NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gavin McInnes used to be friends w Justin Theroux and stayed for a week at Aniston's mansion.

Her life sounded sad and hollow: living in a giant gilded cage but you can't even leave your property or go to the store or do anything like a normal person for decades.

Apparently even then, about 10+ years ago, she was sleeping like 16 hours and spent most of her waking hours exercising and keeping up her beauty routine bc that was her whole value.

Sounds pretty awful, honestly. No matter how big your house and how much stuff you have on your property, it becomes a comfortable prison. And you can't even exert yourself or deviate from your boring daily life because you need to keep as flawless as possible, as that's your only worth.

Yeah, I'll be a middle-class nobody. At least I can get a drink at my local and go out to stores and don't have to worry about whether I'm getting bags under my eyes or else my value will decrease.

NataliePortmanteau 6 points ago +6 / -0

He really sounded like a piece of shit. Abandoning two children and abandoning all responsibilities to satisfy his gross Id. These violent delights have violent ends.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

What a surprise, people who need to force reality to bend to their delusion are now perverting the word of God to conform to their delusion. There must be a Superhell waiting for these demons.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't go to theaters, they buy DVD bootlegs at the corner store or street. Do you even African-American?

NataliePortmanteau 6 points ago +6 / -0

So along with GOOP, these elitist freaks are starting to introduce and normalize their disgusting practices to the consumer.

Where the fuck is all this baby skin coming from that we can now commercialize it? And people aren't making the connection that they're literally rubbing stem cells on their skin? What a wicked world this is.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

They also forget that, although they've been going after fringe demographics for a decade+ now, there are families with men as head of household and are actually engaged with their families' lives.

We're also the ones that make the money and have an actual say in how our children are raised and what they watch. So if Dad says no Disney shit, there goes an entire family's $ for a long time, including potential vacation $ loss. Times that by a few million and that multiplies to potential billions a year of their bread and butter market, families.

Gays and militant feminists and the freak Far Left don't have families and won't be passing their culture down to their children. Disney fucked up it's unbroken generation -lines that they will feel for years and decades to come. I double Captain Marvel or Black Little Mermaid will be nostalgia for grown-up kids from today.

NataliePortmanteau 10 points ago +10 / -0

Everyone tries to take down the king.

Enjoy your shitty socialist utopia. I bet whites will have to pick up and reassemble the pieces after you burn through what little reserves we have. After hordes starve because the great unwashed masses are comprised of useless fucking idiots, they will threaten and try to force and eventually beg whites to save them.

And we will say no.

NataliePortmanteau 14 points ago +14 / -0

Well this is payback for.....things that never occurred to them personally being meted out on strangers that also had nothing to do with anything.

Black people are the most morally righteous and just people on the planet. Minus all the rape and murder and violent crime they commit and horrific things they do to each other, even their own children. They waz kangz on TV.

NataliePortmanteau 19 points ago +19 / -0


How are the parents of the children mutilated not on fire in that city? How is there not some furious father out there to bring righteous justice on the evil dancing on their pain and tragedy?

Leftists are unbelievably sick, depraved monsters.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am of the opinion Emmitt Till probably did say some shit and huwhites overreacted but Jesus tapdancing Christ it was a single incident like 70 years ago.

Do you know how many fucked up less-than isolated incidents we could associate with blacks forever?

Also: amplifying ultimately insignificant historical incidents and applying them as commonplace representations of history is a terrible postmodern tactic to distort history at will for whoever holds the lens.

NataliePortmanteau 20 points ago +20 / -0

I saw some fear-mongering anti-white article just the other day that claimed angry white radicals are the biggest danger in America, accompanied by a picture of Dylan Roof.

So one sperg kid went nuts 8 years ago and he's still the leading example of Dangerous White Men.

This fucking animal was immediately covered up after he senselessly massacred women and children just weeks before Xmas last year.

For me, this was the event that made me realize we're now at war with the shines. Finally.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0


Pretty based. Dahomey Regular army were shit and all died in combat so the KING drafted women into service. Some as young as 8.

The kingdom was super-garbage and the only way the king could possibly keep any women left alive was to let them enter the Grand Council.

Which within 20 year's time crashed.

