Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

Only the first game took place in Baldur's Gate, the second was set in and around Athkatla, so if you never actually end up there it won't be anything new.

Devidose 19 points ago +19 / -0

Will never happen until the boulder is already rolling over them as well, they're too caught up in their "righteous" cause to have any sense of foresight or introspection.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

bartbertbirtbortburt 14 hours ago

Fine, give me a couple of hours

He ded.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you want to die a quick death make a drinking game out of SNW and take a shot every time a male character gets talked down to by a female one.

You'll have taken 4 shots within the first 5 minutes of the season 2 premier.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

I learned about it on here too, but from the other thread that was posted 3 days ago


Not that the title gave much away 🤔

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Significant parts of those expansions were also heavily done in favour of the Horde faction in terms of what content was completed.

Cata: Goblins had so much work done on them the Worgen got nothing after their starter zone despite the plans for Silverpine. Later on the Horde intro to the Twilight Highlands involved an encounter with Deathwing while flying on a fleet of airships. Alliance got a shitty cutscene of Flintlocke flying off into the distance before a fade to black.

WoD: Dealing with the fallout of the latest Horde fuckup the story was mostly a "What if?" retelling of the Horde prior to Warcraft 1, except they were just as genocidal as when hopped up on demon blood so that wasn't an excuse anymore. Still, most of the events dealt with Thrall tracking down, then executing, Garrosh. Fighting and killing various famous faces from Horde history. Then the emergency asspull that was demon infestation 2: Hellfire Peninsula Boogaloo which ended with a fight very similar to a TBC one because the devs didn't want yet another Ork finale raid after SoO in MoP, and by that point the WoD had been shelved to make way for Legion.

BfA: the first raid was so badly connected for the Alliance they kind of just were there. Meanwhile Horde had an entire zone story leading up to it. This was the expansion which had the Horde turn genocidal yet again, for the fourth time. 🙄

Devidose 9 points ago +9 / -0

Because the validity of the story isn't the point, it's how unhinged Reddit gets as per the sheer insanity in the comments that were archived.

Devidose 12 points ago +12 / -0

Carol Danvers: A comic character nobody likes and only has a long running comic series right now because the character is so dull there's nothing to reboot to. Meanwhile Iron Man has several comic runs going as does Spider-Man, Hulk has recently relaunched yet again][for better or worse as the last run was dog shit and the current is leaning hard on the previous Immortal Hulk story], Dr Strange is in the midst of a new run after having died last year or so, and many other characters who fans actually like are doing new and exciting things. Well, most of the time. Marvel is still fairly shit in general but Carol is very much in the lower depths of interest.

Kamala: literally died 2 months ago and was brought back just last week so Marvel could retcon her into a mutant for MCU synergy because the live action version is being used to backdoor mutants into the franchise. Again a character nobody wants or likes. Her recent appearances in Amazing Spider-Man were so inconsequential that when it came time for her to be mourned none of it felt sincere because there hadn't been any actual interactions with the other characters. It was all revisionist reminiscing that was the kind of thing that should have been shown rather than spoken about but Wells has been too busy shitting all over Peter for two dozen issues to include anything else.

Monica Rambeau: The least likely of the three that normies will know because her MCU presence has been squirreled away in the Wandaverse series and beyond that has had no actual connections to the others or her comic versions.

tl;dr this is going to be shit, but then everyone here already knew that.

Devidose 47 points ago +47 / -0

I've seen how the general public drive normal cars, there's no fucking way they should have access to the third dimension.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

Person of Interest vaguely rings a bell but wouldn't have been one I came up with without a prompt. The other examples given by yourself and others are unknowns to me, however.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

No, not in the slightest.

Edit: OK that's not entirely true, sometimes the art is good. However other times it's Greg Land and other meme tier "artists".

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Have you read the current Amazing Spider-Man run? If so what are your thoughts on #26?

Devidose 10 points ago +10 / -0

Mayday is one of the few individuals I don't see legacy comic readers having an issue taking Peter's mantle.

Unfortunately the current Spider-Man comics are either Dan Slott shoehorning Silk into the spotlight over Peter, Wells writing absolute garbage to the point ASM #26 is considered one of the worst Spider-Man comics ever despite only being 2 months old, and numerous random alternate Spider-Man variants such as Spider-Man India which launched recently, or that female, wheelchair bound version.

Devidose 9 points ago +9 / -0

whether any major stars are in it.

I see Jesus/Jim Cav-something in that pic, does that count? Apart from Passion of the Christ and the original Frequency I can't actually remember what else he's been in, however.

Devidose 5 points ago +6 / -1

This forum's traffic is almost entirely him spamming when not banned. His posting activity has been audited several times now and he's so obviously the single most active poster on the site, something like 50+ posts a day, [wait that should be "comments" because he's pedantic enough about the specific terminology KiA2 uses 🙄], that people have difficulty even coming up with who might be second most active.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

He lasted a whole 2 days before doing the exact same thing he's been banned for in the past multiple times now. This being 2 days after coming off a 24 day ban, which isnt even his first 24 day ban, so it's not been doubling exactly as the above puts it but is still following that pattern of increasing durations.

However he doesn't seem to be capable of learning to not sperg out all the fucking time or not reply to every topic that gets posted or keep making absolute statements that are piss easy to disprove while claiming to "always be right".

It's the kind of idiotic behaviour I expect from a toddler.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

My experience on this site is never lesser from his presence

His spamming of various topics on a daily basis has effectively astroturfed several search strings of anyone is trying to look up other topics.

Curiously the topics that are now harder to find are also ones Imp has been known to defend despite the obvious issues associated with them.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Tbf the manga is mostly "everyone else fighting monsters, then Saitama shows up and one shots the big bad" with some sprinklings of Genos being turned into modern art.

Even though he's the titular character, Saitama can't work as a character being front and center the whole time because he really would trivialise every single fight.

Season 2 does suffer hard due to production and pacing as the animation isn't that good compared to season 1 and Saitama showing up to take out Giant Centipede is nowhere near as interesting as Saitama vs Boros was.

The most interesting fights in season 2 are those with Garou, and if the anime lasts long enough to show the actual Saitama vs Garou fight then it might redeem itself from how poorly season 2 turned out.

The problem is a lot happens between s2 and then and the retold fight, as the original from the web comic and many others during the same arc, were changed to take advantage of better artists. Even some of the manga fights were redone as the manga was being released! Every S class hero gets their own fight at one point meaning a lot of air time and episodes so Saitama vs Garou may not even happen until season 4 or 5.

Devidose 10 points ago +11 / -1

The original redshirt question showed even the WoW devs didn't have a deep knowledge of the subject! They couldn't remember Fandral Falstad was alive when adding his dwarf clan in during Cata!

Ninja edit: Falstad, not Fandral. The latter was the elf poisoning Malfurion with morrowgrain prior to Cata, before becoming the penultimate boss in the Cata Firelands raid after he's freed during the earlier Hyjal quests.

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