DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

CDC has been beating the drum on yearly CCP Flu COVID shots again recently. Surprising that it hasn't happened yet, but it's still a matter of time. I'm down for signing up the NPCs to the safe & effective dystopian future that they supported.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Violet Evergarden, it's a bit of a contrived tear jerker but it's uniformly well received.

DNA1 12 points ago +14 / -2

Nothing, see SkullGirls controversy (+ no refunds), BLM troll game surviving infinitely long due to their woke employees, and another fresh example of their authoritarianism - https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2023/07/13/aquaplus-ecchi-dungeon-travelers-series-steam-release-cancelled-due-to-guidelines/

Everyone at Valve can go fuck themselves. Pirate everything. Buy on other platforms (DMM, DLSite, Johren, etc.).

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice work. Aloy being the quintessential example of uglification, it's only appropriate that's she front and center in the article.

That said, I do recommend emphasizing Eastern characters (Tifa, Aerith, DoA, KoF, Senran, etc.) more near the end as an obligatory palette cleanser for all the pour souls that waded through the excrement that is modern Western agenda-pushing aesthetics.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a dump here of Top 20K subs - https://archive.is/izNHS | https://old.reddit.com/r/pushshift/comments/11ef9if/separate_dump_files_for_the_top_20k_subreddits/

I opened the torrent to download of handful piracy archives, aka the only thing of value on that platform (small hyperbole), in case they inevitably get shuttered one day.

Not that there's anything worth pirating in the 1st place these days, but it's information that needs to be kept alive.

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

larger towns have a strong blue streak

Is there any state for which this is not true?

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Had no idea what this was about, here's the alleged context - https://www.reveddit.com/v/conspiracy/comments/xp1p3w/now_this_is_interesting_info_in_ss/

SS: QRD anon discovers dozens of "aquariums" in small towns in U.S that all consist of two-initial names (EC Aquarium, HR Aquarium, etc. Look at thread: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391801809) Each one is listed as an address block and not an actual house number. (https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/y83ek)

Formula is 2 letters followed by aquarium. They are also labeled as businesses but aren't on tax or copyright records. Also all shows random houses with stars out front on google maps. Logo and yard signs associated with shady CS (clearstar) site. Hawaii aquarium pictures include a child being flashed ( https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/392062051 originally found in thread 20)

Discoveries of "XX Bullring" have emerged (ex. YK bullring) and "XX brothel" follows same pattern of weird stars and two letters.

Pol archive [1] - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391801809

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

https://archive.ph/wip/61E5N - 1293 in the queue...it'll get there.

DNA1 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm pretty sure I haven't posted about this before

You don't have to, it's pretty clear from your commentary on certain subjects.

who you pay a salary to do the same work

They don't perform the 'same' work at all. And you make plenty of authoritative claims that are directly contradicted by industry examples where it's not "fucking stupid" to negotiate with fan translators.

We're aware why NISA submitted the C&D notice, faggot, and nobody said NISA had to make a deal with the translators.

It doesn't change the fact that as a consumer, this is a net negative for those who don't like bastardization of source material and unlike you, don't want to spread their cheeks wide open so NISA can shit in it.

DNA1 10 points ago +12 / -2

Not really sure why people give NISA shit

Yeah, of course you don't; shilling for localizers fucking over the source material is perfectly aligned with your MO.

what the fuck is there to negotiate

NISA clearly decided it wasn't within their business interests, but yet again contrary to your absurdist claims, licensing fan translations is not a new thing -- the Ys series is a good example of this when developer/corporate interests align with the fans and off-shoot translators.

DNA1 3 points ago +4 / -1

I was looking forward to playing and supporting this series (or series') one day. Let's just say I may have a change in mind...not 100% sure, but I really don't want to deal with NISA's shit.

It'd be a personal loss but at the same time, there are plenty of amazing stories in other games, VNs, or even some eroges as alternatives.

DNA1 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's intentional but took me a second to get it when reading it given the other blatant angle. Artist is probably a Twitter lib retard otherwise, but gets props for this.

DNA1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Your comments probably aren't popular because we despise Sony (I will never buy another PS), and the PS5 is soulless, but you are 100% correct about the joycon drift being a major issue.

Nintendo dropped the ball, knew about it, and for liability reasons had to be sued into offering free repairs - at least within the USA.

(On the bright side, if you're one of the lucky ones to get an early enough model where the Tegra chip has an unpatched kernel access mode...congrats to free games and more importantly, being able to backup your saves, if you so wish.)

DNA1 3 points ago +4 / -1

50% seems extremely optimistic to me given adoption dropped severely with each booster and the PsyOps campaign is now tilting anti-vax as they've slowly taken the muzzle off the truth and dialed back the CCP Virus death hysterics significantly.

At least in places like the USA, I'd be shocked despite the large number of sheep that are still constantly grazing about.

DNA1 10 points ago +11 / -1

"Populist Right", which is about what I expected. Reword some answer choices, like any survey, and I can be more 'evil' on the chart.

The topology they use is retarded - https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/interactives/political-typology-comparison-2021/

Top-most mentions Trump, because the typical 90's Democrat is somehow the most right-wing political identity today.

DNA1 11 points ago +12 / -1

They also appear pozzed since I saw them censor a "bad word" once (trap? retard? don't remember) but they still aren't MAL so there's that.

