Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

The things in the green tip, where did they fall before* it became "things that actually happened?"

Only thing dethatched from reality are the tiny rent free apartments inside libtard minds

*edit: typo

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Erm... Is... She going to be the piggybank?

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey man I just read this thread and you're absolutely right some things I wanted to add:

I don't think they ever mentioned Bowens being gay on TV.

Nyla Rose and Sonny Kiss are hardly even on TV. Nyla Rose to Tony Khan's credit is booked as just a fat woman, new champ crowned? Send for the man! Have him beat the new champ mid interview, beat the champ in a tag match, loses to the champ in the actual match, rinse and repeat for the next champ. Sonny Kiss hops from job crew to job crew and who gives a shit. The day AEW pull what TNA did with Tessa Blanchard is the day I stop watching.

Tony Khan is a ratings slut. He may be woke as shit but the truth is that he doesn't have the luxury of being selective with his audiences. The best days of wrestling is behind it and if Tony wanna stay competitive he's gotta give the people what they want and most people don't want women's wrestling. There are only two type of people who cares about female wrestling: Fetishist and people who complain but don't watch the product. Tony trying to push for an all female show, he should, even if it's on youtube. Hell put it behind a paywall let people who want it put their money where their mouth is.

Jack 13 points ago +13 / -0

They're really willing to burn up that proverbial carrot they been dangling to get potheads into the voting booths for decades? They must be desperate.

I mean they won't they say they'll review it, they won't. From an article today:

If Black communities want to see long-lasting marijuana reform, Willoughby said Black Americans must vote in the midterm elections on Nov. 8.

“It’s important for people to get out and vote for the elected officials that will align with their preferred outcome, which is taking cannabis off of Schedule I because it has been proven not to be a dangerous substance,” she voiced.

You mean the same motherfuckers that's been in office some since the fucking 80s? And a President who was a Senator since 1973?

Let me laugh even louder.

Jack 34 points ago +34 / -0

Professional wrestling can also be compelling, doesn't make it real.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm glad this video exist. When no refunds time comes along, and it will, someone who cares enough will DM it back to her.

Jack 35 points ago +35 / -0

Fucking racist bank won't let a successful black man keep his money there.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm kinda excited about TJAW but it's been delayed due to medical reasons. Didn't get Rippaverse tho, been mostly out of comics since Marvel spat on my face a few years back.

Jack 18 points ago +18 / -0

Pain and suffering from losing their love ones < pain and suffering from some media guy saying mean things.

Jack 20 points ago +20 / -0

Fun fact! Had OJ murdered 28 Nicole Brown Simpsons and lost all 28 civil trials he would've had to pay $938 million.

That's less than what Alex Jones has been ordered to pay. (*Adjusted for inflation he could've killed 16.66 Nicole Brown Simpsons. So that's like 16 dead and shoot one in the upper spine I suppose. Either way, banana math for a banana situation.)

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

You just know they had enough cops on hand and locked shit down because when libtards riot, there's actual danger. (Unlike Jan 6th.)

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or airlines should put their money where their mouth is and have fat seats for fats. No? Then make fats buy 2 seats. Still no? Then fucking comp passengers who complain when affected by flying fats.

by folx
Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dumb bitch never picked up a history book in her life. Reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons where the boys and girls were put in separate classrooms and the girls teacher asks "how does numbers make you feel?"

She is the product of that style of education. Fucking dumb bitch.


Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same here, PayPal is a relic of web2.0. I don't know any selling platform (ebay, Etsy, Facebook marketplace, etc) that doesn't have their own payment system at this point

Jack 17 points ago +17 / -0

They're gonna portrait a black man as a cowardly druggy? I fucking doubt it.

This Norville is gonna be a proper spoken voice of reason of the group and judging by the expression on Fred's face he's gonna have to pull double duty on being the dunce of the crew now.

Retards making retard changes on a retard show only retards would watch. Can't wait to see the review censorship.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't know ow meta but isn't solider 76 kinda meh in comparison to other assault heroes? So so heals and so so dps with decent ult that autoaims with his so so weapon.

Jack 4 points ago +7 / -3

He also hyped up and convinced his money giving live stream audience that Ty Beard wasn't a flight by night Lionel Hutzesque lawyer.

I stopped watching this guy but did he ever shit on Ty Beard when it was all over and Vic lost his ass in legal fees?

Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not just white males, they're the number 1 target of course but all males. There's some "red flag replay" commercial playing right now and so far all the commercials the guy is both wrong and the doofus.

Show me a commercial in the last 7 years where it's the women that's wrong or the doofus and the guy is smugly correcting her.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

We weren't poor but growing up McDonald's was like a once a month thing and road trip food and it was always a treat. Just give the little tykes a small fry and soda once in a while, it aint gonna kill them.

They do it to trick parents into thinking it's healthy(er) and it's okay to feed your kids it more often. The problem was never the tallow fried french fries or the 16oz "small" soda. The problem is parents who take their kids to McD every other day instead of cooking them homecooked meals.

I don't have data or statistics to back it up but I bet the parents who regularly feed their kids the new happy meal twice a week feeds their kids all sorts of other garbage as well. And the kids who eat happy meals twice a week most likely leaves the apple slices untouched like the touchpads of the steam deck.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

The problem with Happy Meals is that it comes with milk and slimly apple slices in liue of soda and fries and if you do get fries it's half the size of a small fry unless you go thru the hassle of asking for soda and a small fry.

What they should've done is let people order a kids happy meal with fries and soda and just call it a "classic happy meal" and everyone will be happy and no one will order the shitty big mike friendly bullshit happy meal.

Haven't been to McD in around 5 years so maybe thing changed.

Jack 0 points ago +2 / -2

Dude's gonna be so sad when he finds out that one or even both of the kids ain't his and the sperm he put in the freezer prior to getting snipped got mixed up in the cookie icing.

But hey, they were cute cookies and they tasted especially agreeable to him.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's always bittersweet re-watching the star wars trilogy. By the end of V I'm always thinking: golly, I could watch 100 sequels if it was like V

A damn shame. Haven't even watched most of the new Star Wars products, watched 1-3 once, Mando is good but only because everything else is crap.

Jack 17 points ago +17 / -0

100% this, I seen enough shit on reddit to know that if you wanna show off something you need to take a shitty picture of it in front of something. If she had just took a picture of the painting on her painting setup with a thumbs up she'd get a hella lot more upvotes than the first picture.

But having a girl holding it and taking ownership of the work? Oh baby, that's retard... I mean reddit, that's reddit catnip.

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