Soundly defeated by the French, the remaining "warrior" women found readjustment to social norms difficult, if not impossible. It was a wave of old maids sweeping the streets and Spinning yarn.

So....your heroes are literally women pressed into service by men after all the men died, kept opposing armies from killing women until they no longer have a shit and massacre them, with the remaining "army" broken husks for the rest of their lives with no actual significance?

Yikes. That's a reach for "protagonists" in a "pro- black and female" movie or whatever the fuck this shit is supposed to be. Lesbian self-hate? Who knows or cares at this point. I can't believe the femmes are picking subjugated losers as role models now.

NataliePortmanteau 9 points ago +9 / -0

This isn't a Brave New World-esque trend at all, warping history and facts in Feelies into nonsense pomo mash that further obscures and confuses history, placing bizarre over-exaggerated emphasis on obscure historical points and magnifying them as if they were significant and not outliers whose history was quickly snuffed out.

There have been all sorts of social arrangements in history, for example. Why not make a movie about the isle of Lesbos? Or the Shakers? Oh, they would be white and religious, that's why.

I can't bring myself to even look closer at this shit. Could you imagine what dysgenic freaks these Amazons must have been? How ugly and gross and like-men they were?

I bet they'll depict their stupid "civilization" like it was Athens and Wakanda (bc sub-Saharan Africa never had an advanced, coherent civilization before evil Whitey came along). They were likely brutal savages that killed and ate their enemies and lived in lean-tos on the ground.

NataliePortmanteau 21 points ago +21 / -0

They're using a body part made for excrement to exit. Yes the penis and vagina also expel waste but they're also the way we procreate so natural pleasure is found for both parties when engaged in heterosexual sex.

The sensation gay men feel in their ass is the stimulated feeling you get when shitting. That feeling exists to both encourage mammals to shit and make an unpleasant task at least slightly pleasurable.

So what they're feeling is the sensation of a hard shit going in and out of their colon, stimulating the part that encourages shitting.

Of course , human shit is a gigantic vector of disease so either pitcher or catcher, you're both putting yourselves at insane risk, especially with the tissue tears on both sides anal sex leads to.

Homosexual male sex is one of the most unclean practices you could imagine. No wonder since the 80s-90s they're usually Patient 0 for most horrifying diseases.

So want a healthier life? Don't have homosexual relations with men.

:'The More You Know::

by folx
NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a difference dressing your kid in non-"gender norm" stuff (my infant daughter loves her "boy" dinosaur jammies and t-shirts as much as her dresses) and making it a thing and a "statement" that is leaning towards grooming and being a weirdo in general.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's why I live in a state with no niggers or jews.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

Welfare people will lose out, dummy. Good. Go away.

NataliePortmanteau 10 points ago +10 / -0

Secession seems certain

I agree and have been promulgating this idea for some time. The US is not the country it was 270, 150, or even 70 years ago. I would rather we do a soft balkanization where the Red States form a union that can negotiate with the Blue States contingent.

But I can also see the Blue States not liking that arrangement since Red States don't really need much from Blue States.

Waaaaait a minute, this is starting to sound awfully familiar to another civil war we had in this country....

NataliePortmanteau 11 points ago +11 / -0

"In local news, a man's body parts have been recovered after blowing up his mother's basement in what appeared to be an attempt to manufacture a pipe bomb. Investigators are still baffled by the sheer amount of women's clothing among the charred remains as he was not married and did not appear to have a girlfriend."

by folx
NataliePortmanteau 17 points ago +17 / -0

Your cats are gonna eat your face first when you die alone in your apartment.

NataliePortmanteau 14 points ago +14 / -0

I left R when NoNewNormal was banned. Deleted my 12-year old, 750k karma account , migrated over here and never went back.

That whole site is just a hug box now.

NataliePortmanteau 26 points ago +26 / -0

Natalie Portmanteau ain't stopping there if it gets to that point. Because that's not America anymore and fuck living in globohomo mohommadland.

NataliePortmanteau 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol I have a client that's a competitor and they asked if we should do any pride marketing and I said fuck no, your entire image is masculinity and appealing to hetero men. Don't appeal to a sliver of the pop and possibly alienate your base.

Laughed my ass off when I saw this. Bye bye, Everyman Jack!

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