Debra Wilson is great value for devs. They can just scan her face and put her straight into the game without spending any time and money getting her model de-sexualized in order to defy the Male Gaze, like they did with Ayloy, Abby and other ugly bitches. She comes pre-ugged.
She is also a great value because she literally has the mocap studio in her house. Its why she is in so many things, she can roll out of bed and start performing, leaving her with a shit ton more productivity compared to even the best actors they could fine.
She literally made herself the perfect person for their needs. Ugly, easy to get, delivers under budget and ahead of schedule, is black. A perfect specimen for their machinations.
From what I've seen, she seems to be an all around decent person beyond her god awful decisions regarding her looks. Even while being in some of the most aggressively malicious games (like The New Colossus) I can't remember her ever participating in the dogpiling.
So, I can't even hate her personally for it. She just found a way to make bank and they are lining up to line her pockets.
Wait, wait, wait... she has an actual mo-cap studio in her house? Really? Is it mo-cap or performance capture with the voice and facial capture too?
Because if so, ernsithe is right... I may despise her in every game she's in and hate the fact she's cast so much, but that is some next-level commitment to getting picked up as a DEI hire.
I don't know exactly, and its hard to actually track down anything because every search result is the same meme about her across dozens of fucking sites. From memory (so take with a grain of salt) its an entire room of her house devoted to it, and makes it so she only has to come to the actual dev building a few times briefly to finish the game off.
And considering she has been VAing video games since like 2006, which was shortly after she left MadTV at her "peak", it seems she is just committed to being part of the industry period and actually willing to put in the effort to do so.
Its almost a shame that so many companies have overused her, because she seems like one of the blacks who probably earned being hired and is getting fucked by DEI by becoming the face of it unintentionally.
Ah okay. Makes sense. I'm not too arsed to look into the details.
Given her hideous tattoos and shaving her head, I'm guessing she got turned inside out by some producers trying to land a gig, and decided to just go full bore into the gaming sphere as a consistent but safe bet.
Debra Wilson is great value for devs. They can just scan her face and put her straight into the game without spending any time and money getting her model de-sexualized in order to defy the Male Gaze, like they did with Ayloy, Abby and other ugly bitches. She comes pre-ugged.
She is also a great value because she literally has the mocap studio in her house. Its why she is in so many things, she can roll out of bed and start performing, leaving her with a shit ton more productivity compared to even the best actors they could fine.
She literally made herself the perfect person for their needs. Ugly, easy to get, delivers under budget and ahead of schedule, is black. A perfect specimen for their machinations.
I've got to say, that's a really big-brain move for getting work in that industry.
From what I've seen, she seems to be an all around decent person beyond her god awful decisions regarding her looks. Even while being in some of the most aggressively malicious games (like The New Colossus) I can't remember her ever participating in the dogpiling.
So, I can't even hate her personally for it. She just found a way to make bank and they are lining up to line her pockets.
Wait, wait, wait... she has an actual mo-cap studio in her house? Really? Is it mo-cap or performance capture with the voice and facial capture too?
Because if so, ernsithe is right... I may despise her in every game she's in and hate the fact she's cast so much, but that is some next-level commitment to getting picked up as a DEI hire.
I don't know exactly, and its hard to actually track down anything because every search result is the same meme about her across dozens of fucking sites. From memory (so take with a grain of salt) its an entire room of her house devoted to it, and makes it so she only has to come to the actual dev building a few times briefly to finish the game off.
And considering she has been VAing video games since like 2006, which was shortly after she left MadTV at her "peak", it seems she is just committed to being part of the industry period and actually willing to put in the effort to do so.
Its almost a shame that so many companies have overused her, because she seems like one of the blacks who probably earned being hired and is getting fucked by DEI by becoming the face of it unintentionally.
Ah okay. Makes sense. I'm not too arsed to look into the details.
Given her hideous tattoos and shaving her head, I'm guessing she got turned inside out by some producers trying to land a gig, and decided to just go full bore into the gaming sphere as a consistent but safe bet.