Though we are mostly immune to their propaganda efforts and find them infantile at best, that isn't the case for the fed, the UN, and state-level governances. It is important to know how and where these foreign agents operate.
I thought haka was a type of chinese food. But either way, eating noodles or flailing about, both aren't particularly useful for a hearing.
With a snare drum, of course.
Breaking news, "assault chopsticks"! As long as there's savages trying to harm one-another or the innocent, it doesn't matter how much they're restricted. Soon it will be "British gardens are filled with 'attack rocks', stones larger than 3 inches across!".
Having a global stranglehold is only meaningful if the grip tightens every now and then for your own profit. Otherwise, the one being strangled is the one obligated to do it. There's no worse job than being a manager over people you cannot discipline, fire, or train, but are still held to their results.
There was that "Islam for Trump" rally thing that was posted here a week or two back, during the election run-up.
The key is to think of the simplest situation: Who profits from a peacemonger like Trump? Underdogs, the attacked, those who bit off more than they can chew, and those wanting peace, even if only temporarily to re-bolster forces/tech.
Who needs time to renew their military, Isreal or Iran? Who is on the defensive, Isreal or Iran? Who has less American-quality bombs, Isreal or Iran? Iran very clearly benefits from a Trump presidency, I don't see them wanting to purposefully make enemies of him when by nature of the US system, they can just re-new their 1500-year-conflict in 4 years when he's done, and they're in a stronger position.
Of course, some people DO act irrationally, but the irrational tend to stay irrational: Islamic nations have claimed credit for all sorts of disasters, both caused by them and coincidental ones (including a hurricane, once, IIRC). They don't shy away from taking credit for killing and death, if they wanted it to happen.
And, ultimately, don't matter. The entire court case around her is he was supposed to use campaign financing to bribe her, instead of his own money like he (or his lawyer) did. Not the morality, not the legality... No corruption, even! In fact, the entire crux of the court case is HE WASN'T CORRUPT ENOUGH! He didn't allocate public financing for a private matter, and so he's guilty!
It's so pointless, and meaningless. It doesn't matter to anyone, or at least it shouldn't matter to anyone, except maybe some legal scholars.
If they're going to go the "Demons are actually kinda-sorta-okay-ish" route, there's also an anime meme of "miasma", that while demons COULD be reasonable, friendly, peaceful, whatever, their very existence is toxic to humans and human-friendly nature. Just breathing, as a demon in the human lands, will poison crops, give bunny rabbits cancer, and encourage the spread of the plague.
It allows for "noble demon" archetypes and friendly demons, while still maintaining a solid "us or them, literal existential threat" element to the demonic hordes, and a solid reason to not want them moving in next door.
I can pray for a sudden lottery winning... Won't hinder, might help. There's no demerit to tossing in a quick literal Hail Mary before your risky football maneuver. Likewise, it isn't physically damaging you to go and vote. You believe there's countermeasures against it counting? That implies that it does count, at least enough for them to care to counter it. You believe that there's a high chance they don't count them at all, that it'd be a miracle if they considered your vote? Well, billions of people pray for miracles, they take some time out of their day to attempt to will a miracle into being.
Don't stop doing your hoarding or prepping or homesteading or passport shopping or doomsaying for ad revenue, or whatever you're already doing. The act of telling people to vote isn't asking to not do that. Go buy your cornseed and chicken coop and make a bugout shelter farm innawoods. Have fun with it! But that doesn't preclude you from voting.
A true leader laughs louder, rages angrier, loves more deeply, shines as an example, a symbol of all the potential of their people.
The conglomerate golem boss from the Etrian Odyssey franchise. When it falls into individual golem pieces, the butt heals and helps put back together everyone. That's a pretty nice butt, at least to its friends.
The ones actively against. Normies ain't gonna win. Normies go with whoever wins, they're not trying to "win".
All you need (said as if that's easy) is an uncorruptable leader who listens to the lowest participants and entrants, and actively moderates away the bad actors. Keep copious backups, and tell all users to keep copious backups of their proposed changes and additions (and they're always "proposed", even when committed, it can be undone!). Weekly, the big guy comes in, looks it over, and like McCarthy, sniffs out the commies, and just IP-bans them, and reverts the code. Doesn't matter if they've contributed for a day or a decade, a stranger or a friend, too bad, you can be friends on Facebook, but not in the project, no hard feelings, ban.
Most commies are idiots and can't get around an IP ban. That clears most of them. The remainder will be bumped out and filtered around long enough that they'll either give up, seeing an environ explicitly against their hate, or you'll get a large enough "loyal" developer-base that you turn off applicants/contributors.
Wow. Costs almost as much as gas costs in the UK on a normal day!
I'm only being a little facetious here, it's almost 8 US bucks a gallon (give or take a bit of exchange rate) in the UK right now, with no disasters, no horrors except the existential one of living in London.
My view is this: This dude theoretically owns this gas station. He likely, like everyone else, lives in the area affected (business moguls from overseas don't tend to own gas stations, they own oil rigs). Which means he needs money to repair not only his house, but also his gas station! Insurance money doesn't come quick, if at all (sorry, "act of god", no money for you!).
In a free market, you can just go to another gas station. You have a car, and you're buying gas to use in your fucking 10-gallons-per-hour generator so you can stream netflix, not to survive. And the ones that aren't doing that... Are buying the gas so they can fleece and price gouge other people! Wait, the other gas stations are all out of gas, sold out by those resellers? Massive shortages? Womp womp. Looks like that system didn't work out.
More important than all of that, though, is the concept of Fairness: The money this gas station makes is this man's employment. If you were just in a hurricane, house wrecked, and get a call from your employer saying "you're now literally the only one who can do this job, I know it's dangerous in the weather and debris, but come into work. Also, I'm only paying half your normal salary, get fucked son, I expect you here at 8am.", you'd get pretty angry, wouldn't you? But that's what you're asking of this business owner. You're telling him to show up for his job, despite the dangerous environs and trouble at home, and to earn far less money than he should doing so.
Or Pallysoids, for short.
Maybe I'm the crazy one, but everyone complaining he isn't good at acting... That he isn't good at lying professionally... They're acting like politicians lying to your face, scamming you, and being skilled, practiced, and adept at deceiving you, is a good thing.
You're letting something important be memory holed: It wasn't that Floyd riots didn't spread COVID, it's that Floyd riots actively prevented the spread of COVID. They had medical clowns out on the news circuits saying how it helped stop the spread... somehow. Something herd immunity of youths something but remember that herd immunity doesn't exist something something black magic.
This can't be replicated. All the Amish died of COVID when the death rate was 100% if you didn't get the vax. We are Amishless.
There was a movement by men who didn't want to be falsely accused (during a spate of this being very common, accusing then demanding cash to make the accusation go away before the train hits the next stop), to make male-only trains. The proposition was shot down hard.
Many leftists are big believers in communistic ideation and Malthusian economics.
Ubi going bankrupt for pandering while a monkey game unabashedly all about one race's insular myth makes like a billion dollars...
Blacks want to see cool black characters or sexy black characters.
Black people watching Dragonball Z be like "Well, guess I can't watch this, Goku isn't black." (as famously declared by Trunks)? Nah, they like DBZ for the same reason white people like DBZ for the same reason Japanese people like DBZ: Because it has cool fights with energy blast karate.
Not Christian? Like Jesus "Whippings for All the happy merchants in the Temple" Christ?
Did you know, despite Canadians making up 0.5% of the world's population...
They need to clean up their act.