FrostedCricketFlakes 10 points ago +10 / -0

Unless someone's doing a fan translation, they should have a good grasp in both languages and relevant culture. Funimation and Treehouse had people who don't know japanese (like VAs) write the english script.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are female landwhales and male pointdexter stereotypes.

I agree that males and females should have separated sports competitions, which this bill is getting at, but it includes too much else.

FrostedCricketFlakes 9 points ago +9 / -0

People that don't want the responsibility that comes from a committed relationship, and people that are too submissive and deluded to stand up for themselves

FrostedCricketFlakes 10 points ago +10 / -0

Infections are easier to transmit in the backdoor because it's more likely to have fissures that allow quick access to the bloodstream.

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a real condition which causes people to become pale, vulnerable to the sun, and only able to consume blood.

There are also people like Vlad the Impaler that through a mix of reality and storytelling , possibly some from that era became known as vampires.

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a Haitian zombie raised by witch doctors. I haven't investigated it, but It sounded like in reality it was someone buried alive and "raised" with brain damage from lack of oxygen, making them a convenient dumb slave.

FrostedCricketFlakes 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's made it easier for the dictators to push through their dictatorship too. People wouldn't have stayed home as long. You wouldn't have digital vaccine passports, digital ID, and face recognition.

Ironically the internet was known as the bringing information to the masses and a brighter tomorrow. It has been used for the opposite.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

If politics was sane, it would be much easier

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

He made another claymation game. Not as well liked.

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remakes and ports of the original and other games like Stranger are on PC now. I've heard good and bad about both versions of the remade games.

FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

He has the media to protect him, and non-authoritarian left Canadians are not as organized as in the states

FrostedCricketFlakes 16 points ago +16 / -0

He doesn't allow unvaccinated to leave the country.

FrostedCricketFlakes 28 points ago +28 / -0

The media and politicians ignored multiple mass murders because it didn't fit the narrative. They're using this story to blame their political opposition and to push for new regulations. It is important to read the manifesto and understand the shooter, because otherwise they'll do it for you, and the reality blows up their narratives. It's why they go to such lengths to remove the manifestos and other inconvenient information from the web, along with the websites and freedoms they blame. They also use it to remove any realizations or political movements.

They labelled Jan 6 as insurrection and terrorism and cowed the right from large gatherings (aside from Trump rallys) for some time. Now they're focusing on presenting anyone who is aware of the UN's "replacement migration" as a terrorist.

by Telia
FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

want to post a copy of that link, incase I mistyped it?

Wayback isn't returning an archive for the link: https://archive.ph/0ROSK. Reddit doesn't show a user with that name: https://archive.ph/1UtTr, and that subreddit was banned 24 days ago https://archive.ph/Husxy with no prior archives on archive.ph

archive.ph is better to use than wayback. Wayback is easier to search and more used by normies, but it removes archives on request or for political purposes.

FrostedCricketFlakes 21 points ago +21 / -0

It did, there was also photos of him trying to make his way through the barricade surrounded by cops.

The guy was a black supremacist who intentionally went there to drive into the crowd, but the media made up a bullshit story when his race was revealed. Then they just pretended it didn't happen, like the copycat event the next week by another black supremacist.

FrostedCricketFlakes 26 points ago +26 / -0

also it wasn't an attack, it was just fleeing from cops and accidentally found its way through the barriers and into the crowd of people.

That's what they actually said.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Static Shock was released at the same time, and had some cross-over episodes. An original black super hero that didn't slam the audience.

by Cascade
FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

You'll just have to start sacrificing goats to the gods of death metal yourself

FrostedCricketFlakes 12 points ago +12 / -0

Many IT companies want parity, and will make it easier for women to be employed or promoted than males. That they don't have parity represents how many women don't want to enter the industry.

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