DNA1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Game player has been wall gardened for a really long time now in my experience. As in months to year or more.

For those who don't have a dedicated VPN, something like TunnelBear to run a game's launcher initially has generally sufficed to continue playing (but it might vary game to game).

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, but they started veering off the pop phase with Colour of Spring. Their last 3 albums - Colour of Spring, Spirit of Eden, and Laughing Stock - especially the latter 2 are much more different than their early work.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll just list a few bands that I listen to constantly:

  • Deftones
  • Talk Talk

Talk Talk's lack of commercial success is criminal but appropriate considering human behavior. Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock encompass some of the best music of all time.

Especially Laughing Stock, which to me is the pinnacle of musical success -- the crystallization of musicians tirelessly honing their craft. I have yet to come across a better album.

DNA1 32 points ago +35 / -3

Unfortunately, the mod logs mean fuck all thanks to Dom being such a massive faggot.

He writes up bullshit rules, conjures whatever bad-faith argument he wants to defend his position, guesses (wrongly) about what is happening in the absence of data, shallowly apologizes for any mistake that he can't talk out of while willfully repeating it the next time, and has the gall to question the definition of a community and whether the user base actually composes one.

Dom, you can go fuck yourself with a rusty knife.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cowboys is a really good album, but I don't rate it as highly as you. Where as Vulgar is arguably among the best in its genre.

Then again, as I said, I'm not a metal head; I happen to dabble in it on-and-off, so I don't claim any particular expertise on this topic.

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not a metal head, but Vulgar Display of Power is hands down one of the best albums I've listened to across all genres...heard it when I was a teen and within the last year, it completely holds up.

(Also just posting to follow / go through recommendations. I've gotten more into metal in recent months as well, with Deftones being my favorite.)

DNA1 31 points ago +31 / -0

Not really, but it amazes me that someone with so many skeletons in their closet would choose to prosecute a billionaire on such flimsy grounds. I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality.

Bonus, courtesy of ZeroHedge - https://twitter.com/mazemoore/status/1758180907796598934

2020. Fani Willis is asked why the people of Fulton County should support her for District Attorney.

"Because they deserve a DA that won't have sex with his employees, because they deserve a DA that won't put money in their own pocket."

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's also an eco-terrorist among other things, which are part of the territory of "liberal nut wing".

I was simply crediting a few outlier excellent positions like the aforementioned vax and hard stance against some of the 3-letter agencies. There's probably a few others like border control.

DNA1 42 points ago +43 / -1

I didn't watch the game, but even if the ad did "hurt" his family members, then good. Fuck them.

His siblings, etc., are human refuse who deep throat the vax, deep state, etc., and happily threw him under the bus by stating that his views didn't represent the Kennedy family / he was a black sheep / so on.

RFK Jr. is very much a liberal nut wing, but as far as a politician goes, he's as decent of a modern day Democrat you can reasonably expect.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

They really love Attack on Titan so I got them the first volume omnibus and I’m told they absolutely love it.

Isn't this series supposed to have a completely abysmal ending? From the little I know about the plot concept and end, I hope for their sake that they have short attention spans.

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conversely DOA6's support of an ala carte model was actually more fan friendly than microtransaction practices of other games.

I mean, Koei Tecmo is greedy as fuck - see the hair color change DLC as prime example - but their issue is that they were ahead of their time.

Other franchises in fighting games are as equally predatory (ex: recent "coins" saga), but are able to do it with far less of a PR disaster.

DNA1 8 points ago +8 / -0

he thought of the girls as his daughters and they were meant to be pretty and happy, not sad and damaged.

Wasn't that Itagaki? He left after DOA4 and DOAX2. Shimbori was a prominent part of DOA5 and the main lead for DOA6, which introduced the ultimates and "cool" gore. I wouldn't be surprised if Shimbori said it though, was a decent guy even if mislead by bad actors.

The unmentioned "core values" Evo controversy isn't even worth getting into. The scene acts so hypocritcal when it comes to DOA vs. other franchises.

