FromTheShadows 12 points ago +12 / -0


She (sic) thanked her friends and family and her late husband, Andy Cray, who died of cancer in 2014, just days after their wedding.


FromTheShadows 9 points ago +9 / -0

As I said in a previous topic, it makes him look like a creepy lech making an unwanted move on her, and that this is supposed to be some date rape propaganda piece.

FromTheShadows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Last book I read was Who Censored Roger Rabbit? by Gary Wolf. It's the book that the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit was inspired by. I won't say "based on" because it's a different beast entirely, with a darker, more somber story that's more in tune with the hardboiled detective noir stories that it's parodying. Lot of fun though.

I'll probably read The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman next. I read Between Two Fires a while ago and enjoyed it, so I'll see how this next outing in fantasy goes. I suspect it won't be as good; I read over the first couple pages as a sampler, and they felt like he was describing his D&D character.

FromTheShadows 12 points ago +12 / -0

Pastor Michael Jordan

To be fair, if I spent my entire childhood constantly being made fun of for sharing the same name as the most famous basketball player in the world, I'd probably hate blacks too.

FromTheShadows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have it take the place of the Hess Truck.

FromTheShadows 4 points ago +4 / -0

2014 was a very slow year in gaming. People were so starved for something half-decent that they were ready to sing praises for Inquisition, despite its mediocrity.

FromTheShadows 27 points ago +27 / -0

So EA created a product that openly propagandizes troonery and degeneracy, it promotes DEI hiring practices, and insists that intersectionality is totally a valid word and concept, but doesn't want any reviewer to actually mention those things. They know that shit is poison, that their consumers hate it, the "modern audience" does not exist, and they still want it in there.

FromTheShadows 28 points ago +28 / -0

So referring to someone by anything other than the self-appointed pronouns they demand to be called like they're royal titles is a horrible sin you must immediately self-flagellate over to redeem yourself, but blaspheming the god of the most widely practiced religion ("Maker's panties!") in this setting is something anyone can do without consequence.


Just to add even more nonsense and hypocrisy here...the Maker is explicitly referred to as male. So to insinuate that He wears panties is either insulting Him for His own gender, or misgendering Him by implying He's a woman.

FromTheShadows 9 points ago +9 / -0

Good. Your friend dodged a bullet. And knowing how open leftists are about their politics, he most definitely knew what her hateful beliefs were, but didn't have the wherewithal to break it off himself because he was thinking with his dick.

FromTheShadows 1 point ago +1 / -0

They know and they don't care. It's all about power for them. They will say, claim, and do everything, no matter how contradictory they seem, for more of it.

FromTheShadows 16 points ago +16 / -0

Poor baby. He saved you and all his female relatives tons of money, which makes it easier to invest in their future, including their safety. But that's not good enough, because you just want to be a slut who literally fucks around without consequence.

FromTheShadows 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've got both Bloodborne: The Card Game and the Board Game, both of which I enjoy and that he worked on, though from what I understand, the latter is really more the work of his-author, Michael Shinall. He's made a lot of games, but looking at his work now and seeing how there's always a co-creator involved with his projects, I have a feeling he's becoming more of a glorified consultant than anything. Or is just putting his name on the box to give it acclaim.

7% by yoisi
FromTheShadows 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fucking retards.

FromTheShadows 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was a mediocre president.

You won't find his face on a dollar or a cent.

Like Taylor and Tyler and Filmore and the Hayes,

And William Henry Harrison,

Who died in thirty days!

FromTheShadows 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey now, plenty of people know about Ford. Such as how he likes football and nachos...

FromTheShadows 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fitting. Like Kackles, no one voted for Ford either.

FromTheShadows 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's because there's nothing gay about wanting your dick sucked or blowing a load between a pair of ass cheeks. The little prison bitch they periodically rape in the shower is the one who's gay!

FromTheShadows 3 points ago +3 / -0

I dunno, they'd probably follow the plot of Misery just fine. They'd just change Annie into a toxic white MAGA hat-wearing manbaby who's mad the heroic progressive they/them author put wonderful translesbians of COLOUR into its book.

FromTheShadows 23 points ago +23 / -0

She's just mad because the less we see of her butt-ugly face, the better the poster looks.

Talk about eating your own though. I doubt whoever 'shopped the poster had any ill intentions, and if anything was a lifelong fan of the musical (and maybe the book), and just wanted to see how the film version would look in that similar style. But of course, the actress is a typical Hollywood narcissist who can't stand the idea of not being front and center 24-7.

FromTheShadows 1 point ago +1 / -0

I should have figured. DAO Morrigan was...alright, but being as she has the same body shape as all women in that game (including that old bag, Wynne), there's nothing about her tits that stands out. Whereas Darkstalkers Morrigan was built from the ground up with a distinct appearance in mind, meaning she could have as voluptuous a figure as necessary.

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