You might be surprised at the number if atheists and agnostics who go to church and treat it like a social club. It's still the center of community in many towns.
I think you're ignoring that simply misgendering someone is violence. Saying that trans women aren't women is violence. Offending then with whatever microaggression they've imagined for the day that you couldn't possibly have known about is committing violence. Words are violence. Silence is violence.
Is this a job for c/WSBets?
They aren't any good people in GTA so I don't see the problem.
Glad someone is looking out for their health!
Fuck Tim Apple.
There isn't a person or thing a leftist won't butcher in the name of the greater good.
Define a net negative.
It's 👌 when he does it.
Lol I don't know why you got downvoted. Does someone think she's actually Wonder Woman?
We know. :)
Your dad likely believes what he sees on TV, reads in the newspaper, gets delivered to his Google Feed, and is told to him by friendly government officials. His opinion is invalid.
I would like anything documenting gamergate that makes it harder for the woke mob to rewrite history. The more of us writing about it the better.
Twitter is mostly fake, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. If anything this is all designed to piss white people off so they can get a self fulfilling prophecy. The Root would do that.
You're correctly using "gender" in it's original definition as a grammatical concept that has nothing to do with personal identity!
Wait, that's illegal.
Bwahaha that site is great. 👌
If the Proud Boys can be white supremacists, this man can too. Don't let your memes be dreams.
Ngl the SO are way more fun to watch than the regular Olympics, with their unique games and the incredible challenges the athletes had to overcome. I wish it was more popular.
The women usually try to guilt trip the guys, despite them enjoying sexy ladies too. It's probably natural jealously - the same reason for the lawsuit.
Yeah he's a faggot. One of his common jokes is how white people would suddenly be anti-2A if they saw more blacks owning guns. Except I'm pretty sure he's serious.
Watching his drama with Netflix is amusing like watching JK Rowling versus the men in drag.
Is he even post op? They don't care any more.
Don't forget steers and queers.
Literal scenes like this in Cyberpunk 2077. Homeless peeps in tent cities using their VR. (Braindances)
Leftists probably think that's cool and something to look forward to.