KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally agree with you on that being the period where they're really pushing the which side are you on. There have been other periods where there were rivalries but they weren't politicized like they are now. Yes there was the Coke and Pepsi wars but nobody was going to burn your house down if you chose Coke or Pepsi. The Obama era really assured in one side is righteous and the other side is awful and you better pick the right side.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Originally it was, and then Superman became more and more of a caricature of evil as time went on. Batman's fuck ups got reconned away and Superman got the shit kicked out him to remind everyone which side they were supposed to be choosing. The reason of course, is that Superman's brand of law abiding, criminal killing and imprisoning, "fascist" way of doing things... Well, it was shown to have worked and a lot of people made the "incorrect" decision of choosing Trump... I mean Superman.

KingLion7 6 points ago +7 / -1

She is beautiful, especially for a forty year old. Too bad she didn't pop out a shit load of babies to take over the earth.

KingLion7 40 points ago +41 / -1

Look at that stern face and chiseled jaw. Looks like an 80s bad ass. There is a few alphas left after all.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't know about the nigs but that doesn't surprise me. The trunk or treat crap is a real problem. Lots of soccer mom control freak types force that onto their kids and neighborhoods.

KingLion7 11 points ago +11 / -0

This. Once upon a time a Chad looking dude like him could get all sorts of roles. But in the modern feminist, LGBT, Jew and other assorted "minority" shithole that is Hollywood he has very little to work with.

KingLion7 13 points ago +13 / -0

The usual suspects have been trying to get rid of Halloween just like they have been warring on Christmas. Sadly, they may have succeeded with Halloween.

KingLion7 6 points ago +6 / -0

Funny thing about porn. I used to watch a lot of it when I was a teenager. I didn't stop because I became a better person, I stopped because porn became really fucking weird. Back during the Playboy era I could understand loving porn, but nowadays where every porn star is heavily tatted and drugged up, has enough plastic to build a dozen Barbie dolls, is clearly a fucking deviant involved in step family/ interracial/ other weird humiliation shit... It is disgusting.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the strategy, the story, the art, the skill set and coordination.

KingLion7 54 points ago +54 / -0

All of America is committing suicide. Not just Portland.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any good recommendations for recent JRPGs? Maybe some medieval themed ones not called Fire Emblem (I have a bunch of those already)?

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be a shame if North Carolina decided to stop paying taxes and keeping their money for situations like this.

KingLion7 2 points ago +3 / -1

Where I am from all the hard lefty types have beards. They also wear flannel, influence of the hipsters and all that. Although everyone in the greater Seattle area has to have flannel somewhere in their closet, it's the law. That does change farther out from the greater Seattle area one goes. I remember during my time in Idaho it was the opposite, although a lot of Seattle transplants brought in their beards and flannel.

KingLion7 4 points ago +6 / -2

Fair enough. I am from the Pacific Northwest where conservative men are clean shaven and wear polo shirts, while lefty men dress like their hippy predecessors. There is even a meme on it.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

This. Exactly this. A good chunk of the time the chicks will offer the kids drugs, alcohol or even both.

The same thing happens in prison. The lady prison guards are choosing inmates they have control over. The men with pride and dignity refuse to play their games so they move on to men they can control.

KingLion7 28 points ago +29 / -1

Boy, I guess the Jews letting in the Muslims who hate them turned out to be a mistake on their part. Something something tale of the golem something something kicked out of a shit load of countries for some unknown reason...

KingLion7 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nah dude. I used to believe that too. But after years of reading Anglin I have noticed a different pattern from that boomer/ Gen X meme. The guys are usually just starting to develop sexually, their balls usually haven't dropped yet. 13 is the average age. The chicks are in their late 20s all the way to menopausal. The women are fucking boys they have control over, and sending 13 year old girl level texts to them. Funny thing is Anglin picks up on this, raging at the women in most of the cases and wondering what is wrong with them. Then he gets the one case that matches expectations and he immediately calms back down again, oblivious to his earlier cognitive dissonance.

One gal was married to a 6 and 1/2 ft tall construction manager. The man had chin that could split diamonds, was lean and athletic, was making six figures, and had to have a dick more than six inches considering his size. He had to lean down to put his chin on his hot blonde wife's forehead. She was fucking two, I shit you not, autistic YouTube minecrafters. 13 and 14 years old. Autistic YouTube minecrafters. Hot fucking blonde with a Chad of a husband.

Another party blonde openly bragged about fucking only 13 and 14-year-old boys. Another got caught treating the special needs class as her personal harem. And another, married for years with a former high school football athlete husband and had multiple kids with him, preyed exclusively on 11 year old girls.

The red pill/ Game bros and old Manosphere was wrong. They aren't going after super alpha males. They aren't fucking the best men available. They aren't producing an entire generation of Henry Cavilles and Tom Brady's. They are fucking what they have power over, chasing after Justin Bieber level "masculinity" and producing nothing but deeply androgenous/ effeminate boys.

Maybe the old red pill bros didn't factor in birth control and how it affected female psyche. Maybe all the drugs, obesity, propaganda, Til Tok, etc has altered women. Maybe having absolute power for so long has warped them and turned them into something that doesn't even remotely resemble their ancestors. Maybe the social theory that women only chase alpha males when times are tough and chase ever increasing degeneracy/ effeminacy when times get plentiful is correct. Maybe there is a lot more freak and deviant women than we all originally realized, they just hid themselves a lot better than their male counterparts for a long time. But for whatever reason, they were wrong.

KingLion7 22 points ago +22 / -0

Andrew Anglin is obsessed with these cases. He has posted them for many, many years. The women in these cases tend to be married or in a "relationship" with healthy dudes, usually tradesmen of some kind making good money. And they are usually preying on pre teen guys around the 13 year old range, although they can both be older (as in this case) or younger. The female teachers are usually sort of attractive to actually pretty hot, quite frequently former party girls. Oh, and to the macho men complaining about how the boys were totally asking for it they also prey on girls from time to time.

Edit: Also, there are occasions where they prey on special needs kids.

KingLion7 13 points ago +13 / -0

This. I don't care for Iran in the slightest but Israel has been fucking with them for a while now. You keep poking somebody don't be surprised when they hit you in the face.

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