rude and wrong in even saying that in the first place, but that he also couldn't possibly see what he said as wrong.
The joke wasn't haha racial slurs but how out of touch the Major is while remaining oblivious to the fact.
My theory goes back to the ATF, CIA, and what the illicit drug trade really is in America: a gigantic slush fund where our supposed federal law enforcement officers are the arms dealers and drug traffickers in America. Above the law (they ARE the law), with every legal jurisdiction to obtain and transport large amounts of drugs (usually 100% profit since they're either stealing from drug dealers or take the lion's share of the $ from their connections), the ATF especially is the #1 provider of illicit drugs (and probably guns) in America.
I mean, think about it: the hundreds of millions of tons of drugs that have sailed into our shores and have been transported across our country is being accomplished by some nobody drug dealers with no help from the inside? for decades and decades? Pull the other one.
Anyway, since we cocked up our actual never-ending opium supply (Afghanistan), which who knows what the real reason for that is -- China maybe made a better offer, or will provide us with cheap fent if they get the opium fields? So this is just Economics 101: inflation and supply and demand, so the fent is getting stronger so they can sell less for more. Sorry about the shitty version of an opiate that's genociding the drug population currently, but China offered more for Afghanistan so we'll just distribute their shitty deadly synthetic drugs to you idiot dopeheads we've been raking billions off off the books cash for decades. Hey, it's not like you're gonna stop using!
Wow, what a complete clusterfuck of a project this will be. It'll be the Big Dig of the internet. But lots of money will be raised, acquired, redistributed, and eventually funneled into off-shore accounts. In a decade we'll all get the launch of the Metaverse, a $3 billion version of Pong.
Camden has an MLK and Malcolm X intersection. You have to pass it to go to the E Centre. It looks like a warzone and has looked like that for 50 years.
Problem is they're temporarily "rewarding" the diversity people so they're cheering it. Until it's a few years down the line and you're another grunt and your diversity means nothing anymore. Short term thinking. Reward diversity until it's time not to.
There's an incredibly active and interested conservative population in this country. We have no leader. We have no media. We are instantly villified and run out of town the second we rear up.
Where? Who? Tell me. Is it me? Is it you? Who will lead us?
So the population that matters and makes a positive difference in the world is shrinking while the useless eaters and morons are tripling.
You would think we would want to slow the flood of useless morons into the productive nations since quality of life is getting shittier and shittier every year while the useful people keep working harder, getting older, and becoming less inclined to want to bring people into this world. After all, you're just dooming another person into slaving away to keep the useless alive.
You would think the elites would really not want a giant population of fucking retards to rule over but want to preserve the small population that's smart and capable enough to keep all of it running profitably and smoothly. You would think.
has nothing to do with people who are genuinely intersex, and has everything to do with an application of the Marxist dialectic to another narrative, and a mechanism for exploiting instinct of middle-class
Laypeople are only aware of communism as a concept, not how it functions in action, especially in pre-revolutionary phases.
Infiltration of institutions first, followed by subversion employing Marxist dialectic wherever sphere of influence has gained dominance, the end goal being of course ultimate social division which descends into chaos. The destruction of the current system makes way for communism, when all divisive causes will suddenly be discarded violently and a system of universal equity is enforced into perpetuity by a totalitarian system.
I have not only thought of this before but about 20 (oh God) years ago had a program that downloaded entire sites so it maintained the entire infrastructure and all data that replicated the entire online experience.
Great program but I also do not remember what it was or if it would work with Internet 2.0 and all that may entail.
Gotta love the horse shoe effect.
Big difference there, Hoss. For example, women can't shoot their unaborted babies in protest, while gun owners...
Marxist propaganda technique: when you have to admit something is bad to the public, you juxtapose it with a positive. Since most of what they add "and that's a good thing" at the end is always terrible ("You'll live in a pod and own nothing," "People will eat bugs in the future, "The vaccine changes your DNA," "Yes, teenagers are dying of heart attacks from the vaccine," etc.), just tag "And that's a good thing!" and most of the fucking idiots who just read headlines will go, "Oh, that's a relief!" and continue on unaware.
You missed adding in the tweet where he thanks all of the people who reached out with constructive criticism on how he could better re-word that headline (hint: it's getting rid of the terrifying truth).
