Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.
It's interesting how people demand diversity in everything, and then turn around and throw this dismal uniform aesthetic at everyone.
No, he's gonna bite it and Harris will be president. Don't pretend it's not obvious.
I really hope Megaman doesn't take another brunt of awful....
I look forward to the new, inclusive Cassia skins in Heroes of The Storm.
I'm a dumb. Sorry.
I gathered that much. I was kinda hoping to see the actual graph....
Sauce, please?
We're feeling the aftereffects of a society that's decided everyone is responsible for everyone else's actions EXCEPT the person actually committing the act.
Weekend at Biden's
The homosexuality thing was in the first game (good luck continuing your family line when you have an innate aversion to breeding, not that anyone thinks about these things logically.) But yeah, I was turned off getting the sequel too because they kept pushing the envelope. Glad to hear I'm not missing anything super special.
Father. Son. Holy Spirit.
2/3 male.
*Megaman Battle Network intensifies *
No reason to change it. My parents adopted kids from a neglectful/abusive household. Even though the mother was obviously unfit to keep them, the courts were still slanted in her favor, and she fought tooth and nail to keep her "property" dragging my folks through years of court battles.
Of course, once she finally lost, she dropped off the face of the earth, and would have nothing more to do with her kids. It's almost like she didn't care about them as people or something.
Maybe you should have included a /s in your post so people realized it was satire. /s
Projection at its finest.
Adam was the first simp. He put his trust in his woman rather than God.
Is this an out of season April fool's joke?
The dude is still successful despite multiple cancellation attempts. They must be desperate for his blood at this point.
Plausible Deniability? Feeding their Victim Complex? Putting off the scent? The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing?
Mind you, I don't think Jews as a whole are behind everything any more than I think women as a whole are behind everything. I'm just playing devil's advocate.
We're the kinds of people who go out of our way to be challenged in our free time.
I do pixel art and animation, and have a solid grasp of level design. I've got so many ideas knocking around for a game, but I can never seem to just sit down and work on them. I'd be willing to come aboard someone's else's team to get some solid dev experience.