The film is PG13 so nobody who gets shot or injured shows any blood which goes a long way to give that impression. Also because Neeson's character has the skills to do it covertly (at times) and precisely. Finally it is fiction.
Since The Phantom Menace came out in 1999 that seems unlikely. Possible for Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith which came out in 2002 and 2005 respectively. Still seems unlikely unless you think George is a "9/11 was an inside job" guy.
I think your first link is wrong. It is about some architecture school.
Breechway seems interesting but I hate card games and deck builders.
Space Marine 2 seems like it was a hit. I wonder if I should buy and play the first one.
The boss in a tower in Ys 8 in which the perspective gets locked in a sort of isometric view and has some bullet hell style attacks. Very different from every other boss.
The little girl boss in Trails In The Sky who opened with a special attack on all which has a chance of instant death. I think I lost 3 out of 4 to that. I struggled to recover then quit and loaded an older save to equip an accessory to prevent instant death.
I half jokingly propose USA and EU to start a citizen exchange program. Commies can move to commie europe and enjoy free healthcare whereas fascists can move to fascist america and enjoy guns. Everyone would benefit. Must be a 1:1 exchange though.
One thrust counts, even if nobody finishes.