Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +6 / -4

They couldn't think of a walk-up window over here even during "covid". Didn't have a car? SOL when they were force-closing all the dining rooms. Too cartarded, I guess.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is. It's not quite as slapsticky as their other flicks, A&C aren't partnered up, and it tells a lovely story of the sort that Hollywood wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole anymore for several reasons.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +2 / -1

Then double feature that with The Time of Their Lives. Not a horror, but it does have ghosts.

Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same sort of faggot retard that thinks every game needs multiplayer and forced PvP. I'm surprised this one didn't complain that he couldn't play with his fwiends, in fact.

Knife-TotingRat 42 points ago +42 / -0

"White like snow ... that's been exposed to exhaust pipes for several hours"

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +5 / -3

As long as the "worship the human, without which the ideology could not stand, but worship it anyway" bullshit mentality stays alive, this shit will continue until the sheeple wake up to how much worse Islam is from even their worst nightmares about Jerry Falwell, and take appropriate action.

To fuck with any human who insists on believing in Islam. May their demon-souls rot in Hell forever and never be recycled.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's boggling how street-shitters can't be bothered to stoop & scoop after their OWN damn selves.

Now they have to teach pakijeets not to shit on the beach. No one had better confront me about my dog on the beach, if I ever happen to be lucky to be near one, if there's any fucking pakijeets about. At least I can pull plastic bread bags out of my purse for that purpose.

deleted 20 points ago +23 / -3
Knife-TotingRat 21 points ago +21 / -0

That basically sums up being with a psychopathic narcissist. They're the scariest critters on Earth.

Knife-TotingRat -5 points ago +3 / -8

A game about torturing uppity monkeys with a superiority complex? Colour me intrigued.

Knife-TotingRat 18 points ago +21 / -3

Whites founded Brazil but then made the mistake of hybridizing with the local wildlife.

Knife-TotingRat 16 points ago +16 / -0

Humans are members of Kingdom Animalia, too, so Jeff Dahlmer is already the Jeff Dahlmer of the animal kingdom.

Even their insults make no goddamn sense.

Knife-TotingRat 15 points ago +15 / -0

That's the same year Brian Mulroney opened up Canadian immigration from an adjustable 80K per year, to 260K per year and ratcheting only upward.

After he took away Baby Bonus and said we were a mature country that didn't need to pay people to have babies to grow any more.

Knife-TotingRat 5 points ago +6 / -1

Individualism .... is "white supremacy" ... and therefore must be crushed out of existence ....

Even though the "let your freak flag fly" movement is supposed to be the end-all, be-all of individualism ...

Sense the trap yet, mousies?

Knife-TotingRat 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yup, I saw an article earlier today accusing Musk of letting Yemeni arms dealers do their thing openly on X.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aye, Canada has - or used to have - film-maker tax credits that amounted to the same thing. So it was more profitable to make a movie that failed, rather than try to compete in the theatres against Hollywood films. So that's why Canadian movies/media of the second half of the 20th century really, really sucks outside of maybe the NFB's short animations.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's been a while, but yeah, I did do a binge read of a bunch of mostly TNG books, especially Diane Duane (at least she tended to remember the cat folk existed). But that was years and years ago now.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's kind of a reminder that for every Wesley who passes with a 90+ average, there are also the Barclays who just fumble through and pass with one mark over the pass-fail threshold ...

Knife-TotingRat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep, I figured the "let your freak flag fly" movement was exactly that - get everyone to "out" themselves for weeding out later.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not just "public education", it's been the perception since forever. It's the flip side of the coin to deaf people who can't speak being considered automatically "stupid" (hence the shift in meaning that the word "dumb" originally meant. Medieval writers knew the difference.)

The best example in popular culture is probably the goddamn Professor from Gilligan's Island. The castaways expect him to know everything - but he's a goddamn botanist. No wonder his glue didn't hold - he's not a chemist. He might know THAT a certain sap or plant is used for something, but not how to use or extract what you need from it.

Or Hermione from HP. Great at book learning, but she couldn't get it though her thick skull that House Elves are not slaves and don't want to be "freed". Ron and Hagrid tried to tell her that Dobby was an exception ("There's oddballs in every bunch, Hermione")

Knife-TotingRat 10 points ago +10 / -0

If you read well, and pass tests, people think you're "smart". Unfortunately, they also think "smart" = "knows everything", so they will fail to explain things to you, or train you properly, and you wind up having to figure shit out for yourself, at which point you have to pray you do have the smarts you've been gaslit into thinking you have.

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