Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's always Patriot Pay! 🤣🤣🤣

But yeah it's fucked up, how is this legal?

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I literally checked just 2 weeks ago (Feb 25th on my browser history) to see if he was still alive and kicking. We lost a legend and a key figure of my childhood... I going to bed sad now :-(

I remember playing the NES DBZ game Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza and I didn't speak or read any Japanese but loved Dragon Ball so much that I trial and error it and ended up pretty far in the game. I'm watching Red vs Blue and some DBZ movies this weekend.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Wall is like Hulk Hogan.

Wamen: Can I have my cake and eat it too?

Wall: That won't work for me sister!

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

I still remember downloading the videos and watching it on divx or some shit in 2003 and busting a gut with my friends. Holy shit, that was 20 years ago... I was young can drink a case of beer a night. Now I'm old and eating spicy food makes me feel like I've been stabbed like Caesar.

Never watched past season 2 or 3, it kinda just petered out. Maybe this weekend I'll load it up on youtube and hoist a Bass ale and go down memory lane.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

All those years of participating in flame wars on boards paid off, I was trolling and shitposting at an 11th grade level before I even made it to high school.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Serious question: How are 15-18 year olds reading at a 3rd/4th grade level? They're on their dang cellphones all day.

The can't spell part I can understand with spellcheck, even I slacked off in my old age and would ballpark at times instead of slowing down.

Maf you got female maths to thank.

some type using their index fingers.


Oh, one last thing, when I was young I troubleshoot and reformat windows for the older folks in my church (remember when you get viruses just by being on the internet?) and now I'm old I'm troubleshooting and fixing pc, tablets, phones, whatever, for old and young people both side seems just happy never learning how to do things on their own and just ask people who knows for help. It's a damn shame.

Jack 17 points ago +17 / -0

Now dropping 7 figures of democrat funded campaign money on ADs for super Tuesday.

Somebody get on her laptop and search her drive for findom.

Jack 11 points ago +11 / -0

I remember seeing this comment on youtube and dug it up

The whole ‘kissing’ in DBS is completely misunderstood and lost in the translation. Since in the sub the whole word ‘kissing’ is never mentioned. There Vegeta asked if he have never done ‘that’?

G:’Woah Trunks! You actually put your mouth up against hers?’ Goku was surprised about giving the senzu bean mouth to mouth to May.

V: ‘you’ve never done that?’ Vegeta is confused and thinks about the specific action of (romantically) kissing someone in the mouth.

G: ‘Of course not.’ Still thinking about the giving the senzu bean to someone through the mouth (OR literally answering if he ever put his mouth on hers(aka Mai’s)

V:’But you’re married!’ Thinking about that kissing is something you do when you’re married.

G: ‘Does that have something to do with this?’ As in Goku doesn’t understand what feeding someone trough the mouth has something to do with being married.


So it’s simple miscommunication between Vegeta and Goku. Only the dub interpret it different and changed it. Sub is ‘you’ve never done ‘that’’, while de dub translated it as ‘you’ve never kissed someone?! Two completely different ways to interpret the situation.

Also, funniest dumbest thing I seen in anime is Ultimate Teacher (1988) the entire damn thing.

Jack 9 points ago +10 / -1

the father is a kind small time baby farmer who let his field fallow between years before planting his seed again. Unlike some factory farms out there who only cares about production and cranking them out.

Jack 15 points ago +16 / -1

I always say this when I hear about Johnson invented the Super Soaker, it has nothing to do with his race but I don't need to preface that here I suppose.

Super Soaker isn't an invention, the concept existed and is essentially a pump pressured sprayer that one uses to fertilize their lawn or spray for bugs. Lonnie Johnson didn't invent anything, he took a pump sprayer and put it into a water gun format. Don't get me wrong it was brilliant marketing and a revolutionary toy. But it always chaps my ass when people say he invented super soakers like the idea of pressurized water being projected out of a nozzle was his idea or something.

Smart dude came up with a good toy. Made millions. Didn't invent shit so much as repurposed something with a more catchy design. Fight me.

Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm not going to go down that fucking list but cellular phone one is a lie and JW Smith is actually JH Smith who patented a sprinkler in 1897. This fucking sheet can't even get his name right.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Change my mind*: 99.999% of men in history were right beside women suffering right along side with them.

*on how many more 9's do I put after the decimal point.

Jack 11 points ago +11 / -0


Examples from TDS normie who buys into every lib talking point but thinks he's layers above reality (low iq):

Doesn't know there was a pipeline from Russia to Western Europe, or that there is a sea between it that the tunnel ran thru.

Have no concept of how taxes works. Refuse to believe what Trump's tax cuts (TCJA) helped the poor. Insist those benefits diminishes year over year, complete detachment from reality. I show tax forms and even how much each tax bracket pay using actual data from the IRS and he says he won't accept those because they're from Breitbart. I tell him it's from a gov website IRS and he says that's a lie and cites youtube videos that doesn't even help his shitty arguments. Edit: this actually happened a few times and I ended up telling him from now on when we get into these political conversations I'm recording the audio so I can make money off it on youtube.

Doesn't understand how tax refunds are just extra from your withholdings. Serious how do you not know this?

Can't point out Israel on a map, doesn't know about Gaza Strip until October last year, now thinks he's a subject matter expert. Doesn't understand why antisemitic conservatives suddenly "flipped" and siding with Israel.

I can go on but yeah... dumb. Not just ideologically, but lack general knowledge.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Minority Marissa Mayer

Jack 11 points ago +11 / -0

I barely know the guy but wouldn't hesitate to attend his funeral. Because they usually serve food at the wake and if you sneak a few ziplock bags under your suit, then baby, you got yourself a meal.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

Never did get his iconic slave role ;_;

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

the whole thing is fake, they're paid actors. I have no proof of this because I'm too lazy to dig, but they hire people to do proposal rejections and shit like this all the time. I don't get why this is entertaining and I assume only got on our radars because it's white guy vs black woman, and I also will assume they wouldn't dare pull this shit with the black woman getting the difficult words.

reading some replies, it's hawks at mavs so the skit is hawks fan getting fucked over in a spelling contest.

Jack 6 points ago +8 / -2

I refuse to believe in allegations.

Should've paid a whore

Oh, he did?

He should've hired a whore instead of casting couch some bitch. If you're going to pay for kink, hire a professional.

She said he's into poopy play.

Well, that explains the McMahon and Saudi connection. Marquis de Sade was fucking spot on.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I should've phrased my reply better what I'm saying if you are skillful enough to make a game of this quality which demonstrate they know their way around Unreal, there is no way they're backing up "everything", but most likely just backing up their code and project files without all the art and 3d assets because that is a level of redundancy that just wouldn't make sense even to a new game maker after a few USB sticks.

First game I worked on for publishing I did it on an airgapped pc and my version control was indeed backing up the project between every major change (and in between) with hand written and notepad change logs so I don't get lost. Putting my baby on the cloud so some google employee can see my brilliant game and steal my ideas? No fucking chance!

Now? fuck, I'd script on vscode dot dev if I had to, I don't give a shit, no one is gonna steal my shitty ideas haha.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very nice work! I took a break from working on the 1080p version of the mod to play games on my spare time but I'll eventually finish it and uploaded to share. I'm redoing the art so it's less anime and more western, all AI gen of course with big boobies.

Here's a side by side example of Patroclus

Why does the modded version holding the spear have black arms? Em... he's wearing armor, yeah that's right, not because I'm lazy.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought that was weird too, and assumed they either embellished or lost in translation. I'm assuming it's the project files minus content that isn't already backed up elsewhere. Just in case so they can always go back to a previous working version if they fucked things up bigly and no cloud for security and privacy reasons?

You can't churn out a game like this if you're so stupid that you're backing up the same in game assets nightly. I refuse to believe it.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

Okay say no more, this game is get. Of course I can't play too much tonight, gotta wake up around 3am (10am Mozambique) to yell at my diamond guy in Portuguese.

What I wouldn't give to put him in a pokeball...

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