MorbidlyCatatonic 15 points ago +15 / -0

Elites hating average people and forcing them to accept their ideology is "activism"

They'd call this "the greater good", doing this for "your best interests" or for "being on the right side of history"

MorbidlyCatatonic 14 points ago +14 / -0

"Hate campaigns" are usually when the general audience disagree or complain at an entity for how they've handled something or for their actions.

It almost always goes one way too; If its against "the message" then it'll also get classed as a hate campaign if it gets enough traction. But this doesn't apply in the other direction.

An example of their definition of a "hate campaign" is this whole SBI related garbage. So the CEO's and employees of SBI have been complaining that they've been targeted for harassment and are now actively getting their gaming outlet shills to say theres a hate campaign against them (When realistically its most likely a whole lot of pent up anger from gamers about the part they've played in ruining franchises) BUT- It isn't a Hate campaign against Kabrutus and his Steam curator group because he's helping highlight the issue; Even though by their definition it would be considered harassment.

MorbidlyCatatonic 15 points ago +15 / -0

I forgot to post the funniest part of this earlier this week; but Apple went full propaganda mode, trying to scare people that if this EU law passes Apple devices can get infected with "viruses "and "porn apps".

But realistically it was just their closed monopoly on their products which was as risk.

MorbidlyCatatonic 4 points ago +4 / -0

And I'm not surprised to be honest. The letters they send you monthly are particularly intimidating.

In order to get out of paying it you need to send them "proof"; which is impossible now as they basically class anything as a potential to receive signals and thus you need a license.

The letters vary in design but they're usually plastered with you will be fined £1000 for not paying.. and "we've send out an agent to investigate, pay now and don't get fined"

I didn't pay for a year and received a number of them. Never had a dude knock on my door though.

MorbidlyCatatonic 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was Baldurs Gate 3 for me, besides all of the controversies behind it the only fun aspect of the entire game was the world and the combat.

In any RPG the writing is paramount and in BG3 it was mediocre for the majority of it, the best part was Act 2 but that was stupidly short. At some points it was just absolutely insufferable, especially when you add VA's for all sorts of characters which purely just felt like quotas into the mix.

MorbidlyCatatonic 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not forgetting Roland; being played by the tiny Kevin hart...

Who hazard a bet will be the punching bag for all the jokes.

Whoever did the casting for this is absolutely insane

MorbidlyCatatonic 16 points ago +16 / -0

some people have even threatened to rape me

I can believe the other points, but this one? Nah.

MorbidlyCatatonic 3 points ago +3 / -0

All that would happen by adding a scoring system like this is when -the wrong party- gets"voted" in again.

They'd quickly add their own; -5 for misgendering, -5 for questioning the government, -25 for questioning the efficacy of the COVID vaccine and -100 for every booster you don't take.

And that's mostly ignoring the ways that the wrong party fucks it up in their favour. Attended the Jan 9th "riot" or questioning the legitimacy of an election? Oof. There goes 5 million points and good luck getting them back.

MorbidlyCatatonic 3 points ago +3 / -0

They've already done it to the movies, why act surprised?

MorbidlyCatatonic 3 points ago +6 / -3

Being devil's advocate here; it's a brand which has been around for decades and bud light is a pretty well known American beer.

From the actions of one marketer who tried pushing the ideology who has since been sacked. They've felt the sting of their customers and it'd be unlikely that they'd do it again. So if anything they'll be more inclined on making a product and focusing on their primary customer base again, no?

It cost them billions. They won't pander to the minority again- so why not give them a second chance?

MorbidlyCatatonic 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's interesting how they don't acknowledge that murderers have been around for a significantly longer period than social media.

Restrictions pretty much never work, educating kids on social media and to be "street wise" is more valuable.

As a kid I remember being approached by a predator pretending to be my age online. I still didn't arrange to meet up with them.

MorbidlyCatatonic 13 points ago +13 / -0

Again, swing and a miss.

They'll forever try banning or restricting things and then wonder how kids are still being exposed to nasty shit online.

Kids are banned from smoking, drinking and vaping but they still do it. Restricting internet access will do fuck all.

It's not about the kids, they want to enforce ID on everyone so they can hunt dissenters who dare question them. It isn't the first time they've tried pushing it; but they're hoping this ghey individual can be the figurehead to get enough normies to back it.

MorbidlyCatatonic 8 points ago +8 / -0

All you need to do is stop and ask why is X company advertising?

If they're not selling something like a service or a product; then it's most likely the above.

For example; I've been getting Snapdragon adverts on YT. Advertising this just doesn't make sense at all- most phones have an SD processor and to over 99% of the population its irrelevant. Because they'd just buy a Samsung, or OnePlus, or whatever.

It's like Boeing running adverts for a new jet engine.

It all just stinks and makes me wonder what they're paying for- whether it's innocent enough or if they're hiding something.