Edit: https://anilist.co/forum/thread/18498 [original archive] - "AniList’s stance on the term 'trap'"

DNA1 4 points ago +5 / -1

You be the judge of how true her claim is vs. the lethality of the spike protein toxin itself:

“We had a narrow window, and it was closing. Fifteen hundred nursing home residents died in the first week of October. The vaccine manufacturers, I learned, had already stockpiled three million doses. If we could draw from that supply through CUA, thousands of lives could be saved.

DNA1 8 points ago +10 / -2

Behold! The cry of the beast, the image of Satan, globalist shill, and Sheppard of human lambs to their doom.

DNA1 9 points ago +10 / -1

What's even sadder or perhaps the salt in that wound is the orchestrated theatrics NY went through in making emergency field hospitals for the 'extremely deadly pandemic', and never even used them.

DNA1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Porn and salacious material are entirely different content.

Max posts, reposts, and spam are still all different concepts.

I said each can be consolidated and you definitely can't argue in good faith that they can't.

One faction is going to dominate either through censorship or harassment.

Let it be the original posters who migrated here first, they had the most to lose.

And it's not like you have a real sense of community here. What do you all do?

We post threads and topics of interest, and read and reply. It's a message forum, what else there is to do? We aren't going to plan mutiny or treason, and we don't have any particular call to action since those days are gone.

But we'll point out censorious fucks and remind each other to boycott those companies, educate ourselves on the vax and seek out opinions when facing extremely hard choices, or merely amuse ourselves. Anonymity and some familiarity and thus empathy enables that.

If you want me to have less say over what should and shouldn't be allowed, who's the fucking pillar to the community that I can reach out to?

People like YesMovement who kept this forum going in earlier days when the content was dry. Busy atm, but if you want a list of names, no worries -- I can collate them.

It's really not about whether or not you might 'lose' this community. I don't know what you are doing to keep it.

Report spam when infested with roaches; post gaming and culture news, even when I know the articles will be under-appreciated in terms of general interest; hell, I'm submitting posts extremely frequently despite preferring commentary over posts. And the above. Again, these are extremely natural.

We don't need a successful book club or game dev project to be a community. Those people knew it might be niche, and took that risk. That's OK.

Edit: Forgot to addresss:

I don't have to make a judgement on the concept of the violence. It's beyond clear that calling for violence is dangerous in general.

Your judgment is questionable in latest case, as before maybe we should stick to illegality and WIN TOS. If not, core community buy-in should be critical.

DNA1 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nobody's fucking any kids, retard. After simply stating the fact that drawings are not real, I literally live rent free in your head.

Why don't you go draw yourself a time machine and save Epstein's victims? Maybe you can will it into reality. We'll be sure to throw you a confetti party in text, I'm sure you'll jizz really hard from the 'praise'.

DNA1 5 points ago +6 / -1

I didn't copy them. I made the rules in a rushed fashion

...and that was over 2 years ago, and immediately received feedback pointing out flaws. Over time, you've received even more feedback. It's visible in the very 1st sticky.

None of the rules are duplicates though.

I can argue for why X shouldn't exist and could be amicably addressed by Rule 1 and a new one mentioning WIN's ToS with minor amendments, but you took that decision out of our hands. Ignoring that, on very most basic technical terms:

  • Rules 4 and 5 could easily be combined for conciseness.
  • Rules 13 and/or 14 - depending on how pedantic you wish to be - can similarly be folded up into 11.

It was particularly a slur against a user.

You haven't exactly been consistently removing them in the past and I don't want you to be involved, that's why it sticks out. Again, we don't need this coddling necessarily; at the very least, we should be able to decide that 1st before your enforcement.

Same goes for the rest of your argument, which I've seen before. Again, we should be able to decide what risks we want as a community, and you can use account age / seniority as a litmus check or deep weight...and it won't always be pro-freedom: for example, the majority probably agree in that we do NOT want porn here.

If we lose this community due to our own insensibilities since things play out as you say, then we can go create and participate in others. Or you can successfully convince the core user base to be equally prescient as you. Either way, the community should decide.

And you can't justify everything with the bad-faith argument anyway. Rule 7 about '500 followers' is a good example of pure-Plebbit; if the absence of the rule results in bad-faith media postings, 'spam' succinctly covers it.

He's actually Imp's alt,

I don't know about that, but he was spamming this forum before the latest controversy and then doubled-down worse afterward. We're fine with nuking unnecessary floods of posts; 1 complaint thread for visibility is a perfectly good compromise.

However, the drama actually exists because some of us have always held this rule base with contempt. Latest incident is being leveraged to vent, otherwise we'd downvote the rest, block if wanted, and move on.

The Rule 2 shit is genuinely dangerous. It is exactly the type of thing that plays into the establishment's hand to kill online communities with legitimized force.

Is it illegal within the jurisdiction and is it banned by WIN's terms? If not, then even though I agree to an extent, I still don't think you should be making judgments on what is 'dangerous'.

DNA1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bold claims for someone who said he didn't care what I said 55 minutes ago, but is still sperging out.

"Fiction is reality": you. "Unable to face basic facts of life, aka retardation or mental illness": you. "Chickenshit": you.

That is all you. Don't get help, you're hopeless and would only waste everyone's time.

DNA1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Pal, you said mentally ill things and self-conceive of yourself as a hero. You are not and no matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise, you won't.

I said you are mentally ill but have kindly pointed out ways you can harness that to be of actual use to society. Unfortunately, you won't but keep lashing out and deflecting.

Fiction is not reality; it's sad you grew up so retarded, but maybe you weren't born this way, maybe your parents are to blame. It's not your fault.

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