This is the main reason I've joined the fight against the insane encroaching leftist darkness: these are historically flakey people whose views align and support the fringes of society and determined to undermine white normatives in the US, who are promoting programs, projects, and concepts that will have unimaginable consequences in every direction seemingly permenantly.
When the fuck did they decide they are the absolute universal truth that have the right to determine the entire future of all peoples? Who fucking gave them that kind of power? Didn't see that in the Constitution.
But yeah, let's teach a generation that whites are the devil and guilty of all the bad things presently in everyone's life, and then rip up all of our fucking topsoil for some garbage untested useless carbon capture technology. Oh and allow every fucking person on the planet into the country, whether or not they're going to actually contribute.
Like, these are the things that will destroy our foreseeable future. This is why revolution is so closely at-hand: many people don't see themselves wanting to live in this nightmare dystopia they're promoting as a utopia, so they'll do whatever they have to to try and stop it.
This will led to a Great Schism once again, only a pretty radical, fundamental one. I say this because once the generous edifice the West built is eradicated there is only the raw bedrock, which is down to racial, religious, and demographics. Ultimately it will grind down to a last stand.
Because we brought in giant populations of people who have no interest in America aside from what benefits they can leech while they steadily march towards dominance through demographics. They are not here to assimilate, they're here to breed until they are the dominant demographic. If Muslims win this race they will erect a Caliphate and that will be the death knell for America.
Let's hope it starts soon or we will be outnumbered.
Here's how easy this was: look at the original show, see how the shots and scenes were framed, how the characters look and dress, how they talk and act and move, the editing, score, tone, and pacing.
Then do that in live-action.
Literally the easiest movie to make from a creative standpoint and instead it looks like some shit some amateur fans put together for YouTube.
Puppets that were handed power because they were told it was their turn and time for representation.
Women, minorities, LGBT, they were placed and placated because they were the die-hard grassroots leftists so they "earned" their temporary privilege. Meanwhile white man bad but also please keep working and paying for everything.
I say temporary because this is all part of a greater transition--one where NOBODY is special in any way. The end goal of Equity isn't to raise standards for everyone but lower them to a median.
Once the women, minorities, and LGBT are through ripping apart what they can of a cohesive society and culture, they will be flushed out and replaced with a manager class of whatever the dominant group is, probably Chinese.
These damn fools. They won the day by making a deal with the encroaching darkness, turning against the one group (white men) that ever actually tried to cobble together an actual free world.
They should try representing good characters and interesting stories.
I live in a state where vast tracts of it is reservation land. The natives that got the land in my state were only active in this area for a few hundred years; they took it over from another tribe that held it for like 1000 years before that. But because they held it by the time colonists discovered the land, they ultimately got claim of dominion and are now the tribe associated with the land. Meanwhile the actual original tribe that held it for a millennia got nothing.
Ultimately a lot of "native land" in the US is an arbitrary distinction since tribes only vaguely understood and enforced the concept of property rights and due to their nomadic nature never were indigenous to any specific land. Present-day land claims are based on observations of land ownership at the time of contact.
Right-wing media
AKA some fringe online message boards like this, since there is no actual right-wing media and almost all major news channels deliberately began obscuring the facts to cover for the radicalized BLM terrorist driver.
Waukesha tragedy"
A fucking insane nigger deliberately drove across barriers officials placed in a public street to run over innocents. This wasn't a fucking tornado touching down.
"with bigoted tropes"
"and baseless attacks"
How are they baseless? Violent niggers have been destroying this country over the past few years. I'd say niggers are the #1 public enemy these days when it comes to white people in America and statistics will back that up.
"on progressives and Black Lives Matter"
- Hey every progressive, now you're automatically lumped in with Black Lives Matter! Enjoy that association! 2) Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization and should be considered as such, especially by the mainstream media.
I'm sorry, did I miss the meeting where we were all supposed to immediately capitulate to and unquestionably support some violent anti-white radical nonsense like Black Lives Matter because some sports niggers and the TV says all good goys support BLM? What a retarded world we live in.
You could schedule your programming. 11 seasons can last 11 years watched once a week, along with a few other shows. For movies you could own 1000 and they would last you 3 years minimum. Watching even 1 a day with no repeats.