Ew, humans. Don't touch them, they're full of disease. - NHI, probably
I would rather just be left in the woods as Nature intended.
Yeah, this is why they used to sterilize the retarded.
I feel the same way about chinks and the use of Q as "ch". Just fuck right off with that. Using a naked q where there should be a k is bad enough.
Or Chernobylite.
"I'm sure there's one that's pet-grade in that nest of wild rats."
It's like a glimpse into Hell
I hope it's an (redesigned to be more bear-like) Ewok just to mess with shit like this guy. Or a Wookie. I'd love to see this nigger's brains blow up over being passed over for a sapient sloth.
Hyenas need to eat, too
They keep insisting it "doesn't happen". Then try to say that the puberty-blockers somehow don't count because they believe it's "reversible".
Mental gymnastics.
I was born in 1968 in a city of 200-250k. Had to walk to and from school every day (K-8, no "middle school" ), including at lunch. From the age of 9-12, I had to make lunch for myself and my grandmother, who had stroked out hard enough to lose all linguistic abilities. Then I had to be responsible for mostly myself, as my mom worked swing shifts. It's how I got to watch the first half of Johnny Carson, I made sure I was in bed by midnight.
I also started walking my dog all over the city to learn the layout. Five miles on a nice Sunday, easy, as a loop.
And now people care about this shit? Fuck you, Humanity, I hope you die in a ditch sucking on your AIDS-ridden thumb.
Trypanophobia ftw. If I want to cover up a certain upper-arm scar, I'll print myself a nice temporary tattoo. It'll be gone before I can get bored of it.
But inter-racial face blindness is a real thing. They're discriminating against a real "disorder" (evolutionary variance, really).
Sex with Hitler?
Haven't read the thing since it first came out, but yeah, it was full of holes. It also implied that infertile poor women all worked in mines or some shit. Why is it always mines? But it's Caucasians because, well, things just weren't as consciously "inclusive" as they are now, and making a character "exotic" was done on purpose for different reasons than today (fetishes and the magic negro trope).
Just pointing out that it was in fact very much a product of its time, and it is pretty baffling why it hasn't been updated for a post-9/11 audience ...
Erm, nuclear war WAS a big fear to GenX and older, and was also the reason behind women becoming cattle - the fallout results in widespread sterility, so fertile women become controlled. They became rare, and thus, a commodity.
They become commodities of the rich and powerful, who need heirs to keep the wealth and power in the family ....
It was a product of the Reagan-Bush era and the televangelical bully pulpits that were as corrupt as hell, and what Muslims got up to was more or less irrelevant and on the other side of the planet.
Have you seen Steve Martin's "Leap of Faith" yet? That's based on that chernobyl-water salesman, Peter Popoff, mostly.
And yes, I do think "snake-oil salesman" should totally be updated to "chernobyl-water salescritter".
From the same crowd that went all sparkle-eyes over "designer" burkas, nikabs, burkinis and other savage nonsense ....
I hope she winds up in a galactic wet market in a cage labeled "Humans - For Pet or Meat - Cheap!"
Gee, I wonder if that religion thing would have worshiped included making muzzies and jews eat what they're given, and no murdering goats in the name of devil gods and no arrows pointing at mecca ...
Usually when something idiotic pops up, I look to the insurance companies first for why. Trail usually ends with those fuckers.
Nintendo needs to lose this one. Mount riding? Good luck with that. Activision-Blizzard will be like those two laughing bullies beating on the nerd in that meme.
Most of what I know is simply descended from the old "Pilsbury bible" that pretty much every household of the 20th century had before micrawave ovens.