Every week this news with infected kids is scary as fuck... The social services, police, the media, everything is beyond corruption: it is pure evil. They know what is happening and nobody has the courage to do anything.
The UK is 87% white but dropping fast
The figures of the 2021 census haven't been release yet. Although they should by now according to the initial schedule... I have the suspicion that those figures will be shattered by the new results and they are trying to figure it out how to release the results. Many Muslim and East Asian communities will be like "Wait, are we the majority by 80% or 90%?!? Why are we still voting for this Labour and Conservative White politicians?!?".
And Australians and New Zealanders
I think it will be harder in that cases and Whites are safer in a way because they are becoming Asian countries without significant Black populations. This kind of rhetoric will be harder to sell.
I was talking about giving the "extra mile". In your case, if you had been working in a company that fired all its old white employees, then the next time you see "that inefficiency in the process", "that bug in the code that no one noticed before", etc, you just do nothing! You are not compromising your salary or daily life, you are just not helping the system get away with its obvious discrimination against you. This is very similar to what Soviet workers used to do.
It all started with the legalization of Gay marriage. The institution of marriage is sacred and it is always between a man and a woman. Always. Now, I am not saying that gays should be in prison or persecuted, that gay sex should be ilegal, that two man or two woman can't share a house... No, the question is about Civilization and the preservation of a fixed point of moral and values.
Russia is losing badly, I see...