If leftists gave a shit about pollution they wouldn't live in big cities
To think of it, he's a pretty good representation of many people in these times. A good guy who wants to do good but he has too much faith in the wrong people.
Funny how Boromir was wrong and Gondor did indeed need a King
I think all genital mutilation (as well as mutilation on general) should be banned unless it's a medical necessity. Compromises like this are dumb.
They should be killed asap
Funny that moderation is usually what ruins subreddits
If this was true (which I don't think it is) it would have to be a way to dilute genuine national socialist iconography as a form of demoralization.
You'd think if he had been a nazi and he had wanted to tell people he would have done so
Pollyanna getting rid of the kikes so she can go back to being a priestess of peace, unfathomably based
They're both bad
His smug face and her defeated expression are funny
Well, it's not wrong, but those who don't vote for trump are also ignorant and stupid
And they got it wrong. It's wand elf.
Imagine how funny it will be when it turns out jews will go extinct instead
But have you considered voting a little bit harder?
I really hope they won't be this fucing retarded, but I wouldn't count on it. The way to go is national socialism first and then nuclear energy.
Making swords illegal while state goons and criminals are walking around with guns basically just means "we want you all to die"
I feel so oppressed rn fr fr
They deserved it tbh
How good is that party?
The reason she doesn't want to tell them outright is that even she knows they won't respect her as much anymore after learning that.
I feel like the chances of survival of a woman in the woods go drastically up when they are accompanied by a white man
It doesn't take a genius to understand nationalism is good for everyone
The only reason women go for black men is that men have become weak.