The fact that Waltz apparently has Goldberg on speed dial is baffling. It's the dog that isn't barking. It's like Al gore is chatting with Hillary Clinton and she adds Rush fucking Limbaugh to it.
What's insane about this is Jeff Goldberg catches the scoop of a lifetime and instead of running it into the endzone he took a knee. Why?
Because Hegseth, Waltz, and Goldberg are all on the same side (israel).
Making this story about Trump officials being dumb (which is fair) entirely misses the point, that the Trump admin is preparing to launch WW3 on behalf of jews.
Props at least to JD Vance for being against it, what little difference it may make.
Does this include the requirement of swearing a loyalty pledge to Israel to receive hurricane relief funds?
From the perspective of a customer, sales numbers are irrelevant for the most part. In fact if a game is good, flopping is good for you since it means you'll be able to buy it cheap. The only thing you can really say is you want games you like to sell well so they get sequels, but sequels have no guarantee of quality anyway (e.g. Dragon Age).
What's super strange is how emotional the left gets about this shit, like trannies on streams crying over Concord flopping. FFS. Who cares? It doesn't affect you in the least.
There was an interesting post from Scott Alexander about this from the long long ago, about how bad cases provide higher signaling value. As you say, when the police are being legit evil, it's not worth complaining about because everyone agrees with you. Only a TRUE BELIEVER will argue for the release of triple-murder-rape home invader illiterate crackhead dindus.
Pajeets collect 20% of the salary of a normal coder but do only 5% of the work
Clinton did leave with a surplus but also a recession.
This is part of the whole lefty idea that even when the right uses legal powers, they do it the wrong way or for the wrong reasons. Arguments that the left is totally immune to ("elections have consequences"-Obama).
This one is funny
The minions are earnest and lovable tho
X-men, no question
Its a 401k
I mean realistically a buyout would just be a transfer to private capital firms, but you'd still be better off than the government.
The insane thing is the people coming here fresh off the boat, never paid a dime in taxes, qualify for disability because they can't read or write, and somehow collect SS checks for life. Explain THAT boomer. And it will never stop as long as the system exists because they'll justify free riders for their own lazy fat asses.
is it ad supported? I hate ads.
This has been posted before
That's too bad, my kids were really enjoying those old non-PC cartoons with their violence and shit.
Sneaky fucker strategy in action
The faggy improv LARPers have always been a plague on the hobby, but Critical Role was like a nuke on combat/simulation gameplay.
It's pretty bizarre, D&D was originally the edgy game with spells and demons and shit, and now they're re-writing their ruleset to comply with woke sacraments. It's like if during the 1980's religious attacks the game had changed it so clerics could only worship YHWH and all wizards were servants of Satan.
The ideology of envy and hatred. They're never satisfied until everyone is as ugly, stupid, and miserable as they are. There is no accord with such people.
Political lesbianism
Looks like trash but at least they built their own IP instead of stealing someone else's.
No one can even say what kind of game it is, co op is not a genre.
It's not a mistake, they know exactly what they're doing
African aids is just regular African hygiene
The outlandish stories they keep making up ("rollercoasters launching people into ovens" and such) is nothing short of blood libel.