Lurker404 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fun fact: Solingen wasn't alone in its leftist retardation. Another nearby town wanted to celebrate a "Festival of Cultures" this weekend, which they've cancelled now.

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

Police still haven't caught (or ID'd) him, yet. Witness reports describe him as Arab-looking. Police are officially looking for a perp of "southern appearance" (which is German leftist code for Middle Eastern) with a thick full beard.

Edit: Aaaaand it's a muzzie: according to leaked police reports the terrorist shouted the usual Aloha Snackbar during the attack. A 15 year old accomplice, a "refugee" from Kyrgyzstan (91% muzzies), has been arrested but he's not the main attacker.

Lurker404 16 points ago +16 / -0

Germans are so indoctrinated they'd sooner start protesting against right-wing parties again in response.

Lurker404 25 points ago +25 / -0

Maybe it'll serve as a wake-up call for some of the ignorant German normies. Assuming they even find out about the background of the perp. I'm sure the usual leftist media will just call him "a man".

Lurker404 42 points ago +42 / -0

Article is auto-translated. Tl;dr: German town has a "Festival of Diversity" and an Arab goes on a killing spree.

You can't make this shit up. It's even more ironic than the cop who got killed by an Afghan a couple of months back while trying to subdue a "right-winger" who tried to stop the attacker.

Lurker404 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sure, there are some based women but statistically they voted for this and statistics determine the fate of the world.

Lurker404 11 points ago +11 / -0

And here I was hoping the Penguin Random House publisher went broke.

Lurker404 29 points ago +29 / -0

The same DoE whose queer degenerate ran around stealing women's luggage from various airports?

Lurker404 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's more like in major cities like Frankfurt you can't throw a stone shoot someone in the head without hitting an immigrant, especially around train stations.

Actual Germans are becoming a minority in bigger cities. Wouldn't be surprised if they already are in Frankfurt.

Lurker404 17 points ago +17 / -0

Don't you love the smell of diversity in the morning?

What? That's actually the smell of gunpowder and death? What do you mean "always has been"?

Lurker404 25 points ago +25 / -0

Stories don't matter. They can do ANYTHING with the story.

The problem are the people at Disney. When everyone at Disney is woke there's nobody left to turn things around. There's nobody who could write better stories. There's nobody who could hire people who'd write better stories. There's nobody who could hire better HR. There's nobody to appoint better management.

Lurker404 31 points ago +31 / -0

The question is: can they even ditch the woke shit or has the rot reached too much of the head of the snake?

Personally I hope they continue down this path and crash and burn.

Lurker404 17 points ago +18 / -1

That movie is an example why the right loses. Too many conservatives are just chomping at the bit to throw money at Hollywood. They'll take any excuse like "See, no climate change! It's only woke in some areas!".

It's a great grift the left has got going: run an ad campaign how some movie "isn't woke", rake in conservative money, then launder that money into Democrat campaigns. Conservatives are literally funding their opponents.

Lurker404 14 points ago +14 / -0

How did the flags get into the game?

Was it some community mod? Did a Valve dev put it into the core game? Did troons just make their existence up on some wiki?

Lurker404 6 points ago +6 / -0

I wondered if that's the reason they replaced a couple of VAs in ZZZ.

Lurker404 19 points ago +19 / -0

Genshin Impact will be releasing a new expansion soon and some of the themes are apparently borrowed from Aztecs. Leftist activists then went on a rampage complaining that the new playable characters are "too White".

The fucking irony is that there are several English VAs that are non-White, yet they have no issues voicing "White" characters.

Lurker404 8 points ago +9 / -1

Nah, that's fat. Especially the one in the green tights in the gym. Just look at the ratio of upper to lower leg. That's either a freak of nature or landwhale territory, but certainly not muscle.

Lurker404 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'd say a large part is the black fetish that gets pushed in media. Asses and hips like a bag of rotten potatoes are genetic in certain demographics.

Lurker404 18 points ago +18 / -0

What? You don't take your kids to areas with heightened risks of terror attacks, shootings and violent protests?

Lurker404 16 points ago +17 / -1

Anyone who works in personnel planning knows women work way less than men.

It's really bad in fields where women make up the majority of the workforce, e.g. education. I know a couple who work in that field and they constantly have to find replacements for women who are sick, on maternity leave, psyche rehab, etc which totally fucks with schedules and leads to lost classes and worse education for children.

But yea ... "muh gender pay gap".

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's very common for games to copy guns and just give them a new name. Every other shooter these days has a Kriss Vector or an HK MP7.

I'd assume as long as you don't use the trademarked names/logos there's not much the manufacturer can do.

Lurker404 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same with Tannis and of course they brown-washed Tina. They just can't help themselves.

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