Any time this shit gets popular, it gets changed to cater to the lowest common denominator
Literally the start and end of the argument. If it caters to everyone, it's good for no one.
Our mistake was thinking our niche interests were unpopular because people didn't know about it, rather than because they had unique aspects nobody else was looking for.
Funding the CIA is also funding all wars, so maybe leave that one out and you'd be 100% right.
I wish it were only contained to Londonistan.
The only correct answer is YES
Or a ploy to win the debate by default since at least 1 team conceded at least 1 point- I can't stomach the whole video.
Something important missed from the title: "our leaders decide every day they'd rather [YOU] have crime". I'm pretty sure their gated communities and private security are perfectly safe.
Or it's an accidentally based Freudian slip: Street Fighter 6 isn't better than any of the other instalments.
Worse is I think some of them actually believe you can make ugly things beautiful by replacing the beautiful thing instead of making the beautiful thing ugly. It's similar to the euphemism treadmill- it's the subject that carries the stigma, not the word used to describe it. You don't make the subject more palatable, you just make more words offensive.
They don't have any power. They are part of the demoralisation strategy for those that are in control.
Dress as an omnibus bill that bans abortion, punishes false accusations and makes paternity tests mandatory at birth.
Do they really think... is a good system of justice
Burn the Witch is their entire MO. There are no innocents, only friend-enemy distinction.
at least I won't die alone
Unless he's planning a murder-suicide, he might as well be. Being near someone and being with someone are not the same thing.
Not surprised the it's-a-spectrum-tards think it's a binary answer instead of logical AND for straight and logical OR for gay. To be straight male, it must be female AND feminine to be true. Gay can be all but female, feminine or both with a strap-on and still be true.
Sticking your dick in crazy has never been gay, just ill-advised.
Yes, but I'll allow it.
going back to the old language
mega faggot or giga faggot?
Something that ALWAYS gets missed in these discussions- it's important to know who is descended from who to prevent inbreeding. A lot of black communities are highly inbred because they cheat or are promiscuous and don't keep track of lineage- accidentally end up breeding with cousins, siblings or possibly even offspring/parents.
BuT iT's VoLuNtArY! [currently]
Reality doesn't even count as a speed bump in the unstoppable march of "progress".
Alright, lads, that's enough inherendo for one thread.
Vice journalists just want one thing and it's disgusting! (because they don't wash)
It's because people are adapting to the current situation
I think that right there hits the nail on the head. Tired of compromising their values, they are asserting their view instead of capitulating to the left who aren't willing to do the same for them. "Conservatives" who just identify as not-left are part of the problem- see "right-wing porn stars".
Peak female romance novel is getting raped by a guy she finds attractive because she's "too pretty not to". There is no wrong way to score a woman, only wrong people (about 80-95%).
I would not put money on the fake Mossad account not being owned by Mossad.
Don't forget one of the worst offenders: AnYoNe CaN bE bLaDe