GuestAccount69 6 points ago +6 / -0

It just dawned on me that you console weebs don't frequent the same communities as I do, so I thought to let you in on the fun. This is why they gave the Qunari horns in DA2. Dicks, udders - it was always just a milking fetish.

GuestAccount69 26 points ago +26 / -0

Everything about this guys screams 'male feminist ally'. So, yeah this ad is spot on. There isn't a single group of White men more predatory, deceitful and violent than those asswipes.

GuestAccount69 6 points ago +7 / -1

No, no, no. You guys don't get it. Benjy is mocking our interest in the JFK assassination to keep us from looking deeper into the killings of McKinely and Garfield. Cause he knows THOSE guys were killed by the jews.

GuestAccount69 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTF?! Black people are finally learning to swim? That means we CAN teach them to do anything! We can train them to be more like US!

GuestAccount69 9 points ago +9 / -0

When they say Democracy they really mean Democratcracy: the rule of the people who call themselves Democrats. Nothing loftier than that.

GuestAccount69 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't read anything written past 1989. Something happened in the 90s. It's like all of humanity entered a state of hightened social awareness. We gained an unrestricted access to a kind of psychological source code, something we were completely ignorant and innocent of in the previous decades. All fiction became more cynical, more streamlined and in control of the audience's interpretation. Things have become even worse in the recent 10-15 years with the rise of Straight-To-Kindle literature. No more publishing being solely for the most talented and/or profitable writers. Now, any Tom, Dick and Tranny can become a self-published author. All of my favorite writers, now in their 70+s have retired and most of the current literature is written by soyjacked millennials and nihilistic zoomer weebs, so why the fuck should I bother?

GuestAccount69 16 points ago +17 / -1

Ah, you don't appear to be aware of the eight genders of the Talmud. Lazy Telia, you have ONE job, and you fuck it up on something this basic.

(1) Zachar (male), (2) Nekevah (female), (3) Androgynos (having both male and female characteristics), (4) Tumtum (lacking sexual characteristics), (5) Aylonit Hamah (identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics), (6) Aylonit Adam (identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention), (7) Saris hamah (identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics), and (8) Saris adam (identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention).

No other people in history have ever subscribed to this nonsense. Transgenderism is just another jewish invention (but is it actually practiced?) foisted on the stupid goy sheeple. So, where you see two different groups, destroying both the Right and the Wrong, I see just one. And I see how much better the world would be without it.

GuestAccount69 17 points ago +18 / -1

I would really like the opinions of Jizzortnik, ghostfox, Hellsbells and other hebs on this topic, this event as well as the oh-so-noticable pattern behind most of the speakers in it.

Also, has Peterson ever said why he wore that Jesus coat?

GuestAccount69 18 points ago +19 / -1

Our resident jewish trivia master recently introduced most of us (and himself) to the word "freier." To refresh people's memory, it (copypasta) means “sucker”, but with a particular connotation; you aren't a sucker because you are dumb or unlucky but because you follow the rules when everyone else knows that the rules are only for freiers.

Is this what Captain Golem is talking about?

GuestAccount69 38 points ago +38 / -0

Debra Wilson is great value for devs. They can just scan her face and put her straight into the game without spending any time and money getting her model de-sexualized in order to defy the Male Gaze, like they did with Ayloy, Abby and other ugly bitches. She comes pre-ugged.

GuestAccount69 29 points ago +29 / -0

This shit video, the copy-pasta one from yesterday and all the other cringe garbage I've repressed... hmm... I'm starting to suspect that the Dems are planning to push for a law that bans any criticizm and mockery of elected officials, just like in Europe.

GuestAccount69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Some day, some wonderfully cursed day your bad habits are going to catch up with you, and your fingers are going to start twitching sideways, uncontrollably - like a metronome on crack.

When (not if) it happens, DON'T PANIC! It will (mostly) go away, but only if you stop gaming (or even clicking on a fucking mouse) for several days...

GuestAccount69 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been cooking my cheese sandwiches inside waffle iron grills since I was a child. No butter or oil needed, and I never make waffles in it, just sandwiches. It blew my mind when I finally figured out what "grilled cheese sandwich" means in America. I mean, you're not grilling it, you're FRYING it!

GuestAccount69 18 points ago +18 / -0

He came out as gay in 1996. Fuckers took their damn time. I guess this is how it is when your muslim terrorists aren't run by the CIA or Mossad.

GuestAccount69 1 point ago +2 / -1

The only games you care about are those with naked lolis in them.

GuestAccount69 1 point ago +1 / -0

How did you access this thread? Did you have the tab open from some time before or can you see it on the main page?

GuestAccount69 1 point ago +2 / -1

Exactly how are we supposed to see this thread? It does not exist on the main page. The only reason I see it is because I still have the tab open (out of morbid curiosity).

Is Mpetey an alt-righter now? Or Adamrises? Or AbleistSL? They've been here for years and they too kvetch about the game. Is everyone who disparages the game now an "antisemite"?

Also, did you ask any non-jewish Americans if they feel offended by this horrible "Identity Attack?" I'd wager about 0% of them would say "yes." The other 100% would call you a faggot.

GuestAccount69 2 points ago +2 / -0

You've deleted this entire thread? Was the dialogue in the screenshot edited? Is this not how the conversation goes in the game? More importantly, do you intend to repeat this for other KCD2 threads that talk about rhe jewish faggotry in the game?


Most importantly, as the sole moderator of this forum, do you approve of the way jews are portrayed and treated (by the devs, not the christchuds) in this game?

As for me, I shut my pc down with a bunch of open threads and this was in one of them.

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