ModsAreAIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

That goes without saying.

ModsAreAIDS 10 points ago +10 / -0

Man I wish I could see her reaction when the feed was turned off. Hopefully a CNN employee leaks it someday like Fox did to Tucker.

ModsAreAIDS 12 points ago +18 / -6

Go fuck yourself. I don't give a single fuck if you European faggots think I'm a glowie. Your opinions mean literally nothing, since none of you have the spine to back up your talk with any kind of action.

ModsAreAIDS 14 points ago +20 / -6

Right wingers who might actually start getting ideas about who is behind all of this and what they should do about it.

ModsAreAIDS 21 points ago +30 / -9

Dom is controlled opposition. He is doing everything in his power to keep this as a containment board.

Go fuck yourself Dom. That last rule 2 ban you gave me was bullshit and you know it.

ModsAreAIDS 3 points ago +3 / -0

But did you know that she likes cooking her family dinner on Sundays?

Yep. Golden retriever stew with home made kitten stock.

ModsAreAIDS 7 points ago +7 / -0


Gears of War went woke for the last two games, hence why nobody cares about the series anymore. If they would remaster 2 and 3 like they did for the first, both of them would immediately outsell 4 and 5. Again.

ModsAreAIDS 20 points ago +20 / -0

Unsubstantiated my ass. The 3 am ballot dump is right there in the 2020 vote totals graph for anyone with eyes to see. Then there is the fact that the vote totals violate Benford's Law, which is mathematical proof that it was fraudulent.

This kind of shit only works on liberals.

ModsAreAIDS 6 points ago +6 / -0

Including child prostitution right out in the open.

ModsAreAIDS 2 points ago +3 / -1

You get what you vote for, you cucks. Now either pull your heads out of your asses, or enjoy it, long and hard.

ModsAreAIDS 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not worried about them rebranding it or having it metastasize in the rest of these companies. People aren't boycotting companies just because they have DEI policies. They are boycotting them because of the results of their DEI policies.

They can call it BRIDGE, or whatever else they want to, but the results won't change. People will still see that a shit product is a shit product. It doesn't matter if these companies try to tell them that it is gold.

Rebranding is a strategy that only works in a high trust society. Too bad for them, but skepticism is the default now.

ModsAreAIDS 14 points ago +14 / -0

Tattoos have only ever been attached to trashy women. Their attractiveness wasn't relevant.

ModsAreAIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only way they could do that without committing fraud would be to charge a flat rate for advertising. And it would have to be near the off hours rate if they want to fill the full schedule.

I'm not saying it would be impossible, but it would be quite the "cutting off your nose to spite your face" move for a bunch of companies who are already flirting with bankruptcy.

ModsAreAIDS 38 points ago +38 / -0

Maybe some "geek" organizations really are finally pulling their heads out of their asses.

Cat Rambo, another serial member of the symposium speaking lineup, was accused of ranting about Jews in New York Publishing by a whistleblower at the convention.

Nevermind. I see what is going on here. I would bet every dollar to my name that this has nothing to do with their identity politics and everything to do with their support for Palestine.

ModsAreAIDS 10 points ago +10 / -0

many rightists, having once been leftist, view leftists as naïve, but most leftists, having never been rightist, view rightists as simply evil.

And both sides are projecting.

ModsAreAIDS 16 points ago +16 / -0

I can't wait for Shadows to drop. I will bet Ubisoft is absolutely shitting their pants right now about it being yet another flop for them.

ModsAreAIDS 23 points ago +23 / -0

Always remember the 3-S rule: shoot, shovel, and shut up.

ModsAreAIDS 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's a demoralization ritual to show the rest of the white people that they are second class citizens.

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