Knight1_of_Sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

In addition to the SJW part, I am also alarmed by the price of the board game.

$175 for a board game?! Even a decent Magic the gathering deck isn't that expensive. That's about 9 times the price of a higher end $20 classic board game that seems to be the standard nowadays. Heck, if you're creative, inventive, and clever, you could make a real good board game with salvaged pieces from what you could find at the Goodwill's used board games section plus a few something's from Dollar Tree.

What about this board game that is driving up the price so much? I almost think that this is a front for something much more sinister.

Knight1_of_Sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, Bill Gates is a wanker!

He wears the wanker's hat!

He pops up on TV now

To sell the COVID Vax!

And everybody laughs at him

When he said "Get your shot."

He thought he was clever,

Until we told him to piss off!

Knight1_of_Sunset -11 points ago +4 / -15

And hysteria serves no one but the enemy. When you are hysterical, you can't think properly and prone to mistakes and errors.

I am calm, because a panicking soldier is a dead one. A calm soldier is a capable soldier.

Knight1_of_Sunset -20 points ago +6 / -26


Because I am not a liberal SJW who cries whenever something bad happens.

Knight1_of_Sunset 23 points ago +23 / -0

If you care so much about the information collected there, then start downloading the information and save it offline.

Knight1_of_Sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

A'hoe C being a hypocritical puta again? She never learns, does she.

May the wall claim her!

Knight1_of_Sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Socialists also ends up in a grave under socialism. It turns out that communism and socialism can't produce a lot of food, or enough food. Even before the Trade War and the Chinese Virus, China was struggling to feed all of its people adequately. Now, I can see widespread starvation within China as its economy is in shambles.

Unless their plan was to reduce the global population to an mere fraction of current totals and enslave the survivors...

Knight1_of_Sunset 22 points ago +22 / -0

Not really. The SocJus problem is deeply entrenched in the entertainment industry (why else Gamergate started?) and will need great effort to root it out.

I am content with burning it all down and starting from scratch with strict gatekeeping.

Knight1_of_Sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is the Trump movement growing or shrinking?

Definitely growing based on many metrics I looked at. TD.win viewership is constantly growing and climbing the ranks (which is why our enemies unleashed shills on the site in an attempt to take it down). Trump is still pulling very large rallies even a week after the election (I saw last night's livestream rally, the size and energy is vey intense, probably just as intense or even more so than the pre-election rallies)...

I think the election fraud issue struck a big nerve in many people, Trump supporter or otherwise. People REALLY don't like being cheated, and the bigger the cheat, the angrier that people get. I think there are many converts to Trump's side because the illusion of fair elections was shattered and anybody not overtly brainwashed by the MSM can see who is doing the cheating at this point.

Are reasonable voices being driven away who really want to sort the fact and fiction?

Define reasonable. Not being hostile, but reasonable is a subjective term depending on the context.

Are we all deluding ourselves?

Deluding ourselves over what issue or problem exactly?

Knight1_of_Sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are not letting the Georgia fraud problem die off THAT easily. Especially since Trump have played footage of the video evidence in the rally last night. The amount of people blind to this decrease even more.

Knight1_of_Sunset 2 points ago +3 / -1

I used to listen to NPR. I had to stop listening because it started getting too crazy and too racist.

My consumption of MSM decreased steadily since I started going to college and completely goes away ever since Gamergate started.

Since then, my contempt for the MSM has only grown.

Knight1_of_Sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

My time in Gamergate and my time in TheDonald.win has taught me to get straight to the source to figure out if something is fake or not.

Knight1_of_Sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just wanted to play video games. I didn't want to be a revolutionary.



You have accurately described everyone who joined this war through Gamergate. Six Years ago, if you told me, an avid gamer, that I will be part of a grand movement to save the not only America, but the whole of Mankind from the clutches of globalist evil, I would think you are crazy.

Now? I bet that the people who made those "Gamers are Dead" articles back then regretted generating the spark that ignited gamers all around the world that would lead to Donald Trump's victory.

Knight1_of_Sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

I won't live in a pod.

I won't eat bugs.

I won't give up on Trump.

And may God punish the globohomo for their sins.

by anon12
Knight1_of_Sunset 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes, the game is almost over, but probably not in the way they think.

The leftist SJW will be crushed into dust, either by the tyranny they worked so hard to establish, or by the Patriot's hands once their schemes are forever foiled.

Knight1_of_Sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

Au contraire, it is better to expose and demonstrate WHY section 230 needs to be terminated rather than just say "trust me, it'll work". The rigged elections we had this year is a perfect example.

Knight1_of_Sunset 23 points ago +23 / -0

Roberts is a compromised Flip-Flopper and can't be relied upon for making the right choice in big cases like this.

Thankfully with ACB on the bench, we should be able to get more than a few solid important wins in the upcoming cases, especially those election cases.

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