Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

I've really set off some shitgoblin fed this time, huh? Plenty of these moderation messages recently.

Lmao. They're like the dims trying to call Trump senile - "it worked against us so accuse our opponent of it". All impotent rage and no substance to them.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

I was replying to one. And I am again now, mr. "Sociopathic globalist cabal means JOOOOOOOO".

Gates isn't a jew. Many of the "elite" aren't. Gay race socialism ignores the forest for the trees and deliberately sows division between people who could work together. I'll work with my extraordinarily based veteran friend who happens to be black over all the white leftists of the world, even if they're pro-white instead of anti-white, because they're all useless faggots.

Ideology isn't arbitrarily tied to your birth. Ideology is a choice, and a much better tool to determine character. All leftists are CHOOSING to either be serfs or power-hungry faggots. And they all need to fuck off.

Hellsbells00 -8 points ago +1 / -9

Some of them might agree with you - the ones that are part of the sociopathic globalist cabal, for whom it has proven very useful. The holocaust has demonstrably not improved the global situation, though, for you retards always going reee all joos - like every one of these retarded race socialism movements, they didn't actually get the powerful ones, only killed a bunch of civilians needlessly and benefited the global elite.

You know what can't be argued, though? The nazis were the singular worst thing to ever happen to the german people, because the aftermath was the utter ruination of their nation and culture. Their entire nation has been cucked.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +2 / -1

Die mad about your utter failure to sway actual right wing americans to your gay race communism variant, fag.

Hellsbells00 -6 points ago +8 / -14

If hitler hadn't been a deluded psychotic faggot, and had actually let his generals run the war, he might have actually won. Getting rid of Guderian was a colossal fuckup. And of course he disgusted an actual german nationalist, Rommel, so badly that Rommel tried to kill him, IIRC.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah, the complete failure to grasp what left and right are actually defined by is too common these days by design.

There has been a concerted propaganda effort pushing horseshoe theory in public education in many nations. It is a tool to demoralize populations, by making people think that both sides are actually the same, so there is no point in caring or trying to do anything.

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Are you unaware you replied in an ongoing conversation? Read down the line. I've argued with this faggot before, he's an unironic socialist fuckstain who thinks the only thing wrong with the current left is that it's targeting whites instead of other groups.

If you're not being dim, you replied insinuating I liked lincoln, because I'm calling out a leftist faggot.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah nah, cato is a mongoloid crypto-lefty, he is full on the "hitler was based cultural marxist collectivist socialism is fantastic if it's not targeting me" train.

He's either a fed or so retarded he's indistinguishable from the "nazis are right wing now let's give the government total power gais" feds.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

you don't like racial collectivist cultural marxist socialism but "our guys" (they aren't), you must like "insert retarded leftist"

Lincoln spat on the constitution and didn't go to war over slavery but to retain federal power. He's easily in the top 5 worst presidents. The entire purpose of the design of the US was to mitigate the inevitable corruption of government. The US was meant to have a minimal federal government, with the most local government having the most effect on the daily life of the citizens, and each higher level only handling what absolutely needed to be handled at that level.

The federal government is meant to prevent interstate disputes (not instigate them ala lincoln), and protect the nation from outside threats. Decentralized power is easier to defeat when it is turned against the citizens, and lower level governments are easier to correct once corrupted. That is right wing - minimal government, decentralized power in the hands of the citizens.

I am not a leftist at all. Which is what the wehraboo maggots cannot comprehend (if they were actually true believers). But really, they aren't so retarded as to think socialism is right wing, they're crypto-leftists serving the fed.

Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +0 / -2

Keep projecting, fed goblin. It outs you. You have no right to reference the declaration while being diametrically opposed to the founding ideals of the US, trash, and you doing so is a joke that only makes you more obvious.

Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +0 / -2

reee you hate whites

You project like a leftist. Your goal here is to defame and subvert actual right wing action. You are the one who would have whites (and everyone else) enslaved under the boot.

