It once had the prestige of being the first major 24/7 news network, with the most up to date news, not to mention the feathers in its cap it gained during the First Gulf War back in 1990, with that Edward R Murrow shit in Baghdad. They kind of rode on that high until Trump's first win blindsided them ...
I heard Ghana was looking for that good ol' black American know-how, lol
They spelled it "cutton", lol.
SiriusXM is still a thing?
Almost ten bucks for a pound of butter now, but they went and made margarine somehow even more disgusting than when it was dyed piss-yellow ...
The best moment in South Park:
Young girls, sure. I'm talking Hell's Grannies types
Ugh. That was the shit hole they tried to get us to raise money for in the 70s with the Halloween boxes., before Ethiopia became UNICEF's poster demo ... boy.
I wish the slangmasters had never used the name Chad, because between that and the fact that every Chad I've met was a dickweed, I have a very poor view of that name ...
Penny for the Guy?
Clive Cussler made NUMA look badass
Look at how many little old ladies play hulking Tauren hunters/warriors in WOW.
Power trips, not guilt trips, that's what gaming's for ...
I hope everyone involved in this murder eats a bag of AIDS and dies in pain and shame
Christmas shopping. Lots of crowds, lots of colds.
It's like sailors and Newfies not being able to swim.
Luce? Luci?
I'm surprised it isn't a nigger with Down's
Warnings against "false idols" always referred to flesh and blood, not wood and stone.
It's still dumb.
The "True Faith" argument works better, whichever way you wish to parse the phrase.
Cartoon vampires also tend to have long, pointy noses ....
Wouldn't that have been TSR? WOTC didn't own AD&D til the mid-late 90s
Sounds like they're setting up for faggotry, because that seems to be the only kind of partnering they're going to allow. And of course they'll "ship" Sonic to Tails because the species-crossing just makes it worse and promotes nigger-fucking.
Old Soviet propaganda is about working hard and seeing results (even if the end goal is vague or not mentioned - Fallout is pretty good for capturing that); New Soviet Propaganda is about crying harder to get humanity to suck its own dick or whatever the fuck it is they think they want.
Looks like normal daily variances to me.
Of course, they probably think stocks only go up unless there's some catastrophe.
Anyone who thinks of pakijeets as "frens" is a fucking retard.
Leslie Fish and Tom Smith still help fill my playlists.
Wish I still had my cassette with "The Day It Fell Apart" (fish), because I haven't found another copy since it broke.
Boo hoo. If chimps aren't technology advanced enough to give a shit about, the Tazzies were in the same tech boat, along with those stupid sentinelese.
No fire, no rights. No cheating by having a real human teach your uppity smelly nigger ass.
"Why should we miss the Passenger Pigeon?". Well, why should we miss hairless apes who would just be wildd thangs when allowed to roam cities?