What did you expect when these are 99% of the people at MIT
Witchcraft? That shit ain't even real it's just some weird larp some bored broads made up
Video games 😐
I miss old oag and it's comment section filled with edge lord elitists
Looks like black lives don't matter anymore to them
black wives fatter and stop asian beatings lul don't these people know who's responsible for all the Asian hate
Dudes got a chin that rivals Bruce Campbell's
He could have random bouts of being based due to his brain deteriorating and whatnot
What's stopping some ho from identifying as a dude and having her baby killed
This horrible art style needs to go
God damn goobergators at it again
Is this for real cause thats gay if true
Dude can't even walk who's bright idea was it to put him on a bike
Why do they hate attractive people especially virtual ones
So mild she needs a heart monitor? Wtf
You obviously never had your dick in a big booty bitch while she twerks or whatever the fuck
I miss seeing white people in ads
You probably never will cause they usually are to much of a pussy to do or say anything in real life
Your a pussy if you need a shitty vaccine for basically a very mild cold
That's gay but they are from the Ukraine so they kind of get a pass
These retards are the biggest try hards trying to be as oppressed as possible with all these fake labels
Wtf fucking disgusting lul
500$ seems pretty cheap for murder
Jesus Christ