MorbidlyCatatonic 16 points ago +16 / -0

Almost an entire generation are years behind in development from where they should be. You have 10 year olds with the abilities of a three year old.

What's worse is the official statistics (at least the ones from the UK) won't reflect this as when lockdown hit thousands of schools lied about what grades and abilities the kids actually had.

They had to use "predicted" grades. Which can basically be completely made up to make the school look like it's achieving more than it would usually.

On the plus, lockdown babies are still super early in their development and social issues can be fixed... With the right parenting...

MorbidlyCatatonic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly? let them keep pushing their ideology into science.

The same think that happened with the media will happen with their "studies" too. The gen pop will trust it less and less until people treat it the same; as just another arm of the bullshitters.

COVID was the start of general distrust in science and the scientists. Now let them dig deeper until they become irrelevant and get defunded. It's going to be satisfying watching a bunch of academics shit themselves when they actually have to do real work.

by Lethn
MorbidlyCatatonic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last I heard they give them a lump sum to give the game out for free; it's the same model as new games coming out- they offer a fortune to developers to make their games EGS exclusive or have a delayed release on other storefronts.

I don't think they've made an official profit from the store sales yet. Who know how much they've made from selling data though.

by Lethn
MorbidlyCatatonic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Up-vote because rimworld.

Solid game. 10/10.

Mod all the current day shit you don't like and either throw it into an oven, nuke it; or turn it into a hat.

by Lethn
MorbidlyCatatonic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing is free. At the frequency that they drop "free" games it should make anyone think about what they're actually getting out of it.

If you're not paying for a product. Then you're most likely the product being sold.

MorbidlyCatatonic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Couldn't watch/listen to the clip but they've been pushing for global temperature monitoring by satellites for years now.

The problem with this inherently is they can only check surface temperature and not air temperature (which is what we use currently)

That is how England had 40c last summer because they checked the runway at one of the major airports; the actual air temperature can be much cooler.

MorbidlyCatatonic 19 points ago +19 / -0

Inb4 it gets overruled because its hurting the OF "entrepreneurs"

In all seriousness though, do they not realize that by forcing the big porn websites to enforce the above- Thousands more alternatives will just pop up without the restrictions? These thousands more won't have the same limitations and the kids will just get exposed to even worse shit.

Who also defines what is considered harmful content? Because technically Reddit contains NSFW content, is Reddit now an explicit pornography website?

Going full dystopian, I give it a few years until every citizen is forced to hand over facial ID to browse the web; It'll help them hunt down the people who disagree with their politics easier.

MorbidlyCatatonic 13 points ago +13 / -0

At this point they're just in denial. People are bored of marvel, this wasn't the first superhero movie to flop. This is just one of many in a downward trend.

Why go to the cinema to watch generic movie number 58? This is what they need to be asking themselves. There's so many different things to watch now, we don't have many epics to watch in the cinemas anymore so what's the point in paying a premium?

by Lethn
MorbidlyCatatonic 12 points ago +12 / -0

The largest problem with the gaming industry now is, you have two main GPU manufacturers which have at least a dozen relevant cards at any one time. Thats ignoring all the different hardware, hdd vs ssd, memory limitations etc. Its not an excuse to not test your game especially when you're a huge company, but the above is ignoring consoles too; Take Cyberpunk 2077 as the perfect example, they were told to ship it on last generation consoles- To which the game wouldn't run and was a bug fest. Play it on a modern PC? No where near as many issues.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of it is due to the developers cutting costs, a decent QA team could cost (especially a small company) a fortune.

Next issue is most of the OG's (the developers who did it out of pure passion, so Doom, Roller coaster tycoon, Fallout (1/2) ) are leaving the industry or have already retired. Many will just see it as "It's a job, I get to make games which is pretty cool" but they'll be a very small cog in a very big bureaucratic wheel, so regardless of them wanting to make something exceptional; They still have so much red tape to jump through.

Sidenote: From my own personal experience of the gaming industry (granted it isn't a whole lot) its very very hostile. To the degree where you even get recruiters treating you like shit; Even though you're a potential payout to them. Which just makes me think that the people who actually work in it either don't have a huge amount of self respect or they're too smitten with the idea of being a game developer.

MorbidlyCatatonic 9 points ago +9 / -0

Might just be a meme, in the store description there such things as "it makes your dungeon great again"

They might just be going for edgy humour.

MorbidlyCatatonic 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's interesting reading some of the articles about it, they immediately call the counter protestors "right-wing" when they're chanting proEngland chants.

They don't tell you why these counter protestors were arrested though. They said they were "clashes" but I wouldn't be surprised if they're all set free with no charges.

The funny thing is from these articles is they talk about the pro palestine people setting off fireworks. Then in other sentences they talk about police officers being shot in the faces with fireworks.... I guess there's no connection?

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