Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's a Microsoft employee too, so it's hard for me to not see this as pulling "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" on the open source community by injecting it with radical leftist politics which are incompatible with an environment of meritocracy.

That reminds me of when anons found Apigee, a Microsoft spinoff.

  • Sam Ramji - "As Microsoft's senior director of platform strategy, his job is a big one: overseeing the company's initiatives in Linux and open source."
  • Bryan Kirschner - Microsoft's Director of Open Source Strategy from 1999-2009
  • Shanley Kane was the company's head of developer relation

Crunchbase says that the company only had fourteen employees. Those are three of them. Anons were too distracted by the CEO's relationship with a guy named Dick Dong Wang to do any further research.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is surprising is that the vast majority of the protesters sided with the crazies who were inserted into the movement to destroy it. They accepted them as leaders, and that is what they believe now. None of the organizers who were kicked out could manage to continue organizing.

Gazerbeam 4 points ago +4 / -0

My local Five Guys had free peanuts that were pretty good, and the fries were decent. The burger was skippable. Thin and overcooked. I like meaty juicy burgers.

Gazerbeam 7 points ago +7 / -0

None of these supposed former champions of freedom on the left ever were anything of the sort. They were just trying to get a foot in the door.

It was surprising to be very loudly told to fuck off by one of the people who got the Halloween Papers out, one of the Deep Capture authors, several national security bloggers who used to write about the Muslim Brotherhood, everyone else who used to hate Microsoft and might have been interested in a scandal where Microsoft played a central role, and the entire "Free Speech Movement" which is now endorsing the worst censorship. And the central command of this global Internet censorship is, of all people, the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Another central command is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The Rockefellers ran the commission that exposed the CIA's crimes in the 1970s. This made them heroes to the anti-government left. They did not actually want to stop the CIA's crimes. They wanted the power of the CIA for themselves. They took it and used it against political competition to their monopolism.

The actual honest anti-government left are the people who were consistently anti-Clinton, anti-Bush, anti-Obama, and anti-whatever this Current Year bullshit is. It is a small number of people who have all been smeared as Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists.

Gazerbeam -5 points ago +2 / -7

there is no word from Jewish organizations.

The Jewish organizations are completely cucked. All of them support Hamas.

Gazerbeam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Her husband works for the company that manages the Prince's Trust of King Charles.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

None of these names are on my radar. There might be another Austin Private Wealth, or it could have been a coincidence.

Gazerbeam 13 points ago +13 / -0

Deep state assassination attempt or lone wolf?

The deep state creates lone wolves by saying "love this" / "hate this enough to kill it" on all channels until someone does. They do have a very large organization with a chain of command but they prefer to not get caught, so they use the media to incite other people to take action.

Gazerbeam 8 points ago +8 / -0

You're telling a story, that story has a main character,

DQ3 is one game where that is not really the case. All of the party members are replaceable character classes with no story other than one point that requires you to give away a merchant. The MQ goes through a story but has no characterization other than being "the child of Ortega" which barely matters. Other than that, the game is just a series of local subquests that anyone could go through. There was even a bug that allowed you to get rid of the MQ if I remember correctly.

The player could choose the MQ to be a boy or a girl. It changes the sprite and some dialogue, and that's it. Taking that out? Well, it's annoying. It's the loss of a feature. Taking it out to appease Current Year stupidity, which it looks like they're doing, is retarded.

Gazerbeam 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Obama administration was caught doing something worse than Watergate or Teapot Dome every month, and it never made the news outside of a few "right wing" blogs that nobody reads.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +4 / -3

It's ZOG's idiot great-grandkids who took the inherited money and went pro-palestine. Transgender and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign are run by the same person, Katherine Acey. The DoD is declaring loyalty to this one person and that network of terrorist supporters.

Gazerbeam 11 points ago +11 / -0

This goes all the way back to the 2nd infitada

It goes back to the first. They attacked soldiers with rocks, took photos of the soldiers beating up the rock throwers, and whined to the press that they were peaceful protesters. The press ran with it. Then they started shooting people (mostly shooting the Arabs that reported them to the police, suggesting that they had assets inside the Israeli police) and the press continued with the line that they were "peaceful protesters" all the way to today.

Gazerbeam 3 points ago +6 / -3

It's a reference to the dance party that Hamas shot up. Of course Americans are going to read it as "dancing Israelis".

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +2 / -1

They literally are Hamas. Sponsored by Soros, Rothschild, and Bronfman on orders from Clinton and Pelosi routed through Prince Harry who is above the Rothschilds in the chain of command. Of course the Rothschilds will do whatever the fuck they want regardless, but this was a formal British operation.

Gazerbeam 0 points ago +1 / -1

England runs basically every activist pressure group. The Saudis have a huge network that is much bigger and more effective than Israel's. The Europeans have lobbies but you never hear about them.

Gazerbeam -9 points ago +1 / -10

What am I missing here?

Their Russian funding and direction. It turns out that white privilege was a Russian psyop, the anti-apartheid movement was a Russian psyop, the anti-racism movement is a Russian psyop, race quotas are a Russian psyop, and the Palestinians are a Russian psyop. So whoever supports the whole package will support the PLO.

Gazerbeam -8 points ago +1 / -9

Hamas has a massive PR wing with 700,000 people as of 2006 and growing rapidly since then. They have had the Rothschilds, royal family, and Nancy Pelosi backing them.

The British pulled off a gigantic scam to promote Hamas by demanding censorship of "hate speech" and "extremists" then giving Hamas the job of enforcing it. They led with the Jewish groups that they control, so everyone correctly blamed The Jews.

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