But don't you see the fountain is where they are hiding the bunker! It is the most important structure!
Good on you to search for the source, most articles only mention it without links.
Does none count anymore? I get it to be 260. Also Doctors and Scientist is a bit of a stretch regarding some of their official titles
Outside funding : This mainly applies to state-funded media like the BBC and NPR. These are the untouchables who can't be held accountable because they're effectively part of the government. They could have one viewer in the whole country and still remain funded.
You could probably add EGS score investment and subsidy to this point.
Onto the query on how can genuine success compete with that? Competition in a very rigged game have only 2 method to rise above, one become something of a wonder, rising so far above in quality that it will spread by sheer word of mouth (Rarely happens) or work in niche or alternative system which does not respect those rules.
At least when I do that, people read it. This might be the post with the least engagement I've ever posted. Sad, I actually put a lot of thought into this one.
Several points, One I think you posted it during a slow time, several poster has noted that they don't really look for old post, so if it is gone from hot and first page of new, it does not exist.
Two, You are memed here for one ardent opinion which is considered very controversial compared to others opinion, this conflict of ideas create most of your engagement with others, (specially antonio)
Three, This is not even close to the post with least engagement, it probably has a poor effort to engagement ratio, but it is not one with the least engagement.
How about https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/? Depending on what you are doing you could only need the free version.
Alpha Centauri. Is the reason why people pretend it does not exist.
If you can endure the ancient GUI you can always go to the source, sid meier's alpha centauri.
Edit: Missed that you wanted it to be in space, stellaris, endless space,Galactic Civilizations III as other have recommended match the criteria better.
To my understanding Gab is like twitter right?. Not seeing the benefit of that short form of communication, unless we are planning to try and announce events of some sort? (even then it is dubious to me what value it has)
So time to start a fight club?
Second mieruko-chan.
There is no greater crime than THOUGHTCRIME, for it spawns saboteurs and wreckers which will hinder the glorious progress we are making towards a better tomorrow and even worse it will spread like a disease among the feeble minded, how can you argue that they should not be locked up and behind bars...
Anyhow yes I remember the insanity which infest the modern comics industry, And its gaze is looking east to devour all competition, domestic or foreign, it is the only method in which it can survive.
whenever software decides the car isn't good anymore
No need for EVs, they are working the same thing with normal cars.
My guess is subsidy's combined with the ESG score and you get the monetary incitement.
Which is great cause that will kill the second hand market, limiting the amount of people that can travel at will, Also consider that the max distance a used EV can make on one charge it will further reduce how far you can go...
Merry Christmas!
Cheers missed that, so no apples or chicken for the people, these are not even fancy food products that they want to increase the prices of.
Ahh, so it is dead then as an esport.
Is Valorant even making any progress as an esport? Not seeing much about it, but I might just be out of the loop.
Source to that statement ( not needed to be translated)?
Please limit your suggestion to fiction books.
A really good book on risk and safety by an economist. It will be worth it, especially in current times.
Are the current times going to be fiction or is the advice? xD
The Collector By John Fowles
You can't help someone that does not wish to be helped, once they are in that state of mind I believe they sort of need to crash without taking themselves out in order to "reset" their state and then can start working on improving or better them self cause once you are in the vortex you are quite blind.
True, its progression system is not that much fun, Could have made the upgrading of cars more interesting or just a bit more complex.
Not much to add, they can't even be bothered to link to the source when it is easily on the Web, see for instance
Anyhow I think it also has some motivation in keeping your news/journalistic source a walled garden (Most news site link only to their own article on the site about even other references) in conjunction with the even more reliance of the search engines to delist/deprioritize sources it will increase the hurdle to find data and keep people in the gardens.
All this reminds me of the EU article 11 (link tax) which would further worsen this behavior.