I give it a piece of paper for a heart piece.
I've had a kids story kicking around in my head about a falcon, penguin, and peacock. They're best friends and are the best at flying, swimming, and being pretty respectively. Then a Huffy Puffin comes to their island and convinces each of them they're making their friends feel bad by being exceptional. So they stop doing what they love to "help" their friends, and the puffin steps in as the new best bird, even though she's just average in each category.
Turns out her sister leading the rebellion against her on Charn was so evil and terrible she did that world a favor by genociding all life with the Deplorable Word. Now she has to save Narnia from the tyranny of the cruel lion who magiciked it into existence for his own amusement.
Every day, I'm more and more glad that my parents homeschooled me.
The Green & Purple colors come from inspiration of those being the same colors used by the Women's suffrage movement.
Thanks, Doc.
There are a couple of good ones, but they're the exceptions that prove the rule.
Eh, depends. My grandma changed her name because she hated how it sounded more like a childish nickname then a real name. But that's different from "I'm a girl now. Call me Crystel UwU."
Godspeed, quantum intellectual.
I feel like I'm reading about the Time-Cube.
5$ Says his family was threatened.
Metroid was the only thing that really got me excited. Everything else ranged from "Okay" to "No thanks."
Can't really say I'm happy per se about Kazuma in Smash, but at least Tekken has the pedigree for it. The trailer was a lot of fun, and he is another villain. It helps that I resigned myself to the fact Smash DLC is just for anime characters now, so my expectations were lower than sea level. Now I just have to wait for whatever wet fart they end on this time.
A lot of the "Reveals" just seemed to be stuff we already knew about, which was disappointing. BOTW2 looks alright, but I'm not sure what all the delays were about.
I'm a Nintendo boy through and through, so I haven't cared about much so far beyond the Mario + Rabbids sequel Ubisoft announced.
I don't have high hopes for anything worthwhile to be announced, though....
sonic bad
harley quinn good.
I was homeschooled. I was around other kids all the time in youth group and homeschool group and the like. I turned out socially awkward just because I'm socially awkward. If I had been in public school, I'd have been eaten alive.
Glad I switched to Little Caesars as my preferred pizza place.
inb4 they go CRT too....
I'm tired of seeing deconstructions of archetypes. Where are the reconstructions? What happened to things like Astro City?
Demoman was supposed to be a joke!
Because why else would Drake and Launchpad be living together if they're not having sex on the side? Next you'll be telling me Batman doesn't have a deep, sexual relationship with Robin. /s
We just have to hope they end up overplaying their hand.
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
The Fed doesn't control everything. That's the whole point of being United STATES.
Bacterium with human DNA that will grow into a human being if left to its own devices.
How absolutely horrifying.
I swear, I learned about antibodies when I was like eight years old.
Of course, I was also homeschooled.
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