Brennus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anyone else doing that would make sense. But given your post history I don’t think anyone would believe there is a woman you consider a friend.

Brennus 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have laws against cruel and unusual punishment for our prisoners… why subject them to him. Can’t we send him on an all expenses paid one way trip to some place with much stricter punishments against theft and let that country deal with it? Surely that is less expensive than keeping him in our prisons.

Brennus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not understand how people can honestly say they believe Biden was a better choice for president over Trump. Even if you ignore his whole history of being a corrupt piece of shit, his history of wild incompetence and straight lying on things easy to verify as a lie, if showing someone a picture of this creep and saying Biden thought this dude should be in charge of how the nation regulates the disposal of nuclear waste doesn’t convince you the man is incompetent and unfit to lead nothing will.

Brennus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thats such a Hollywood view of “normal people” the avg middle class blue collar American has brand loyalty to a car brand and hates people who doesn’t also have that same brand loyalty. My immediate family has had very unfortunate luck with Chrysler/jeep/dodge vehicles and the Ford we owned was a pain to work on… so it’s Chevy and foreign made cars as our preference just because of our negative experience with the other 2 major US brands. We harbor no ill will to other people who purchase other brands. In college me and a friend had some light ribbing over her preference of Ford trucks and mine towards Chevy but neither one of us legitimately thought less of the other for it. It was just something to joke about.

But the avg middle class person is definitely cool with whatever social degeneracy Hollywood is in favor of in x year. As long as that person drives the same kind of car as them

Brennus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did anyone ever say some people could not? This is an annoying thing sjws do. Take a claim that some people aren’t allowed to do x and they should be able to. When in reality no one was stopping anyone from participating in x event in the first place.

Brennus 7 points ago +7 / -0

The majority of women I know are not obese…. So not sure how making an ad with a fat girl in a video game will get them to like video games

Brennus 6 points ago +6 / -0

They have been trying to loosen them. They just repealed the Jim Crow era law requiring permits to purchase pistols. And there is progress on them passing constitutional carry.

I have never understood how NCs governor got elected 2 times both of which were during elections where Trump won the state. Who was out there saying they liked Trump and also Roy cooper?

Brennus 3 points ago +4 / -1

The increase in Hispanic numbers for republicans also scares them that the illegal immigration that they have encouraged could very easily back fire and instead of turning red states near the border blue it could possibly turn blue states red. And that scares them

Brennus 4 points ago +4 / -0

So one wasted more money and more time of their soldiers better? Good for Russia I guess? Military parades are dumb.

Brennus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Or even more reasonably asking “why does a for profit, publicly traded company give this out for free? Am I the product” we know how how FOSS are funded like linux distros, libre office, Apache, blender, gimp, etc. through donations, merch, support subscriptions. Google is selling your info. Good enough as any reason to not use their products. And how many different devices are you reasonably working on throughout the day? Word processor files are tiny.

by folx
Brennus 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ai is most likely trained on their crap writing.

Brennus 11 points ago +11 / -0

I know that was written as a profile description. 15 years ago that would read as a negative review

Brennus 6 points ago +6 / -0

What people stop playing the single player game after they beat it?

Brennus 18 points ago +18 / -0

“We are never going back to the sexist early 2000s era of gaming”

We will and the first one that does will make bank

Brennus 6 points ago +6 / -0

We already had terms for that men and women for adults, boys and girls for adolescence.

by folx
Brennus 20 points ago +20 / -0

“Hey why did you make my Cuban sandwich with lettuce, ketchup, and kimchi”

“Cuban sandwiches should be for everybody”

Same kind of stupid response. The story is the recipe. Stop messing with the recipe.

Brennus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Every couple of years some troon makes this claim out of nowhere

Brennus 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s not the fault of video games though. StarCraft didn’t force them to starve to death, bad life choices did.

Brennus 17 points ago +17 / -0

Communist would be experts on killing. It’s all their ideology has ever done.

Brennus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Agreed. He has been constantly dancing around trans Twitter overly vocally on trans issues for someone who does not admit to being trans. Trans Twitter rejects him because he refuses to admit it. A while back there was an argument going on if John was trans or not and it was a three way argument of no “Brianna wu is a woman” “ I thought it was a known fact Wu is trans” and “Wu is trans but not “out” trans so we must pretend that Wu is not trans.” So many clowns for It not to be a circus.

Brennus 10 points ago +10 / -0

lol. Such a great business strategy of we need our competitors to sell out and hope someone buys our crap instead of just ordering it online.

Brennus 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wu would be pissed by being called they. Wu has never admitted to being born a man despite anyone with eyes can see that. I know it’s impossible for you to imagine but a singular they in the past has been used as a derisive way of referring to someone unimportant before the rainbow mafia started acting like you can choose the pronoun other people use to talk about you when you are not around.

What exactly am I outing myself for? I’ve got a pretty clear post history of disliking John Walker Flynt “Wu.” But have fun being a grammar Nazi.

Brennus 11 points ago +11 / -0

By their logic the industry is doing great. They are just too stupid or to dishonest to admit that their competitors are healthier than it has ever been and that they are spiraling the drain.

Brennus 7 points ago +7 / -0

That probably accelerated. But there was a huge shift to manga in the 00’s before SJWs and Marxist had fully taken control of the reigns at marvel and DC.

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