Modern Red Skull is kinda funny because he makes too much sense. I loved those excerpts.
Revolutions don't happen in countries where everything is going well, no.
Ministry of Truth. It's been the way things have been done for a long time.
They dehumanize their opposition to justify ignoring them. I wonder where I've seen that tactic before?
Or you hired someone to make but they're an artist and not a programmer so they don't know how to do the data entry to make it work in your engine.
I have demos I've made in a couple days. 49% of the work is getting assets into the game and looking nice and 49% of the work is tweaking the logic to play nicely. Then 90% of the rest of the work is post-release support to show your fans that you won't flake on the next game you make.
voot harder!
Gamergate. Media review/news sites' customers are the media sites they talk about. If they talk poorly about the big players, ads get pulled and they go broke.
You don't win by playing the game by your own rules. That is the literal definition of a scrub. You use the tools available to you. And you highlight how the rules are absurd as you abuse them to great effect.
Capitalism is a growth strategy and it works great at developing new markets but once the market is mature it turns into cannibalism and graft.
My preferred pronouns are His Majesty/His Majesty's.
Comments are turned off.
Hmm. They throw a "not gay" ad but disabling comments is pretty gay.
Not really. The actor's mental image of the scene can be very different than the special effects that gets drawn around him. Which can be different from what the writer wrote and what the director wanted.
Actually, this would make good material for that tire swing comic.
Meanwhile million to one contrast ratio screens was supposed to be some way to solve this. But even in those screens the dark colors don't really stand out from one another.
How do these movies cost so much to make? For just a few million I could get some real talent together. And hire writers that aren't shit.
It's narcissism everywhere.
- Use my pronouns or face violence
- Let me use your little girl's bathroom or face violence
- Pay for my surgeries and medications or face violence
- Let me brainwash your kids into thinking they're LGBT or face violence
Yes, the paper touches on this. They adopt an anti-establishment set of values as a means to gain power from outside of the system.
If I'm dating a woman I don't want to have to adopt her pets too.
Makes sense that my pets would be an obstacle too.
Groomerwear™. Make your young partner feel special by giving her* the swimwear to look fabulous!
First, they came for the Trade Unionists, but I did not speak up because I was not a Trade Unionist.
It's almost like our forefathers knew something.
Yes, cis is normal, but the term was coined so it could be used as a slur.
Mexico is not sending their best!
It doesn't have to be accurate. If the people making the decisions think you're a red flag, they send in the swat to take your guns.
The hair on a flat chest makes the women boobs unappealing, and thus irrelevant.