"I'm starting to feel like the world doesn't want me in it."
A sane world wouldn't. You managed to fuck up in one of the few ways anyone with your amount of privilege points still can. Bye now.
Immersion matters. Leave it to them to ignore the guidelines for creating a work of fiction.
Just wait until you get the notice that your project is canceled before it gets a beta build.
This would require playing the games, which would ruin their skimming reddit for current 'hot thing' nuggets, funny screenshots, and edgelord comments to write filler articles about.
Kotaku writers are the type of people who would see playing video games as actual labor, and even more so if those are games they wouldn't pick for themselves. The "life is strange" crowd would see playing Helldivers as doing hard time.
Yeah but at least she has an arc through the series and it comes to an end. It's more about the lasting impact on Cal Kestis than herself.
It's a good game if you can stand Debra Wilson, who everyone complains about. Her character is tolerable in this series since they don't make a thing out of her race at all. The game is fun, though some of the maps get annoying if you're going for 100%. BD-1 is a bro.
It's not half bad. They do nail the characters, it's not woke, it's got tons of licensed 80s tunes in it, and it's a fairly long ride with a lot of cameos in it. The combat is kind of vanilla at times but it's not a slog. I even laughed at the jokes more than a few times. It's worth a play through.
When liberals feel like someone has their backs, they immediately turn into angsty, entitled teenage edgelords; lashing out, cursing, insulting, and no longer attempting to make valid arguments. Deep down they're all feral and waiting for someone to tell them that their instability is a virtue.
It doesn't convey well in text but I use the term in a derogatory sense against anyone dumb enough to prefer it. Adding X to your identity screams that you revel in victimhood, and are willing to water down your own heritage in order to feel sorry for yourself. It's a pretense of being a member of some exotic but crushed people, lost to the ages because of some unnamable wrong that's definitely not your fault so everyone everywhere should feel bad for you forever.
I do not hate Latins. All are different and respectable in their origins. The term denies them that.
Nothing says "we're the good guys" like pre-committing yourself to be as toxic and harmful as possible to people whose views you disagree with.
They took a few jabs. "The American dream doesn't come in our color!"
Ironically the one with an all-Latinx cast, set on an island that is all their own, taking time to complain about the US, turns out to be the worst entry in the series by a mile.
Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that doing so is blahblahphobic?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature and odd choice to invent some grievous offense.
Some SJW at Marvel definitely orgasmed while writing this garbage.
So you chose a wide array of all sorts of dysfunctional people and invited them to bring all their issues with them to add to your project, pleasing nobody. Well done.
It's basic writing and laziness that the diversity hires who threw it together don't understand. The first one uses the music to move the story and demonstrate a motivation. The second one flat out interrupts everything to just put words on the screen in the least entertaining conceptually bankrupt way, and it's all CG to begin with so it's extra lazy and annoying, obviously shoehorned in to eat running time.
Galactica s1 was the best. Every episode raised the stakes. Otherwise you're correct.
The Kazon makeup from Voyager looked so terrible, as if on shoot day they realized they hadn't actually designed anything about how they should look so they used leftover bits left around the wardrobe and fx shops.
I'm all for it. Make the LGBT a fourth enemy faction. It makes perfect sense: they try to claim every inch they can and their position is the polar opposite of Super Earth ideals. Throw that flag on the illegal broadcast tower.
"We've got cockships inbound carrying two heavy dilators! EAGLE ONE, I need that saltpeter barrage NOW!"
Wouldn't a prerequisite be proving climate change and then demonstrating cattle production's direct result being a percentage of that impact? All they have is charts and theory.
"This is clear cut case of poorly maintained sidewalks, plagued by weathering and neglect, by the city's poor planning and lack of upkeep, and failure to enforce proper footfalls upon these cracks, directly resulting in multiple mothers developing spinal injury!"
It takes a special type of person to see a request for financial help making potato salad, see that the goal has been overshot by many thousands of dollars, and then decide to send money anyway because it's funny.
Eli Roth directing. Jack Black as Claptrap. Kevin Hart is in it. Zero chance it's good.
Every gamer out there should be considered qualified. We are all well aware, painfully aware, of these topics and their impact on every aspect of gaming including sales, community impact, and established canon. We're up to date and selecting product based on advanced identification hueristics. We're networked and constantly renewing consensus. All we need to do is come up with a legit sounding name.