Jack 32 points ago +32 / -0

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise



Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Stating the obvious, but that "I'll pass" comment has more to do with food being handled on the floor than who and what race is doing it. And it's literally one comment from some random on the internet, her skin is thinner than the fucking rice paper used in this video.

I don't like using newspaper to line tables (Cajun) or food (UK back in the day, even during the 80's) but it's not because of White people, it's because I think it's not something I want to eat out of.

Jack 20 points ago +22 / -2

You know what he meant, don't be that guy. Probably conflates file a report and press charges.

Bet you're one of those dudes who, past midnight, would correct anyone mentioning tomorrow by saying, "Don't you mean today?" With a shit eating grin.

Jack 17 points ago +18 / -1

She convinced a simp to shoot a junkie in Reno just to see watch him die.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not Elon, I don't have fuck you money, but if I was in his position I would make the following proposal: If you stop advertising on Twitter because you cave to the pressure of the mob, that's fine, bye. If you ever want to advertise on my platform again I'll charge you double what you were charged before. That's the going rate for your principle and integrity.

Jack 12 points ago +12 / -0

time for the rectal scan

don't you mean a retina scan?

unzips... you want the loan or not?

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Since watching it I don't think a month don't pass where I see fragile and say "fra-GEE-lay" out loud. Then there's Fragile from Death Stranding, fuck me if I didn't go: "I'm fra-GEE-lay but not that fra-GEE-lay." the entire time going thru that fucking game.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

To the best of my ability here's my memory of it: Despite the near daily hype by some internet lawyer who kept folks up to date with the case (and raked in a lot of donations) eventually most people realized Zack's lawyer was all hat and no cattle (sucked bigly.) During covid lockdown Richard Meyer (Zack) dismisses the case voluntarily, neither party admitting liability or responsibility.

So basically Mark Waid won even though he did contact a comic book distributor to tell them not to work with Zack. Zack won by having the public fund the lawsuit, gain viewers and sold a shitload of comic books in the process. GamerGate and ComicGate lost because shit lawyer and Zack didn't hold up their end of the bargain and see it through. Simping for some justice and didn't even get to see the titties.

I never brought another RCM book afterwards. Also sold my autographed copies at a profit, so thanks yaboi.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same, also helps that they haven't made a game that I wasn't already sick of the genre after the xbox 360 days.

It's all indie and retro for this old man these days, no ragrets.

Jack 12 points ago +12 / -0

I thought Jewish people don't like being portraited as a monolithic stereotype? Because I been told that is simply not true and comments made by someone (say a former president) where you speak of the Jewish community as a whole can be considered anti-semitic.

Ah well, that must be why she deleted her post.

Jack 11 points ago +11 / -0

And the person filming was jailed for recording government employees without permission. He was sentenced to 200 hours of bailing duty.

The system works.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think all video games are art except walking sims. Those are just incomplete games.

Jack 3 points ago +6 / -3

too lazy to type this morning so I copy paste: three designers that Square dubbed the "Dream Team": Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Square's Final Fantasy series; Yuji Horii, creator of Enix's Dragon Quest series; and Akira Toriyama, character designer of Dragon Quest and author of the Dragon Ball manga series.

Ah yes, Chrono Trigger, created by a small gaming company with humble devs and artist making a hand crafted small batch game for discerning niche audiences.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was unaware of this and was rooting for the sneks because they humiliated the Phillies in the most spectacular fashion. Handing the Phillies and their insufferable fans their own ass in another game 7 defeat in back to back years (WS 2022, NLCS 2023)

But, yeah that's great, glad to see the Rangers get their first and even more so now.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Game was called off (abandoned), I'd imagine yes? High stick without intentional contact is 2 mins so maybe they put him in the box for 2 just to blow off some pressure between teams to prevent payback and escalation had the guy just been injured and not dead.

I'm not a hockey guy, I like my sports turn-based like baseball and cricket.

Jack 29 points ago +29 / -0

reddit hockey is in Mao and Stalin era sanitation mode, don't believe the conspiracy but also don't watch the video narrative.

Just wanna say thank you to the mod team for all the extra time spent on keeping the comment sections clean. Your efforts are not unnoticed. We greatfully appreciate you all for taking the time to ensure peaceful conversation can occur. I just wish it wasn't for the unfortunate circumstance that occurred over the weekend. Hopefully, the players giving their thoughts will put an end to the increased negative traffic.

Also, thank you to anyone who is reporting all the combative troll dribble. You're doing the mods a huge favor to help in stamping out aggressive hate speech before most redditors can even see it.

edit: also they're painting it as racist trying to make this a racially motivated attack by Petgrave. That's not what people with fucking eyes are saying, speaking for myself I'm saying is I suspect the guy did it deliberately because he is a fucking goon, this situation would be akin to a pitcher throwing at a batter on purpose only for the ball to rise and hit the batter's head and killed him. Yeah the pitcher wanted to throw at the guy but not fucking kill him but he should still be held responsible.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you exist, near guarantee you got ancestors who done more evil shit than slavery. And if I were Chuck Palahniuk I'd also wager more than half of them sported a boner while doing said evil deed.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

That Sade look not doing it for you?

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

No thanks I'll get my free pizza like how I got my college degree: via military halloween er... I mean Veterans Day at little caesars.

Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

Name one brand or company where going woke made it better or more profitable.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm 100% behind reparation for slavery. It's only fair to give descendants of the darkest part of our history some closure.

So let's just give them 200 dollars and never speak of it again.

Jack 24 points ago +25 / -1

"diluting Israel"

would you say diluting the blood or maybe even the life blood of Israel?

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes, but there were repost where they only took the intro clip with no context or outright misleading context.

Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

for context: thequartering as a joke added audio of a director telling the crew how to react. Done in a humous facetious manner. The fact that people believed it is less of an indictment on the gullibility of the public than it is about people's perception of CNN's journalistic integrity.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

no but you'll get a nice free dip in the pool, and that's always fun!

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