IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, he would've been good for a few years at least. If canadian tv shows like the jon dore television program have taught us anything, it's that longevity doesn't necessarily translate to popular success.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I remember right colbert was letterman's 4th or 5th choice to replace him, and to this day he wasn't satisfied that they chose him. He did an interview back in 2016-17, and apparently his top choice was norm mcdonald but after the SNL shenanigans the network execs thought doing so would make the "late night" thing unwatchable.

IamM 6 points ago +6 / -0

I believe it was Craig Ferguson who said "comedy is the reflection in the mirror of today's society. In the 90s comedy was fun and bubbly, a whimsical teddy bear. Now it's a grotesque and dark monster that we all know is there but noone really wants to take a gander at."

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean it's what happened for gearbox. They did the whole "release only on epic games" bullshit, their entire steam playerbase took offense to it and started boycotting/mass-downvoting their other games, and since then you're lucky to not find 3 massively on sale.

IamM 4 points ago +7 / -3

The root of all of this being single parent rates. 80% of black children are raised by one parent. Children raised solely by one parent are 30x more likely to commit a violent crime compared to those raised by both. Pretty easy connecting of the dots.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spoken like someone representing the stereotypes of that movement. For my counter-argument, I'd like to quickly bring up the idea of everything in some way devolving into capitalism. The best ideas will always draw the most success regardless of interference by other parties, and the best traits will always be the most sought after among people regardless of what stuff like twitter/facebook push.

With my experiences with the few people I've met that frequent mgtow, they seem to propose a lot of problems with zero solutions to said ones, kinda like leftists/the main patriots site except replace black/white/trans people with women. Economy tanking? Must be a woman's fault. Life doesn't feel rewarding despite doing everything perfectly? Must be a woman's fault. It's extremely lazy thinking and doesn't really accomplish anything, instead just pushing forth excuse after excuse when they should be looking into themselves for those solutions. Maybe you could afford to buy a car if you weren't spending $5k a year on video games and plastic action figures. Maybe you could afford rent/food if you weren't staying out until 3am every friday spending $600 on drinks.

I'd also say the ties between them and feminism are more similar than people want to admit. I remember a while back, think it was 2014/15, when a bunch of local feminists at my university decided to go on a sex strike. They'd walk up to you as you went to class and would harass constantly about not putting out until YOU changed or how they didn't have the same rights. It lasted a total of 3 weeks before many of them realized that their message was falling on deaf ears and men didn't want to be that "perfect guy" for them while they themselves were far from it. I can see this mgtow movement being an eerie parallel of it, only with the men pushing for the other side to be perfect to them and not offering some sort of middle-ground.

Then again from my interactions with the people from that community, I don't think they really want to compromise with women and instead just want to shift the blame of everything onto them

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm still kinda under the impression that in an effort to expand the platform the original "thedonald" people added a bunch of lefty ones that neither side really wants to be tied to.

In the case of mgtow, I'm not sure how they can coexist on this site when it's 80% christian and (as we all know) has men who are heavily against gay stuff and do their best to support their wives. I was given an extremely stern warning from one of their mods after posting in the greatawakening section about how a family can give men inspiration to be the best they can be and be a good leader/role model. If they're going after me for "rule violations" despite not touching their section at all, I can only imagine how insufferable these cunts will be if they ever expand this site again.

IamM 18 points ago +18 / -0

I am thoroughly whelmed by this. Also I like how they tried calling it a "free" speech platform, like that guy who claims he's vegetarian yet goes out of his way to suggest that bacon isn't a meat.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which is ironic as he's going after florida, a state so full of old people that "blue pilling" has two meanings there.

IamM 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'm sitting here with my penis in hand slowly shaking my fist at it. Wait, what were we talking about again?

IamM 8 points ago +8 / -0

See, I stopped drinking once I realized how expensive it was. Like even now I could either buy 2 cases of beer, or enough supplies to repaint 3 cars.

IamM 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hey, for reddit and southern-vancouver these are easily 8/10s. Bump it up to a 9 if they don't have multiple kids or herpes.

IamM 7 points ago +7 / -0

Meanwhile their hockey team the "nashville predators" have since adopted the tranny as their mascot, after it was found they killed more children in one rampage than a sabretooth cat ever could.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I remember right they were going to do this with queen isabella, but thought the idea of a black woman murdering millions of brown children was too "on the nose" in today's abortion-happy society.

IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can kinda agree, even though it's hard to really put a name on what "we" are without using the broad term of conservative. Are we maga-ists? Some are, but others like myself are operating under the idea that trump has his own part in this leftist scheme that's going around, and don't want any part of it.

IamM 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'd argue the "mainstream success" of them is kinda like how fox news is mainstream: controlled chatter that they call "conservative" but is actually fairly-poorly disguised lefty stuff. Even their hiring of candace owens screamed "we need a minority to not look like a bunch of racist white people", a la what rooster teeth did 8 years ago.

IamM 9 points ago +9 / -0

It can also be attributed to literally any good/bad thing. I remember a gaming company, forget the name but I think they created "league of giants" or something, posted a report saying their diversity goals resulted in a net 5% increase in viewership. What they didn't mention was that the 2 branches where they pushed for it (europe and north america) were down 40% and the massive viewership increase was from the 95% male dominated korea/china parts.

IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

See, I liken him a lot to carson wentz only that his best season was overshadowed by a playoff choke instead of having his replacement win superbowl mvp. Not only is his play one-dimensional and puts him at risk of injury (which has happened a lot), but he's seemingly gotten injured at the worst possible times. More recently, he's found ways to throw games in the regular season too (if I remember right over the past 2 years he has the most losses when up by at least 10points), with his first half and second half stats being near polar opposites of eachother.

All of this is why I thoroughly enjoy what the ravens are doing with him: signing him to a tag, seeing if other teams will show interest (which considering the jets haven't made an offer suggests the market is dead for him), then when they don't they can put him on a cheaper contract in the area of 5 years/160m.

IamM 14 points ago +14 / -0

I wouldn't even say the madden curse is a true curse though and more a testament to how bad ea sports was at judging talent. Peyton hillis, cam newton, lamar jackson, antonio brown. About half of the athletes who made the cover were bad players who had one somewhat good season with a ton of help from somewhere else (usually the defense, although in the case of shaun alexander it was due to playing behind one of the greatest offensive lines of all time), then regressed back to terrible once their teams couldn't carry them again.

by folx
IamM 10 points ago +10 / -0

I mean you could even add 4 to it as well if you factor in the science elements. Hell, 4 in and of itself goes against everything the "gay/trans" movement is: something unnatural that goes against everything in nature.

IamM 10 points ago +10 / -0

Considering 40% of them die at their own hands, it's a bit odd that they're thinking a genocide would be needed to mass-kill them and not someone posting 20 or so bathroom memes.

IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

You could also make that argument to ban everything and anything. "You know what allows people to commit these attrocities? Hands. I'm proposing a mass ban of hands, starting with everyone but myself. Pay me"

IamM 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh, they did far far worse. If you were there as a tourist or on any sort of work visa and refused to get the jab, even if you had a note from a doctor saying you couldn't medically survive it, they would stick you in a camp until you either died or complied and wouldn't deport you either.

IamM 14 points ago +14 / -0

Australia: jailed people during 2020 and put them in actual concentration camps for not taking the jab or telling others to avoid it

OP: "I'm starting to think these guys might be bad..."

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also their term for "hiroshima in ww2" roughly translates to "slightly chilly day in arizona".

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