Lurker404 17 points ago +20 / -3

That is unfortunately a loss. Being behind the Merkel's CDU despite all that happened lately means Germans haven't learned anything.

The AfD won't be part of any government. The CDU will form a coalition with far-left parties and voters will realize in a few years they've been scammed once again.

Lurker404 5 points ago +5 / -0

Press X to doubt.

If there really was some viral shit going on, to the point where there's an usual line out the bank, the tellers would likely inform the customers of the scam.

Lurker404 32 points ago +32 / -0

Wasn't he always the smug Reddit-atheist-liberal type? He just went with the times on the issues that the left made a 180 on. Full blown TDS is merely a natural progression.

Lurker404 12 points ago +12 / -0

Looks like a pride parade tranny.

+ by rattleS
Lurker404 3 points ago +3 / -0

And white skin! That's literally LGBTWTFBBQ monkey Hitler!

Lurker404 7 points ago +8 / -1

Legal risk. Streaming is either legal or a gray area that doesn't get prosecuted. Uploading via torrents on the other hand gets prosecuted.

Lurker404 12 points ago +12 / -0

She doesn't have to deliver anything. She's there to keep the AfD from winning the coming elections. It'll take voters years to realize they've been duped again. By then the establishment will have come up with something new. The Stasi and NGOs are working overtime 24/7. That's the strategy here. She's a stopgap measure.

If she was a real threat, the media, Antifa and the Verfassungsschutz wouldn't just sit there and take it. They'd give her the same treatment as the AfD or the Werte Union.

Lurker404 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't even use an account on Youtube :D

Lurker404 8 points ago +9 / -1

Ah, bummer.

https://9animetv.to/ still works.

Lurker404 8 points ago +8 / -0

She already said she won't cooperate with the AfD, so any votes she gets will go to the establishment (including the ones she stole from the right).

She's not breaking the system. She's saving it.

Lurker404 32 points ago +32 / -0

She's just a spoiler-candidate to steal votes from the right. That's why the leftist media hype her up.

She came from a party that was the successor to the SED, the communist party of soviet East Germany. She said she is willing to form a coalition with everyone EXCEPT the right. Her suggested governor in a state election is an Antifa sympathizer.

She's nothing but another flavor of uniparty for those who got food poisoning from the old slop.

Lurker404 12 points ago +14 / -2

Regardless of your personal views, a ban on abortions is a guaranteed loss. Women love their promiscuity too much and men want loose sluts.

Lurker404 35 points ago +35 / -0

Lemme guess: Jewish groups immediate held a press conference that the real threat is right-wing populism and anything other than open borders is division and a threat to democracy.

Lurker404 21 points ago +21 / -0

Looks like they slapped a female skin on a male skeleton.

Lurker404 12 points ago +12 / -0

Used cardboard, just what I ever wanted!

I'm looking forward to a future where the homeless can rent their used refrigerator shipping boxes straight from the WEF!

Lurker404 14 points ago +14 / -0

Deutsche Welle is literally government propaganda. It's run and paid for by the German government.

Lurker404 3 points ago +3 / -0

More often than not these days. Especially when I risk committing wrongthink. That said I also pretty much avoid European sites and social media that cooperates with European censors.

Lurker404 10 points ago +10 / -0

What these disgusting politicians and journalists conveniently ignore: the knife used by the terrorist in Solingen was already illegal because it was longer than current laws allow.

Lurker404 10 points ago +10 / -0

My favorite state-run media propaganda related to the attack is an ARD reporter saying we don't know the motives of the attacker, it could have been a far-right extremist who was motivated by his hatred of foreigners.

German source: https://x.com/Dennis_Hohloch/status/1827243124361466092

Lurker404 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two-tier "justice" isn't just for Brits.

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

They couldn't even detect some random diving instructor blowing up a pipeline right under their noses. What good are they anyway?

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