“Overpolicing” as they call it.
Fuckin lol. So we should just ignore the crime a little more and everything will be okay?
Yeah, the wife and I mostly enjoyed the first two seasons, we were still able to just cringe and ignore the odd woke comment and plot point here and there.
My favourite was the episode where Gordon was trying to teach Isaac about practical jokes, but Isaac kept taking it too far to the point where Gordon wakes up with his leg amputated 😆🤦🏼
Then season 3 begins and there’s some new teenage girlboss (I forget its name) shoehorned into the show, walking around rolling her eyes at everyone and even barking orders at McFarlane’s character (who’s supposed to be the captain). It was just far too “current day” to ignore anymore, not to mention the gags and humor started taking a back seat to leftist talking points. Don’t think I made it more that 3 episodes in.
“How does this help us sell more movies?”
“Movies?! 😕”
A few years back I worked with an older guy who was busted carrying heroin through one of their airports. He was in prison in Osaka from 78 until 2002, basically lost the best years of his life. He told me the cruelty and racism he experienced was like nothing I could ever imagine - I remember how skew and mangled his fingers were from all the breakings.
It would’ve been very fitting if Johnny Somali had ended up there. Hopefully the Koreans are half as twisted.
I can’t wait to see the Zoolander/Jaguar-style war commercials
Imagine the BP style commercial:
“So solly ☺️…”
“We so solly ☺️…”
Rearm Europe
Hey, I’ve seen this one
At this point, Russia conquering Europe would probably save it
Agreed we’ll never know for sure. She was a child star, so you can bet your bottom dollar someone diddled her along the way leading to the usual booze/drugs/sex tale as old as time.
Then again, there’s plenty of literature and hard evidence of the vaccines wreaking havoc on all sorts of internal organs.
We’ll never get the truth either way, but either way 39 is way too young to die. It’s a shame, I liked her as an actress
Ah, mi scusi…
Mi scusi… 😁
And his “beautiful” wife.
Trump kills me every time 😆
Retarded take. There were elections held in many countries even during both world wars.
Just because you’re good at debating halfwit leftists and occasionally pointing out the painfully obvious flaws in wokeism, doesn’t automatically make you “based”, nor an expert at everything.
Fuck Ukraine, fuck Zelensky, fuck globohomo, fuck the military industrial complex, and FUCK your pseudo intellectual, fart sniffing contrarianism.
Resistance is futile
Yeah and apparently Korea, Vietnam, Iraq1, Afghanistan, Iraq2 and Ukraine never happened. Apparently there’s been no illegal immigration driven crime, drugs, rape etc and we all still live in 1930’s suburban pleasantville. There’s no national debt crisis, no one forced people into lockdowns or mandatory vaccinations, the economy was doing phenomenally better under Obama/Biden terms 1-3, and the only people DOGE is hurting are “regretful” Trump voters and veterans (who the left apparently NOW give a shit about).
What planet are these people phoning from?
I cant tell anymore whether they’re just straight up liars or mentally retarded enough to actually BELIEVE this shit.
Your argument’s fatal flaw lies in its attempt to employ logic and reason against people who are ruled by emotion and “feminine” energy. People who smile and wave “immigrants welcome” banners as their cathedrals burn and their rape rates skyrocket, people who can barely mount a lacklustre rebuttal to JD Vance without bursting into tears on the world stage.
Weak men are the most dangerous, and Europe is infested with (and ruled by) them.
The US founding fathers were hands down the strongest and smartest human beings who ever lived, they were 100% correct on everything they ever said or wrote about the old world. It’s fucking doomed.
you're hard pressed to find anyone who hates black Americans more than Africans.
South African here. Can honestly say some of the worst things I’ve seen in my lifetime was black on black. I’m talking barbaric shit, primal. I’m not even sure that goes far enough as an adjective. They hate one another worse than the Chinese do.
Makes no difference whether the accent they hear is American, Nigerian or Zulu. If the skin is black, they go into tribal mode. It’s like some kind of an evolutionary response, something Darwinian.
I don’t think about you at all
That explains why I’m not allowed back at the zoo… 🤔
My grandfather explained this to me when I was still ten years old. “They want to live in the white man’s world, but don’t want to follow the white man’s rules or carry his responsibilities”.
The old man knew what he was talking about
As a South African I spent the first 10 years of my life in the old SA, and then next 10 in the new “democratic” SA.
No, no it wasn’t the right thing to do. Caving to woke leftists and the international mainstream media was the biggest mistake my people ever made. Hands fucking down.
And I’ve always hated the shit out of Trevor Noah (even when he was still a small time nobody in SA and hadn’t even made it to America yet), but I have to admit I got quite the kick out of hearing him say the same things Hendrick Verwoed said around 70 years ago when apartheid was first created 👍
Good God almighty, do their memes suck 😑
Imagine seriously believing that an unelected, supranational cabal of WEF bureaucrats passing censorship laws = “democracy”, and that a USVP urging them to restore free speech and open communication = “fascism”.
It’s not even worth trying to argue with these people anymore, they should just be stripped of their citizenship and deported with all the rest. Fuck em.
They’re still pissed that he drove them from the temple
And saggy, kangaroo titties 🤢
I don’t even need to watch this shit to know he apologises to the black guy for everything by the end of the episode. Fuck this show