You are a faggot.

you get mad when I make blatantly false claims about your stances

Like anyone would. You act like your own austrian faggot's stereotype of arguing with a jew. "You don't let my blatant lies and slander of your character stand so you're a leftist just like me!" No. You are a goblin, and you cannot claim the history of my ancestors as an excuse for your UTTER failure to be a worthwhile human. You are NOT an american, the founders would have shot you in the street for your bullshit. You would have been a loyalist for the brits and you do not belong on an american board.

Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Left and right are not subjective labels. They are directions on an axis. The uniparty is all about control - no matter what label they use or dogma they spout they are leftists, but the propaganda, the horseshoe theory is a lie.

The idea that somehow the right, which is anti-government, wraps around to become socialism, is a malicious lie built to demoralize. The goal of that lie is to convince normies that "both sides are the same so nothing matters" and to subvert easily deceived dimwits from actual right wing movements.

Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're full of shit. White leftists are no better than any other, and we only have a majority when you're looking at men exclusively. 57% is not heavily outnumbering. 75% would be heavily outnumbering.

Hellsbells00 -9 points ago +3 / -12

There is no such thing as right wing socialism.

Hellsbells00 -12 points ago +3 / -15

And you're a subhuman socialist goblin who needs to leave.

Hellsbells00 -31 points ago +1 / -32

Trump wouldn't have started WW2, and Germany wouldn't be a corpse. Don't you faggots go there pretending your vegan manlet retard was actually comparable to people that actually benefit their country on a massive scale.

Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +1 / -3


We all wish. This is a big reason I don't take wehraboo fags seriously, because they'd sell a patriotic american out for a leftist thot on the basis of skin color, when ideology is far more important. But then, they're leftists too, not actually right wing by any measure.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

Globalism doesn't thrive on numbers, it thrives on control and manipulation. The sociopathic cabal is extremely practiced at taking control of power structures and expanding them. This is why the solution is limiting government and rigorously defending and securing those limitations, to prevent leftists from having power to wield.

Leftism is like the flood, from halo. The only solution is to starve it of what it needs to grow.

Hellsbells00 -10 points ago +1 / -11

You aren't american, are you, clown?

The system the US was built as is the best system of government yet fielded by man. Trump actually understands this, and wants to reduce the government's powers and return power to states.

Leftism or leftism but "our guy" are not the only choices. Being a leftist is being an ideological cuck, unwilling to control your own life and begging for a ruler to own you. Pathetic. It would be preferable to die than be one.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +4 / -4

Except I didn't, you did.

This thread isn't about getting the institutions back, it's about consuming slop. It's the equivalent of a thread asking which AAA bullshit you've pre-ordered, and the answer should be none.

"Just ignore it" isn't enough, you're correct, actively attacking it is better. Which is what I'm doing by telling people it's fucking stupid. You don't campaign against something by giving them money. Which you seem to be advocating for, considering you got butthurt when I called it bullshit, and made a massive false equivalency failure of a post. And you claim I missed the point?

Hellsbells00 -10 points ago +1 / -11

Unfortunately, as much as it would be convenient for low IQ racial collectivism to have a basis in reality - the largest population of leftists in the US is still white.

They are no more tolerable than any of their ideological compatriots, neither the "useful idiot" shocktroops or the more malicious deliberately anti-humanity types.

Hellsbells00 -13 points ago +2 / -15

please give us authoritarian leftist government that will immediately be turned against us, because we can't be bothered to manage our own problems

No. Go back to europe.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +7 / -5

I don't buy AAA slop. There are tons of other games.

If you like baseball, you don't need to watch the bread and circuses monkey shows by billionaires, you can join a local league and PLAY baseball. Going outside, getting exercise, etc - infinitely preferable.

Hellsbells00 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is exactly the point I checked out as well because they were gibbering on as if that goblin interviewer knew economics better than the president who led the best period in this century so far.

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