KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isn't satire. It sounds like something that really could happen. I hate clown world.

KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

There was a quote from a century ago about how everything in America always turns into a grift or con after time. Can't remember the exact details of the quote. Even normies conservative outlets have been bringing up America being one big grift lately though.

Even early on the elite and merchants were breaking labor laws. American commerce has always relied upon cheap labor. The English stopped being the number one demographic way back in the late 1800s due to German and Irish immigration, who were used to settle uncharted territory. All of the bitching about black slavery ignores all of the white slaves that existed back then. And of course, during the wild West era cheap Chinese, Irish and African labor were used to build the railroads.

KingLion7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Switzerland got conquered back whenever it was they finally caved in and let women vote.

KingLion7 15 points ago +15 / -0

That almost makes sense. Kill all the men, pimp out the women.

Alas, I thinks the leaders are just evil, stealing everything while ordering the law abiding men to go die for nothing.

KingLion7 18 points ago +18 / -0

It is interesting how western countries want white men dead and gone, but then when they leave demand they come back to die for the country... like a bipolar girlfriend.

KingLion7 10 points ago +10 / -0

Even giga chads like Henry Cavill have problems with modern women. What hope have the common man?

I have noticed too that modern women are chronic liars, prone to outbursts and depression, and have poor social skills.

KingLion7 3 points ago +4 / -1

Agreed. America was founded on a lie. We are not all created equal.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

None. Warehouse management has been taken over by women and SJWs. The Karen's are running rampant in all but the smaller warehouse companies. I have been told construction management has the same problem.

KingLion7 16 points ago +16 / -0

And all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!" ...and I'll look down, and whisper "No."

KingLion7 14 points ago +14 / -0

It is female ego. Lots of witches in modern women who seethe at healthy male anything. I have seen this many times in college and the work force as well as our and about. And contrary to popular opinion, it is not just the ugly and old women. Many a pretty young gal has the same anger.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

The coasts in general are screwed, with the exception of the gulf coast.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know they help with sleep cycles and don't hurt the eyes like blue lights do. That stuff has been proven, and I have every device with a screen possessing a red light filter because of it. Red light therapy gives me pause though.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sounds like the typical American father when it comes to their little girls nowadays.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even at the beginning fathers cave to their little girls' manipulations.

KingLion7 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have heard rumors of potential COVID scare at work as has a few friends at their own specific workplaces. Plus I heard a NY hospital system brought back their mask mandate.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

The housing market is insane as is the rental market. Doesn't help that everything being built nowadays is a McMansion with no yard. When I was still looking for a home I was actively looking for an 80s style house with an 80s style yard. They don't appear to build those anymore, at least not in big enough numbers to matter.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

The new consoles can suck it. PC master race! (Plus the Switch)

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it just Tiktok or other forms of media as well? Like Facebook. Or YouTube. Or this site and the various red pill sites?

KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

Does it matter what kind of shorts? Are we talking clips?

KingLion7 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are photos of Civil War and Wild West era men holding hands and sitting uncomfortably close together. To the point they are basically sitting on each other's laps. The whole guy love, every super close man is secretly gay crap is actually really new. There is a reason old men at the gym walk around naked, that closeness used to be the norm.

KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

Why did your neighbor attempt suicide?

KingLion7 8 points ago +8 / -0

The discussion in question:

ArchRespawnsAgain "The sperges are obsessive about women, but you're touching on a big issue that usually gets ignored. Social life in general has collapsed. It's not just an issue with romance. People have fewer friends and socialize less IRL overall. You really need to build some kind of social circle. That's got a bigger chance of working than just trying to ask women out until you hit the jackpot. The lack of a social circle makes people more paranoid as well since you don't know anything about the people you are trying to date. If you have mutual friends, there is vetting that has happened through that.

For meat space activities, there's the classic bowling billiards, etc. and card and board games. Small town festivals are a bit of a hidden gem in some places. For rural areas, there's fishing, hunting, and other outdoorsy stuff. There's the odd birthday parties and such.

The red pill media has, over the years, become very black pilled and sensationalist on the subject.

For years, these people insisted that they had it all figured out, that they understood women and could get you laid and help with long term relationships and even marriages. They're now terminally single and black pilled. Despite this, they have not admitted to being wrong about anything and still insist they have it all figured out. Keep that in mind as you read the rage baiting screenshots of reddit posts they base their worldview on."

MargarineMongoose "I wish more people would talk about the complete collapse of social life. It's fucking terrifying and is the underlying root cause for a whole host of problems in the modern world. We need more in the way of efforts being made to correct the issue. I've been trying to do what I can in my small sphere of influence by just sending out a weekly email to try and get people together to go hiking once a week, but it's like pulling teeth to get more than one or two people to show up regularly. It's what we all need though, something where we all get together regularly to interact with one another."

Slav4U "As much as I hate to say it, the collapse of social life is the fault of men. In times past the men would organize groups and events (rotary, masons, etc) that would be social and help the community. Otherwise men would organize BBQ and neighborhood meetups.

We dropped our responsibilities, many with no father figure to teach them.

I tell you though, people are hungry for it if you start. I am introverted but have taught myself to organize and have gotten to the point where I throw parties where I get more people than I invited.

It can be done, but only if you make it so. The benefit as well is you can make the party what you want it to be."

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