Grumman 3 points ago +3 / -0

I created an account years ago, and it was immediately suspended for "suspected bot activity" demanding my phone number. I wasn't going to give in to an obvious shakedown so I abandoned the account. I haven't tried getting the account unsuspended or creating a new account since Musk took over, but if the same non-rule rule is in place I'm not doing it.

Grumman 4 points ago +4 / -0

I imagine it does them no favours that their archnemesis is Pakistan, while China's is the United States. They're bound to be investing less in trying to beat their neighbour than China does in trying to be the best on the planet.

Grumman 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree. With one or two medals you could be looking at a statistical anomaly, but New Zealand's right up there with them.

by Lethn
Grumman 2 points ago +2 / -0

he was citing historical precedent for Ukraine and Crimea.

Russia has a legitimate case for war, but this isn't it. Point to the pro-Russian candidate winning the 2010 election, being overthrown on the grounds that his opponent's supporters lived within rioting distance of the capital and his did not with the direct support of the US State Department via Victoria Nuland (in violation of the Budapest memorandum), the subsequent killings of thousands of ethnic Russians and the revolutionary government's declaration that two out of three democratically elected presidents are traitors against their anti-democratic rule. Point out that the American-backed coup to force Ukraine into the Western sphere of influence isn't the same as Finland or Poland choosing of their own volition to side with NATO but part of a deliberate strategy of regime change by Obama's State Department starting with Russia's allies in Ukraine and Syria that would have ended with the overthrow of Russia itself.

Grumman 7 points ago +7 / -0

This law introduced by the Conservatives will bite them in the backside as it will be used against those creating electoral communications that are critical of the ruling Labour Party.

The Tories buried a report about Labour's crimes against the British people. Those Tories are going to be fine.

Grumman 4 points ago +4 / -0

This isn't the average normie, this is someone whose job is predicated on believing that evil is just an illness to be treated.

Grumman 6 points ago +7 / -1

In Ukraine's case, I'd agree. Refusing to fight for the revolutionary government that overthrew a president you may very well have voted for in 2010 is not cowardice, it's refusal to commit treason against yourself.

Grumman 10 points ago +10 / -0

Monkeypox only killed the intersection of two groups: people infected with AIDS, and people with close physical contact with complete degenerates. As a result it is not a public health emergency but a literal lifesaver, because anyone who dies instantly from monkeypox would otherwise be spending the next few decades infecting as many people as possible with AIDS.

Grumman 4 points ago +4 / -0

The same traitors who decided victims of foreign gangs were lying last time.

Grumman 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's fine for casual sports, but anything where the men are tryharding is going to suck for the women - especially contact sports and especially especially combat sports.

Grumman 2 points ago +2 / -0

But these are not independent variables. Whatever intersex individuals exist are disproportionately likely to be identified as promising young athletes, due to male sex hormones being a performance enhancing drug.

Grumman 2 points ago +2 / -0

How before jews were free to terrorize Europe no one had any negative experience with Muslims?

Only if you ignore the slave raids and the invasions.

Grumman 11 points ago +11 / -0

He wasn't maimed to protect women, he was maimed to protect the revolutionary government. If they thought they could get away with it they'd be using the women as meat shields too.

Grumman 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've still got Eric Gill's indecent image of a child over the front door of the BBC Broadcasting House.

by Lethn
Grumman 7 points ago +7 / -0

Mohammad, Mohammad Ahmed and Mohammad Mahmood. Gee, I wonder who gave them the idea that raping children was okay?

Grumman 6 points ago +6 / -0

Case in point, Starship Troopers the film is supposed to be making fun of the "space nazis" and pointing out that they are the bad guys, but people started identifying with them because of poor writing and they're fun so leftists are melting down over it.

That's the midwit reading of Starship Troopers. The actual meaning of Starship Troopers is "Verhoeven is an illiterate fuckwit who doesn't understand the book he's slandering."

Grumman 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know. I still think she needs to be disqualified if that is the case, but I am sympathetic to someone who cannot compete fairly and safely due to a birth defect and not just because they're psychotic.

Grumman 13 points ago +13 / -0

Both Labour and the Tories are behind this shit, and both lost votes last election. First-Past-The-Post inertia no longer favours the Tories, so next time there's a good chance that they'll be replaced by a real right-wing party.

Grumman 11 points ago +11 / -0

He'd still be in Mexico, so no, it wouldn't.

Grumman 5 points ago +5 / -0

The journalist isn't wrong. Even without considering communism, it's a horrific song: "Imagine there's nothing in life worth fighting for" is a dystopia, not a utopia.

Grumman 2 points ago +2 / -0

If RDJ is playing Victor Von Doom, it's "You like RDJ, right? Have more RDJ! Please like our movies again!" But if RDJ is playing evil Tony Stark, it's part of the same anti-white male campaign as everything else.

Either way, I will not be watching it before it hits free-to-air TV. Even if it's the former and not inherently hostile, Disney as a company needs to wither and die.

Grumman 15 points ago +15 / -0

There is a clip from the Wounded Knee movie where Col. Miles and Sitting Bull are talking and Col Miles points out the tribes that his tribe slaughtered to take the land they were on.

I just saw that clip today. I'm not familiar with the battle, but Miles was making valid points. Leftists like to pretend that losing to Westerners makes you a victim, but plenty of them deserved what they got or worse.

Grumman 17 points ago +17 / -0

Apparently the CPU's internal software was requesting too high a voltage, which is what's doing the damage.

Grumman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video has over half a million views on a 13k subscriber channel. That doesn't sound like shadowbanning to me.

Grumman 9 points ago +10 / -1

If it's anything like Friday Night Magic a non-Japanese speaker is going to cause issues just because of time constraints. It's nothing personal as long as you don't raise a stink about it, it's just not the place for a more casual game.

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