The French love a good uprising. I hope this one gets guillotines as well...might give the West some inspiration.
Tell the cunts to fuck right off.
Same for Australia. These politicians know when they're on to a good thing.
So, free speech is only a thing for certain topics? In that case there is none.
Mate send me a PM...
People often talk up their situation and many are truly miserable under the surface. I have seen behind the curtain on a number of people, and their reality does not reflect their image.
Definitely not alone. Most friends are not true friends and when they start getting married, it becomes very obvious. Wait until till they start getting divorced and they will come out of the woodwork. Ignore.
Cool, that'll work 😎
What happened to Sweden!?
This is beyond fucked.
What is so taboo about parking lots? This bird has issues.
Very well said, sir.
What the absolute fuck.
Good. Finally.
Hard copy is the only way.
Removing this shows they view him as a threat. Generally it's informative to see what's not said or shown - much more so than what is.
This is why language matters and you can't let them continue to control the definitions of these words.
This is nonsense and even a cursory review would show that position is fundamentally flawed.
Quelle surprise!
Underrated comment 😆
Manlet = no dick energy
If you are a company director here in Australia, there is a defacto digital ID requirement now, effective as at the end of this month. Plus, they are incentivising people to upload their photographs by streamlining the prerequisites and documentary identification evidence required, if you elect the "more secure" option of uploading your digital photo using their phone identity application. Incredible. I have tried multiple times to lodge the application without the photographs and the system does not recognise any documents- presumably by design. I am lodging a paper application now.
His expression is suitably exasperated.