BulbasaurusThe7th 31 points ago +31 / -0

Is she too fucking fat to walk out of the room? To put in earbuds and do her thing? Plus, for these creatures everything is sexist. It was probably a perfectly normal movie. She just couldn't deal with others actually having fun. Not even her own family. No, they all need to be unhappy and offended at all times.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

I just told my mother about that idea. Her face was absolutely priceless.

Especially funny knowing Facebook just got hacked. I sure want my noods, paired with my actual identity to be free for hackers and anyone they share with.
Then again, not sure it would be worse than the actual people working for Facebook having them....

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have never done drugs, this is the kind of mistake I would make. Biden so relatable, UWU.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

That is where you made a mistake. Twitter cancellers are largely the political and social elements Reddit admins support. You can't tell them to shut it. They should be allowed to form the society of any country as they wish, because they are on "the right side of history".

BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

So now we like the Japanese, cool. They are muhsoggykneest and horrible and YUCK unpack that, but they can be wielded as weapons to silence people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +28 / -3

Why are you surprised Pikachu that Conspiracy involves politics, though? What did you expect? Rehashed conversations about the Berenstain Bears?

BulbasaurusThe7th 57 points ago +62 / -5

But... BOTH SIDES!!!!!

Fuck these cunts, they just want a libtard light version of reddit. If I hear one more "I hate SJWs, but like... I am a turbo atheist, who wants "free" everything, trannies everywhere, I support all weird sexual perversions, marriage is evil, I totally support feminism, everyone should be a whore, no borders, fuck the police, I adore Islam, veganism is the way, etc." idiot, I will scream.
They always act like little bitches the moment you dare to speak up about their shit. Then they claim it's totally both sides. BULL. Fucking. SHIT.

If I sperged all day about some mystical totally real right wing crypto Nazis, they would never care.

EDIT: As a sidenote, which Admin is trying to fuck a tranny? Every time some shit like this happens, one of the admins is trying to fuck some ugly, horse faced dude pretending to be an anime girl.
Fess up, which one of the limp dicks is trying to pick up a dude in knee socks on Discord?

BulbasaurusThe7th 50 points ago +50 / -0

E-celebs are not known because they have a very defined personality and a lot of backbone. They just hop on whichever dick is coming up right now. Social movements, trends, tags. They do whatever is running now.
They will not do controversial or underground things. They will not have strong values. If next week walking around with a turd on your head is big, I can bet my ass on them doing it.

Many of them also count on becoming tradmedia. Do you think some beauty guru would not suck the dick of the Weinstein-of-today for mainstream roles? HAH? Why do you think e-celebs who are controversial still manage to win awards? (James Charles, constantly in scandals about trying to bone underage boys just won a Nickelodeon award.) They like the benefits of e-celebness, but many want to get a place among the real ones.
So of course they suck up to the owners of tradmedia, aka old lib jews.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

As retarded as they are, they don't need others to make their lives unlivable. They are more than willing to do it to themselves, the absolute cretins.
In 2021 we have to praise grown adults for DRINKING WATER, because muh mental health. Just grab a glass. You don't have to fight off gators and walk 10 miles to get your drinking water.

BulbasaurusThe7th 55 points ago +55 / -0

Young people are conditioned to freak about giant things, but ignore the things close to them.
Save society, but they can't be bothered to be nice to people close to them. Save the environment, but don't freaking make your immediate surroundings livable. Care about every weird sexuality and gender and never assume, but refuse to understand where your own parents are coming from.

This plays into that perfectly.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that shit. A bunch of Tumblr tier "artists" add those things into their characters as well, which is always funny.

Also, how dare you fuck crazy gals? What about Sophie???

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

I'm not going to talk about why BLM are retarded clowns, we all know.

But man, is that ugly. Who did that? The kid who sat behind me in 8th grade biology? I swear to god, they always make people look bad when they try to "amplify minority artists". Or black people have potatoes for hands according to these libs?
The placement is god awful, it literally lacks any form of composition or thought into the shape of the bus. It's ass level "art".
Then again, these are the people trying to tell you rap about genitals is music and breathlessly screaming is poetry. The assification of culture and public taste continues, thanks to libs using minorities. THANK YOU.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

Eyebrows are binary.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some of those, yes. Believe it or not, we used to have a lot of emo girls back when I was like 14. Of course a lot of it was bullshit, like they had these tiny cat scratch things or not even that.
Teenagers being absolute retards happens here as well. The difference is, we don't amplify those retards too much. It's okay to say a teenager is an idiot and should STFU. People have them more in context, I think.

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