It's so obvious how fake they are, too. All you have to do to be accurate with half the "reeee jooos" bullshit is just stop trying to claim it's one ethnic group and actually identify globalists. But they don't want people to recognize the globalists, they want any criticism of the actual cabal to be dismissed by association.
Actual humans trying to make real arguments aren't that retarded. Anyone with two eyes and functioning pattern recognition capability can see that it is neither all jews nor exclusively jews, so deliberately reducing things to an obviously wrong target is not ignorance, it's malice.
Some of those faggots are so terminally online they have to be welfare goblins or paid shills. Deliberate shilling organizations like actblue should be made illegal, IMO.
None of the conpro faggots are real humans actually trying to understand reality. They're leftist propagandists trying to drown actual right wing sites under a flood of goblinoid forum sliding.
Frankly we need a wall and deportations of our own, sheer volume of retarded brigaders is killing this board.
Leftist groups are composed of multiple classes of failure, the sociopaths are a small enough group that they usually end up only in management. The shock troops of leftist movements are basically religious zealots, that worship the state or communist ideology instead of god. Leftiist ideologies more closely resemble religions than economic or functional political theories.
Communism in particular is a structure uniquely suited to allowing sociopaths to manipulate large groups of useful idiots. Stalin was almost certainly one. Lenin and hitler were probably more deranged than sociopathic - the high functioning sociopaths usually succeed leadership rather than creating a movement.
It was also an attack on an individual, not a group. And despite what that conpro faggot thinks, vampires are not a jew stereotype.
They don't actually need to eat humans to live, as established by the one that turned an entire city to gold and lived in it for decades.
And nearly everything you just described can also fit the description of "human" sociopathic predators.
Did you watch the whole show or read the manga? Societal infiltration including of government is something the smarter demons did multiple times. This echoes the population of sociopaths. The majority of them are just dangerous animals. The smarter ones are much more insidious.
They're emotionless manipulators that look like people, but aren't, that will say anything or play any role for personal gain.
Am I describing sociopaths or the demons?
The demons in Frieren are a perfect match to the sociopathic predator. They ARE an allegory, for the evil masquerading as human in our midst, and the kind of people that make up the ranking members of the globalist cabal. And these barking seals can't see it because they've been trained to see criminal behavior and immediately defend it.
They aren't media literate, they're reality illiterate.
I think the coof payoffs proved a doctor's license has little to no moral weight, and if the highest court in the land ignoring the 2020 election fraud suits didn't shake your faith in the mockery our legal system has become, then nearly everything else in the last decade should have.
No license nor institution is uncorruptible. Hacks, grifters and self absorbed sociopathics are only a payday away from a knife in your back at all times.
That creature looks like a vampire - the actual kind, not the sparkling faggot kind.
You losing your actblue job when the FBI gets fucked will make me cheer goblin.
You fed goblins have your containment board. No amount of brigading changes the fact that this board's purpose is directly at odds with your leftist faggotry.
Go back in your hole, goblin.
Don't use Christ's name as a euphemism for an insult, you mongoloid.
Actually go ahead, you just reveal yourself as a fake when you do. Only a goblin would try to twist that phrase into something negative like you do. You're no believer. You're a deranged faggot.
reeee joooooo you don't like gay race communism you're a JOOOOOO
Proving me right, leftist. Die mad about it, goblin. You act more like your faggoted german vegan socialist's stereotype of a jew than any actual right wing person would.
Wehraboo crypto leftist fags admitting to being NEETs is no surprise. But the vast majority of useless layabouts that aren't trying to find jobs are not right wing. Being unemployed because of a bad economy and being unemployed because you're a parasite are different.
At some point you have to realize none of these "reee jooooos" fags are intellectually honest. The entirety of their "movement" is propagated from a psyop. Racial idpol collectivism is leftist. Pushing that as right wing is an attempt to manipulate.
There are three goals of this psyop - first, convince normies / leftists of their horseshoe theory propaganda. They point to these insidious fag actors and say "see, the right is nazis". This is to defame right wing groups and muddle discourse with bad information, to cover up the fact that all authoritarian leftist governments have been evil and all of the greatest atrocities have been committed by them.
The second is to disrupt right wing activity. Sowing their moronic goblinoid bullshit distracts and disrupts right wing organizing and action.
The third is to convince retards that would be right wing to fall in with them. By converting morons into leftist collectivist ideology, they hedge their bets. Even if their standard leftist movement fails, if they can corrupt their opposition into building an authoritarian government they will have accomplished their goal of centralizing power. Then they just have to subvert it, which is their specialty.
This creature you are trying to engage with is not a human trying to engage in good faith discussion. You cannot convince it. It is either a puppet, or something so retarded it falls for the convenient trap. It is natural to want the enemy to be easily identifiable by something as obvious as an ethnicity. It is also very obviously contradicted by reality. Human beings that are capable of basic observation don't fall for that.
The bioware of "old" was retarded, too. Dragon age was after mass effect, which was mediocre and followed up by garbage. The old star wars games were the last actually good thing they made, and even those are debatable.
They're a weapons testing ground for our corrupt military industrial complex. Much like Ukraine, a lot of the money stolen from us makes it's way back to politicians' pockets.
The south koreans would be a few inches taller and not emaciated.
So if we downsize the federal government's staff by 90% and stop all the onesided censorship and institutional protection for leftists, can we get them all to leave the country too?
What does it cost in real money? Maple leaves and gravy are not substitutes for a real economy.
Yes, the treaty of versailles that was quite bad. You're blaming that on the US bailing the allies out. You'd prefer the war completely decimated europe?
The wehraboo fags aren't "alt right". That's CNN terminology. Any kind of slander is thrown under that definition, it's like "assault weapon".
They're leftists. Anyone who advocates gay race communism is a leftist. Anyone who tries to screech "ree it's all joos" is attempting to distract from the real nature of globalists and derail actual right wing with idpol shit - you aren't wrong about that part. They may claim to fight the dominant leftist party, but they're still leftists. Don't let them pretend otherwise.
Guns are outright superior to not having them. Guns are the great equalizer. They protect the weak. The absolute hypocrisy of the weak faggots that hate guns is that without them they would have to live in fear of raw force.
Is this woman even a feminist? Do not burn the forest down because some trees are poisonous. The women that didn't support this shit don't deserve deranged troons inflicted on them.
That's part of the troon messaging, accusing anyone who rejects their schizoid nonsense of being a radical feminist.