Anyway, it's such a waste for the series to go down the drain; beautiful aesthetics and fun and fluid action, which moving forward may very well be solely delegated to far more profitable gacha (DOAX VV).

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. Coincidentally I happen to have Hades on it; the artwork disgusted me, so I didn't progress much into it.

DNA1 7 points ago +7 / -0

There have been some hospitals under Kaiser Permanente enforcing masking in recent months, same for some universities, rumor about it coming back to flights (hasn't happened yet), etc.

Next year is another election and ballot stuffing has never been easier than with mail-in votes as observed in 2018 and peaked in 2020; Lindell had a recent win in court, but since the S.C. didn't take it up in 2020/2021, you know justice will remain dead. Biden is even more unelectable than his 2020 run, so it's a must for our political overlords.

I 100% expect lockdowns in some forth to come back over the next calendar year, and will be pleasantly surprised if that DOESN'T happen.

You look at the NY ruling on isolation & quarantine procedures, and wonder if it isn't a coincidence. It could be, since they want that power no matter what, but you might as well expect the worst.

Somehow, my company did not enforce vax mandates last time. Over the next year, I expect some form of scamdemics to recur, and end up self-employed due to corporate policy changes. Assume the worst and financially prepare in case.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Larry Summers is on the new board, as Altman continues to be pushed as some sort of AI messiah for the common man.

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Besides the other suggestions, a premium Malwarebytes license might also be helpful.

DNA1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women's curling, much like women's volleyball, is infinitely more watchable than baseball if one had to watch a sport.

DNA1 11 points ago +11 / -0

Even without testing it, I have complete confidence that anything that does actual real journalism (The Epoch Times), even if greatly editorialized at times (ZeroHedge....) is guaranteed to be on the list. Especially if they cover the CCP and Wuhan Flu, never mind the myriad of other topics like 'climate change'.

Wonder how it handles sites like Substack -- blanket ban, or by specific creators? I'm guessing they nuke the entire domain, since it poses too much threat.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

U.S. politicians have been trying to push the alien agenda hard 'subtly' in recent years. That's how even the biggest 'conspiracy theorist' has to know it's all fake and gay.

DNA1 42 points ago +42 / -0

Subnautica's sound director was fired for "hateful statements":

The tweets appear to have been discovered following the resurfacing of a 2016 poll made by game director Charlie Cleveland. The poll asked if players would rather have the ability to “play as a woman” or have developer Unknown Worlds “improve [the] core game.” Cleveland subsequently deleted the poll, to which Chylinski had responded in 2016, “we need a ‘diversity’ slider in the options. It will make the character progessively [sic] darker more feminie [sic] and less sexy.”

I have Subnautica 1 lying around from when I "bought" it, and the sound quality was excellent. Never played much of it, it's on the back burner, but it's not surprising that the sequel tanked given the firing.

DNA1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Youjo Senki aka The Saga of Tanya the Evil for action.

I don't like the genre, but it's unavoidable and I read plenty of them in WN/LN format, sticking to the 'quality' works once found.

This is an outlier where I haven't seen the source but rather anime form...which is personally difficult to tolerate in isekais.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

CDC has been beating the drum on yearly CCP Flu COVID shots again recently. Surprising that it hasn't happened yet, but it's still a matter of time. I'm down for signing up the NPCs to the safe & effective dystopian future that they supported.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Violet Evergarden, it's a bit of a contrived tear jerker but it's uniformly well received.

DNA1 12 points ago +14 / -2

Nothing, see SkullGirls controversy (+ no refunds), BLM troll game surviving infinitely long due to their woke employees, and another fresh example of their authoritarianism - https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2023/07/13/aquaplus-ecchi-dungeon-travelers-series-steam-release-cancelled-due-to-guidelines/

Everyone at Valve can go fuck themselves. Pirate everything. Buy on other platforms (DMM, DLSite, Johren, etc.).

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