If there’s one cop in a small town, and you find out that the cop doesn’t know the names of any prominent community members—including one of the guys who frequently get into arguments that turn into public nuisance calls—and he never does patrols or even leaves the station except when he gets a call, but he does maintain a personal notebook with comments like “Joe is particularly annoying, punish more harshly for next infraction” and those are apparently the only people he recognizes… and then you look closely at his notebook and some of it is clear schizo shit like “Frank and Jim want to kill me and my family” or “is Old Man Jenkins actually a fake identity for Steve? Monitor this,” at what point do you wonder if the cop is fit for duty?
Also, to stop torturing my analogy for a bit, remember that one comment before the one you’re defending, Dom said:
I removed you and Hell's comments in the hopes you would stop screeching at each other.
So he’s saying “yeah, I know what you’re talking about, here’s why I did what I did.” But then his next comment is “actually, I have no clue who you’re talking about [and apparently I can’t piece it together either.]” So was he lying before? Is he lying now? Can he not follow conversations or context and he’s somehow lost the thread over the space of one comment? Is he just really stupid? I don’t think there’s an answer here that shows any quality I would want in the only person that has unilateral power to run a forum I participate in.
Now that I think about it, how many GPS or personal assistant or similar programs are there out there with a sassy black woman type of VO setting? It’s one of those things that’s in the perfect intersection of “obviously no one wants this” and “prog ideology insists people should want this,” so I wonder if anyone has spent the money to add it as a feature.
Dom might not have seen it. There was a thread here a few weeks back where someone was asking about a mod removal and provided a screenshot showing that the parent of their removed comment was breaking the same rule, but more flagrantly. Dom’s response was “whoops, I didn’t see that,” and then he went and removed the parent as well. When I said elsewhere in the thread that he only interacts with the community by reading his report feed, and that he doesn’t even look at the context around things he removes, I wasn’t pulling that out of thin air.
Maybe you should make a minimum effort to understand the people and groups you’re policing?
Right, but the point is that u/Hellsbells00 (which I am typing from memory, mind you) is a forum regular who frequently argues, stridently, with u/CatoTheElder. It should be immensely obvious to anyone who browses the forum with any regularity exactly who is being talked about here, and yet you, despite being a mod, despite being particularly likely to intervene in exactly the topic these guys argue about, despite literally responding to a comment about him elsewhere in the thread defending your moderation decision in an argument between those two… can’t remember the name well enough to figure it out.
It’s like if I mentioned that “Tony” and “Imp” fight a lot and then you actually tagged u/ Tony and u/ Imp and went “I don’t think those are real people.” You only engage with this community by looking at your report feed, and when you do that, you don’t even read the context of what you’re removing. “Shit on me for using the wrong name”… yeah, because recognizing that that name was wrong and understanding what it should have been is bare-minimum level engagement in the community. Fuck off with your victim act.
Are you being serious, or is this a terrible joke? This is one of those “bare minimum knowledge of the community” checks that you just keep failing….
Sure, but that's an issue with who he has around him to delegate it to, not with the concept of delegation in general. And of course in this hypothetical Biden isn't handing it off to "The NSA" in some nebulous way where every NSA staffer gets a note from Biden. He's handing it off to the director of the NSA who's then putting other staff members on it and so on. It's still delegation to an individual, and it's still delegation that could or should involve a competent VP if such an individual were in the equation. Obviously, u/Gizortnik was not suggesting that the VP would personally handle everything without anyone else being involved, and yet the impression is that the objection was to exactly that idea.
The way u/akira2501 has written his objection it comes off as thinking that these agencies are a literal hive mind where you give an order to every member of the agency at the same time, or objecting to the idea of executive officers in any capacity, or some other strange thing like that.
There might also be some tendency towards narcissism or other antisocial personality traits inherent in people who say "I really want to get on a stage and have other people look at me and do that as my job." Not that they all have to be giant douches or anything, but I'd certainly believe it's more likely.
I think that battle passes and micro transactions and the like are just how big issues like SaaS/subscription model addiction express themselves in gaming. It’s not unique to gaming by any means, and while some of it is directly connected to the whole WEF/Agenda 2030/Wokeness/You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy conglomerate, some of it is just natural consequence of the technology and globalization that we happen to live with in our times. And maybe some clever regulations or the sort of general societal moral realignments and stripping of power from the woke that we all hope for can help with that stuff, but it also might be one of those genies that just never fully goes back in the bottle.
It’s because anime currently offers a higher quality (as an average and as a ceiling, obviously there’s still schlock and stuff too) than Western culture does for modern entertainment. Lots of people that are disgusted with woke politics in all media will naturally be attracted to anime and/or manga because it doesn’t have that issue. Also, acknowledging that there is the cultural barrier and the weird shit you can find, a lot of the most popular, broadly successful anime and manga still undeniably celebrates things like masculinity, femininity, loyalty, family, duty, and working to improve oneself and excel. Again, values largely absent from or even villainized in modern Western media, but values that naturally appeal to those who are opposed to certain current issues in Western society.
If you were really done caring, you wouldn’t spend so much time posting about it. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing or anything, just don’t pretend to be some aloof cool guy when you obviously care very, very much.
But... that doesn't even disprove the point....
The entire point was that she can pitch her ideas to the President, and the fact that she allegedly has these ideas he's not implementing is a point against her or her ideas. Coming back and saying "look, all she can do is pitch her ideas to the President" is agreeing.
I know I shouldn't expect basic logic out of Redditors, but come on.
Yeah, but I remember feeling the same way about Pence for quite a while. Maybe I was just ignorant and on too much hopium, but I'm also not going to completely rule out another traitor.
I think that taking every swing state and winning the popular vote (which Republicans typically lose) counts as a landslide. It's not a 1984 Reagan/Mondale landslide, sure, but it still counts.
More seats is always better than fewer seats, though.
I clicked on it thinking “okay, so Unity did something else stupid, but why are conservatives going to bat for them?”
I think DeSantis would have had a great chance if he’d just not participated in the primaries at all. Getting in that race was maybe the most braindead career suicide I’ve ever seen. All he had to do was keep doing a good job as the governor of Florida and then point to Florida’s results this election and say “you see how quickly and with how little fuckery we counted our votes? That was me.”
"I'm going to say something retarded and dumb, then people are going to call me retarded and dumb for the retarded and dumb thing that I said" is not an own.
"Kamala is Brat" narrative
Okay, I do remember them trying to push this, but what's the slang I'm missing here? Because I know two meanings for "brat," and neither of them is something that I'd want to make part of my image as a presidential candidate.
Actually, I think some of the White Men for Harris group members are now having trouble finding their usual gay hookups.
Jeb! sweeps all 50 states.
Look, we can argue about whether specific examples are good or bad, but you're not addressing the larger point: what in human history can't be called a coin flip under your standard? And what is the value of ignoring the motivations behind something in recent history that is relevant to modern issues just because somewhere thousands of years ago it could have gone a different way?
Only the most skilled rapists can penetrate this perplexing pussy! In the latest
Japanese adult gameexample of natural selection at work….