Constipatriot 42 points ago +42 / -0

History purists will hate it. Anime fans will hate it. Common sense people will hate it. The Japanese will hate it. This officially has nothing for everyone.

Constipatriot 18 points ago +18 / -0

Just like professor X, it's acceptable when they do it because they know what's best for the greater good whether you like it or not. Don't be closed minded, bend your mind over and spread your lobes.

Constipatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

There are things here that barely deserve mention. Like nobody else would have ever stumbled upon the doorstop, pencil sharpener, bottle cap, hairbrush, or the mind expanding glory of the mop. True genius.

Also, weren't jews claiming that one of them invented the cellphone? They've paraded that out there before.

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

That they were great is the disaster that going woke brings. If they'd always sucked nobody would care. Nobody misses Go-Bots or that Ghostbusters cartoon with the gorilla.

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire plot of the Injustice game series is because Joker decided to fuck with someone else for a change and "try things on easy mode" so he set Superman up to kill Lois and Supes didn't see through it like Batman would have. He'd never dealt with anyone on that level before and was broken in the first round.

Constipatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the drama surrounding her originally came out, she got an offer from whatever porn company to do work for them. At the time I figured it was a gimmick offer - they did the same for 15 minute famers like Octomom, John Bobbitt, and Scotty Schwartz (yes, the kid from A Christmas Story.) But now I kind of get it.

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you allow a woman do this to you, you are one step away from getting pegged. If you don't at least question it first, you are probably fine with getting pegged.

Constipatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

So many of them are such true believers that they'll swear allegiance to whoever CNN puts in front of them. The same people who insisted that Biden is a genius, he just has a speech impediment, he's misunderstood, he's so far beyond us that's why he said that. He could take a dump on stage and they'd call it performance art. He could have a conversation with someone who is literally not there and known to be dead, and they'd claim he has psychic powers.

But looking back, nobody was a Biden fan before he was nominated. Once he was propped up, they fell in line as sycophants do. It's not about the person with them, it's about the party. It's the same reason they had Fetterman, a verified retard, installed to the senate seat via mail in manipulation rather than allow a regular guy from the other side have it fairly.

Constipatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's fucked up that Spider-Man 2 had that awful costume that covered everything except that goofy hairstyle.

Constipatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

And he's DLC this time around so of course people will line up to enrich their purchase with his diversity.

The thing is, I never had a problem with Eddy. I never cared that he was black and his being black was never the focus of his inclusion, but now I guess it's acceptable if they transparently hold him back to charge for him.

Constipatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

My takeaway is that they assume we cry and scream and roll around on the floor like they do when we see something we disagree with, and they consider these things a decisive victory to pride themselves on as if it was through their own action.

Constipatriot 12 points ago +12 / -0

This comes off as if he's trying to talk someone out of using powers if they had them but grasping at straws as for reasons why, trying to frame it as if their lives weren't changed and they'd still be dependent on mundane jobs and traditional transportation. The notion of transcending these things is what makes these powers appealing to begin with. It's like trying to talk a bird out of using its wings because everything they need to survive is on the ground.

Constipatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everyone seemed to know the movie was shit except anyone involved in its production. When the review came out that dropped the phrase "this movie subverts expectations in amazing ways" as a backhanded code for 'disappoints and underwhelms' while still rating the movie A++, it confirmed that we were going to be in the shit over the franchise permanently going forward.

Constipatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

This must be why 'Glen or Glenda?' was a box office smash that put Ed Wood at the top of the industry.

Constipatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it was Rob Schneider who said a few years ago after their big anniversary special that the show has devolved into spouting liberal talking points in the most condescending way possible and the audience is just obediently clapping to show their approval for the rhetoric. There's no longer any attempt at comedy.

by Daucus9
Constipatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Suicide Squad will get coverage because Palworld is mainly big on PC. Yes, it's on Xbox, but their market share is in the toilet. You'll hear about Suicide Squad because it's a dumpster fire and because WB is already pumping money into having it covered. The new TV spots are cringe as fuck.

You should be more concerned with Palworld's success coming from an almost accidental direction. They were just winging it but stumbled onto a great formula for fun and a solid gameplay loop. A lot of indy games that pull this off tend to either collapse under their own weight or get bought out. With the game being built as a kind of punk project with an admittedly undertrained team, the temptation is going to be strong.

Constipatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

B&N owned Gamestop. They used the same business model of buying out the competetion to build it up. At some point Gamestop may have separated from B&N but for the longest time if you worked at one you could get employee discounts at both.

Constipatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if it'd be possible to buy a portion and then sue for fiduciary dereliction on the basis of them filtering virtually all of the content on the site to a single political party's approval.

Constipatriot 27 points ago +27 / -0

HBO is completely lost. Their entire lineup is just woke garbage and lefty talk shows like Bill Mahr and John Oliver.

Funny story, I walked in on my mom watching episode 1 of the Last of Us. I warned her it was full of gay shit but left her to it. She fell asleep but woke up 2 episodes later to wake up in the middle of what she described as graphic gay porn. Only after this did she agree to let me cancel the subscription.

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had this. When it got stale I was trying to sell it to a friend. His mom, who was super religious, freaked out that it mentioned "monsters" on the box. "Oh I don't know! This sounds dangerous and impure!"

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

These weren't unknown but maybe overshadowed, or just before a lot of people's time. Random titles I never hear anyone mention (will probably update):

Bioforge, Tenchu, Phantasmagoria, Sanitarium, Haunting (starring Polterguy!), Stonekeep, KKND, Master of Magic (this is more old than unpopular), Afterlife, Descent: Freespace/Freespace 2

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