Looks like someone broke the GPT bot.
All five Poles I have had the misfortune of meeting in person have been utter piece of shit jews. All the Poles I have met online have also been utter pieces of shit, like supremeretard, who hopefully ate a Russian bullet.
Poles are scum, and jews.
All poles are jews anyways.
There is no secret jewish conspiracy to control your local governments. They openly do it.
So your solution is what, remove all women from fiction? Make them super ugly?
You're going full Imp. Never go full Imp.
So you are fine with all the Christian wetbacks?
It was settled for by Whites for Whites.
They spent years saying "Learn to Code, hahahaha!"
Well now the only thing to say to them is: learn to mine coal, faggots.
They have made their decision, now let them enforce it.
I can't help it that you smoked so much pot that you can't remember what you typed even two hours ago.
You claimed that missiles and drones are some how different because one uses a rocket motor, and the other uses anything but a rocket motor, which is an insane argument.
You claimed that aircraft cannot go over 9g which is flatearther level retarded. I gave examples of machines that can go over 9g.
The hilarious thing is you are stuck, not fighting the last war, but fighting the Korean War. If you are having to pull max g's against any sort of short range air to air missile, then you have already fucked up and lost, and the defenses against BVR missiles don't require max g's.
Those "drones" you're talking about are single-use, extremely low-mass, and are powered by a fucking solid-fuel rocket and batteries. Coincidentally they're also unsophisticated, short-ranged, single-purpose designs.
So you are stuck on the propulsion? LOL.
You know what they also don't have? Wings that provide lift.
Every one of the missiles I mentioned has wings, and anything moving through an airstream has can create lift by increasing its drag. Just look at the crossrange on a Falcon 9 booster or Soyuz capsule.
AIM-9s into combat from hundreds of miles away and let them fly themselves to the AOR to engage targets?
Guess what, that is exactly what Russia and Ukraine are doing, with the Saker Scout and equivalents.
What is the maximum g-load of an F-15E with GBU-31s loaded,
Why the hell are you taking GBU-31's on a CAP mission? If your g-loads matter then it's because you are doing Air Superiority missions. G-load doesn't matter for CAS and SEAD.
The planes are designed with the pilot in mind. The munitions are designed with the plane in mind. You change the platform by removing the pilot, then you change the requirements. If the munition has to stay attached during a 30 g maneuver, then the munition will be designed for such. I'd say this isn't rocket science, but it actually is in this case, so I understand why smoothbrains like you can't figure it out.
The real reason that fighting aircraft are not designed for 30 g maneuvers is because even that won't save the aircraft from the 60g AIM-9X launched within 10nm. This is why single use loitering munition drones are being used, since defense doesn't work, so you might as well make them cheaper and more replaceable.
I do invite you to do combat missions in an aircraft over Ukraine for which ever side you prefer, the sooner and the more missions the better.
And to nip this one in the bud, the limiting factor of g-forces on aircraft is usually the weapons, not the squishy man in the cockpit. A drone fighter wouldn't be able to pull more gs than a normal fighter. For one, high-g maneuvers means you're dumping all your airspeed. That's what the feeling g-forces is, all that momentum basically being 'wasted'. And second, if we magically could "actually" build aircraft to higher g-tolerances, but for some reason we do not, we already would do so to avoid the very real damage high-g maneuvers already cause to aircraft. A human can survive a 10-g turn, but the aircraft cannot, so why would a drone? When the pilot over-gs the aircraft, he'll land back at the airfield completely healthy. It's the aircraft that's now all bent and fucked up.
So much for you understanding science. We already have drones that survive 30, 40, even 50g's. They go by names like Sidewinder, Sparrow and Meteor. It's retarded jet jockeys that want man-in-the-loop ASF, when autonomous anti-air drones are just a RFP away. It is not a limitation of engineering, but of willingness to build something that does it.
Before you start making claims about how electronics cannot withstand 50g's, Spinlaunch already has electronics that survive 10,000g's. It's a solved engineering problem.
A human can survive a 10-g turn,
Which is why fighters are designed to limit g-load to 9g's. You have, as usual, reversed cause and effect.
Sounds like DoM got his USAID funding cut. No loss there, or with the invaders getting stopped.
You spoke of the devil.
By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march; then with a body of picked men he lies in wait for him.
The conservative media exists solely to keep straight white males chasing after nothingness. They exist to exhaust us so that when there comes an opportunity to actually accomplish something it is lost in a sea of shit.
Trump lost part of his ear and gained the presidency. Massie lost his wife. Massie is considered the greater threat.
It was probably Trump that suggested it to Trump. After all Trump believes in Israel Above All, and Massie is standing in the way of that.
Here is one of them: https://wattsupwiththat.com/failed-prediction-timeline/
By analyzing strontium to calcium ratios in these sponges,
Using strontium in anything post 1945 is useless. Their findings are invalid.
You knew he was a snake before you picked him up.
What? No, I am agreeing with you. Those stories cannot be used to describe human behaviors, just like the demons all of you are arguing about.
Remember, the Rats of NIMH is a story about rats, there are no lessons to be learned from rats. Similarly, The Lorax, Charlotte's web, Animal Farm, and many other stories are not stories about humans, so no lessons can be learned from them.
Only the impure worry about purity spirals. There is not enough gatekeeping on the right. After all the right is now ruled by someone who brags about ending segregation at Mar-A-Largo. The right is incapable of defending anything because it allows anyone in.
The only groups that can actually be groups are the one that restrict their membership.
When is your last day?
The ironic to unironic culture pipeline is undefeated. You laugh at something now, but in 20 years you will be the weird one for not doing that thing.